
Saturday, October 8, 2022

CALL ON LIGHT WORKERS BY SERAPHYS BEY Master Choham of the Flame of Divine


Master Choham of the Flame of Divine Purity @ Great White Brotherhood Universal
Among so many of his roles, he is a MILITARY DISCIPLINER OF THE FORCES OF LIGHT, Peace and Universal Liberty.
3rd of October
We are here among you, and first I bring an orientation and an appeal, the time has come for all light workers to serve, the time has arrived for all who have been prepared for this moment, to dedicate.
The time has come for all those who have been brought on earth, for this one now, for the great events that would be here, to offer up your gifts!
We need all those who belong to the CRYSTALINE WHITE FLAME, to practice daily encouragement to the planet, and especially to Brazil.
What is about to happen in this country will affect the whole world, everything conquered here will reverberate everywhere on this planet, directly or indirectly.
You understand, Brazil is the heart of the world, and if a heart is sick, the body will suffer, the heart needs to stay healthy and functioning well, to be able to influence the rest of its system.
We all need to roll up our sleeves and work on prayer fervently, every day and that all those who have a great bond to the CRYSTAL WHITE FLAME anchor their light and power to this planet, this country now, so that it may s it's in transparency with everyone the facts and acts, happening here right now, let there be total transparency. When we speak transparency, we say it's time for everything to come to the surface. And it is in the strength and power of the CRYSTAL WHITE FLAME that all will Unravel.
Remember my true role as Master Choham of the CRYSTAL WHITE FLAME, I Am the mentor and discipler of the angelic celestial militias of all the armies of the hierarchy of higher light. All will happen in the flow and power of the CRYSTAL WHITE FLAME.
Light descends to the earth now and here it is established to drive all necessary developments and events, so that all keys that need to be opened, in light and transparency everything changes.
There is no other way, many of God's children on earth, right now are shaken, wounded, hurt and without the strength to continue abandoning their faith.
Therefore we have come to make a grand appeal to all lightworkers, those who have the role of lightworkers from their inception and whose lives have been on earth to serve in this way.
This is the time they were warned in many ways, by various messages of light. It's time to regain memory of all that has already been said and said.
It's time to review all received guidance and compile everything in your unconscious and understand the divine plan.
Accept, accept and serve in the light of God the Father and the Mother for that is why you are here, to serve the Divine Plan.
Peace of Christ in every quadrant of the Earth, in the name of Light, Seraphys Bey I Am.
Plumbing by Josemery Resnauer- Curitiba- PR.

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