
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Sophia ~ Definition of a Li*ght*Worker & THEVENT


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SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 24 - Galactic Activation


Holy Moly The internet is buzzing with speculation of the powerful date of September 24. It is rumored that much will begin to be revealed on this date - September 24.

AREN'T WE THE LUCKY ONES! We get to hear from Ismael on this propitious date.

Be ready to ask your questions during the webinar. Or you can send your questions in advance ( I will do my best to collect and organize the most popular questions for Ismael. Don't miss this chance to ask your questions.

Thank you for supporting PAO by attending our webinars, you keep PAO afloat. Thank you.

Selamat Ja!

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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for September


We at PAO are honored to welcome ISMAEL PEREZ as our webinar guest

Ismael Perez is an awakened starseed who retains memories of a war waged in our galaxy eons ago. For many years he has been receiving galactic and cosmic intelligence. Inevitably, Ismael’s messages remind us of those Sheldan received from the Galactic Federation.

As one of many cosmic ambassadors incarnated in the here and now, his mission is to help restore Gaia to her rightful place in the galactic community. He is the author of a recent book, Our Cosmic Origin, which took him ten years to write.


Ismael will answer many of our urgent questions about Gaia's PAST, PRESENT and, especially, our FUTURE.

Please join us as we discover this new and exciting voice of galactic progress, unity and peace!

Subjects to be discussed:

How he became a cosmic ambassador
Earth's History and Our Human Origins
Where we come from and why we are still in 3D
A cosmic take on our chaotic world
Exploring solutions for improving our existing system
An explanation of how and when we will evolve to a higher level of consciousness

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note: Webinar date change.

SATURDAY, September 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Saturday, September 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Sophia ~ Definition of a Lightworker

Source: Sophia Love


It is the One. Hello Sophia.

Hello. I have some questions.

Yes. Proceed.

I am hearing about a solar flash. Will you explain what is going to happen? The dates and predictions are for sometime within the next six weeks. Thank you.

There are interpretations that are accurate and some that are deliberately placed and inaccurate. I will confirm a celestial event. I will not comment on the timing of such an event, but that does not mean that there isn’t a specificity to it. There is. It will not be stated or speculated here as that is not the purpose of this conversation.

What happens at the onset of the event and immediately following it is a correction. You may or may not be aware of all that is changing when the event occurs, yet you’ll be aware of the finality of it; all of you will.

This is upcoming and has been written in indelible ink. It will happen.

Will you tell us what it will look like and feel like for those of us on earth?

It will be felt differently/experienced differently by each one according to their readiness and comprehension of what is taking place. It will also depend on their life’s plan.

Once it occurs, you’ll all have no doubt that everything has changed. To describe it physically to you is not possible. This event has not happened to the race yet and words for it will be introduced after it occurs.

This is not something to fear. Realize that all descriptions of it are speculations based on visions or dreams or in some cases direct information. They may or may not describe what it is you’ll experience.

Yet there will be an event that will change everything. Of that you can be certain.

So, you cannot say anything about timing?

No, not at this moment.

What about the predictions for September 24 and various other dates in September and October? Would you comment on that?

Only to say that the corrupted ones will attempt a retaliatory event and that the “white hats,” as you refer to them, are orchestrating many decisive announcements and proceedings of their own. We have addressed the possibility for both in prior conversations. They remain a part of the revelations and re-organization that happens now.


There is no sense in predicting precise dates. This alerts you, yet does not assist you. You are alerted already.

But you know.

At this late date, much is known precisely, yes.

Why not say it then?

Knowing a precise date will not help your organism, and your body is about to withstand an onslaught.

What? I don’t comprehend “onslaught.”

Now first of all, this is not to be tomorrow, but you are being prepared for an influx of light. (1)

You who are acknowledging your light essence while here on earth and now, will absorb, hold and radiate that light to a fuller degree than one who has not shown up for this “lightwork.” (2) You are called lightworkers for a reason ~ You Work for The Light.

This means that you recognize your essence, hold it, acknowledge it in yourself and in others, utilize in in your work (which is your life), and expand it wherever you are.

Why do you think you’ve been advised to meditate and calm and utilize pure and natural ingredients to nourish your organism? You are the host of the light. The progression and dissemination of it is your work. It is why you came.

Maintaining a steadfast heart and solid grounding in Truth is vital to your purpose. There has been an ongoing influx of light. It continues and increases because you are holding it, allowing it.

You’ve made room for the light my dear lightworkers. You’ve expanded the light. The light remains and the light increases because of you.

Think about the darkness that you are eradicating. It is erased with light; your light.

In the grand story of Earth’s/Humanity’s Awakening, specific dates carry little power. Knowing these dates increases the focus and therefore the influence of whatever is to transpire.

Far better to remain prepared and when something does occur, from that prepared state of being ~ move directly towards purpose. In your case, my dear lightworker, the purpose is to expand the light, spread your love and to offer Truth, compassion and fortitude.

Knowing who you are will be a useful attribute when any of these events occur. You are the Light.

You will see. You will know.

Thank you.

Here there was a visual of a stream of consistent light, which is happening for us right now. This gradually increases, building up to a massive influx at a specific moment.

There is no judgment in these words. What happens now does so according to what is physically possible or physically not possible. This is a matter of choice.

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Source: Michelle Fielding

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Pleiadian Message for September

Source: Christine Day (


Beloved ones we greet you,

You are being called forward within the vast spectrum of God consciousness light to begin to enter and anchor within a different arena of yourself. There is a parallel state of existence that is in essence a more complete multidimensional aspect of you. This higher state of your being has been directing you through intuitive guidance that you have been receiving within the space of your Heart. This guidance has brought to you a level of clarity, of inner knowing and a deepening of the understanding of your mission here on Earth. This guidance has been instrumental into you self-launching beyond the illusion of the drama in life, to align to the vast light of Truth which co-exists simultaneously here on the planet. You have been enabled to re-align yourself to paths of higher consciousness and growth beyond the 3rd dimensional drama, and this guidance has been providing you a support system of how to work with your human aspect.

The sum-total of your human experience and spiritual growth of remembering has brought you to where you are and who you are in this moment. We witness you and acknowledge your journey thus far, we honor your courage to walk on this pathway, of having your human experience on this earth plane. Meanwhile you are in the process of remembering the vastness of your own power, the full potential of your multidimensional beingness and moving into a place of self-realization within your sacred Heart.

We wish to encourage you into taking a next step of your path. Through a deeper understanding of your Ego mind’s process, by building your awareness you can move forward into another alignment process to your higher consciousness that works outside and independently from the Ego mind. The Ego mind is totally unaware of anything that exists outside the 3rd dimensional drama and illusion of your world. The only thing that your Ego mind knows is illusionary. All the limitations involving struggle, fear, lack and what has come before, as well as strongly holding onto ‘a story’ of what may come to pass in the future.

What is essential, for you to be clear how the Ego mind brings a very limited and negative focus into your life. Its decision making is always based on what has happened in the past or on a story about the future, founded on total illusion. The Ego has no capability of perceiving Truth.

The Ego minds dialogue is constantly reinforcing the existence of fear and lack in your day-to-day life. Know that in Truth, that you are not your Ego mind. The Ego mind’s story will always keep you small and limited. Your Ego mind will negate any experience that is beyond the 3rd dimension and will never acknowledge or ever understand the magic and power of your potential, that exists and arises within you.

Each individual moment is precious, every moment has a multidimensional potential. You have an unlimited potential to create from the very space that exists within the moment. Every moment there is a blank canvas in which you can create an expansive reality from your Heart’s desire. Truth can only be accessed in the moment, within your own Heart.

You are a creative being and now is the time for you to activate consciously your creative frequency and anchor that which is your desire for yourself. In Truth there is no past and no future, this moment is your only reality. Each moment is multidimensional, this means that as you focus within this moment in time, you can enter a timeless space of unlimited potential for yourself.

From one moment to the next you have an incredible space to create and plant seeds for your future. Like planting seeds in the ground, you plant your desires within the moment and set your desire in motion through that moment of existence. As you link into the frequency of the moment all things are made possible. This is because you enter a multidimensional frequency of your own light that allows a manifestation of your thoughts. Your higher light becomes the manifesting agent that interacts though the universal principles of anchoring light form into your world.

This is a natural creation principle being made self-realized through the space of your Heart. The energy of your desire is the active ingredient, which creates the elemental frequencies. Remember your Heart is your multidimensional tool. Within the space of this one ‘moment’ you begin to build the thought of your desire through your Heart. This can be achieved by allowing your desire to build like a wave, so that you are filled with an arising joy and energy as you create the details of your desire. Nothing is too large or too small. Whether you see sense or feel this desire activate does not matter. What is an essential step is for you to fully receive the moment and your creation essence in that moment however it presents. Then you simply let go, releasing the thought of the desire while honoring this moment knowing all is in hand.

Your Ego mind will not be able to relate to this creative process on any level and your Ego mind is not required for the success of the manifestation. Your Heart has always been fully engaged and active, holding pure alignments of action for this highly creative process through the universal principles of light. These energies of light become active and are made manifest into reality within your world through the initiation of your Heart’s desire and Conscious breath.

Remember your Ego mind was never designed to run your life, it was originally intended to support you in organizing your human aspect in the mundane 3rd dimensional details of your life.

There are many dimensional shifting potentials opening to you at this juncture on Earth as you begin to actively claim ownership of your multidimensional powers. This is your time to reclaim the space of light that you occupy within the universal frequency collective. This is about you choosing to reinhabit this space of Self; to coming Home within a higher spectrum of consciousness that is yours by birthright. As you actively begin to realign to the moments in your life, you naturally return to the higher vibrational settings within your multidimensional Heart. Like turning on a light switch you begin to reinhabit the sacred frequencies of your spiritual inheritance. This is the time for your returning. These are your original frequency settings of your own multidimensional light, likened to tuning yourself in like a radio, a natural recreation, the manifestation of your pure source intelligence being reopened.

There is much rejoicing at this juncture, there are a series of holy openings taking place within your planet and this will allow many of you to be launched to return within this higher paradigm of consciousness. This is an aspect of the promise held in place within the ‘new dawning’ prophecies of Earth. Be not discouraged by the 3rd dimensional upheaval and drama, this has no bearing on the higher realm reality. Witness the drama and the pure light prophecies taking place, understanding they run parallel within different multidimensional arenas; however, they do not influence each other.

Let go and be in your Heart. Allow the influences of the light, your light to bring you into higher pure alignments to Truth by simply aligning into the ‘moment’ creating manifesting through your Heart’s desire.

You are being held within a space of universal light to support you in launching yourself Home. We witness you in love


The Pleiadians

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