
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Qua*ntum Re*alm WHERE Time is Meaningless


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for September


We at PAO are honored to welcome a new and very special guest to our Webinar.

Ismael Perez is an awakened starseed who retains memories of a war waged in our galaxy eons ago. For many years he has been receiving galactic and cosmic intelligence. Inevitably, Ismael’s messages remind us of those Sheldan received from the Galactic Federation.

As one of many cosmic ambassadors incarnated in the here and now, his mission is to help restore Gaia to her rightful place in the galactic community. He is the author of a recent book, Our Cosmic Origin, which took him ten years to write.


Ismael will answer many of our urgent questions about Gaia's PAST, PRESENT and, especially, our FUTURE.

Please join us as we discover this new and exciting voice of galactic progress, unity and peace!

Subjects to be discussed:

How he became a cosmic ambassador
Earth's History and Our Human Origins
Where we come from and why we are still in 3D
A cosmic take on our chaotic world
Exploring solutions for improving our existing system
An explanation of how and when we will evolve to a higher level of consciousness

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, September 25, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday September 25, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


A short message from Ismael...

Earth's quarantine is officially over after12,000 years

Source: Ismael Perez

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Quantum Realm WHERE Time is Meaningless, is WHERE the Human Emotion Begins!

Source: Gregg Braden Official

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The Gates of Heaven on Earth are Opening

Source: James McConnell - KaRa of the Pleiades

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I am KaRa. I come to be with you at this time, at these special times that you are in. For indeed, everything is changing rapidly.

Truths are coming forward from many different directions, from many different sources. Light is coming in everywhere. Starseeds, Lightworkers, Light-Warriors, all of you are spreading this light, bringing the truth forward, bringing down the old paradigm of the third-dimensional illusion.

For as you know, as the vibrations continue to increase on the planet, the old vibrations of the third dimension must cease. That is what is happening now, causing great confusion, causing much tumultuousness across the planet as the end times continue to be revealed more and more, the end times of the old third dimension. Or, as Archangel Michael said recently, the game, the game is coming to an end. You certainly, all of you, are the catalyst to bringing the end to the old and for bringing on the new.

We, here in our ships, have been watching over you for quite some time now and preparing for those times that we indeed can be there with you in a physical nature. Those times approach more and more in what you call ‘disclosure.’

For even those ‘powers that be,’ soon to be the ‘powers that were.’ Even they know that those times are approaching. They will not be able to hold back our forces, our forces of light, our forces of love. For these are those special times that you have all been working for, all have been preparing for, preparing for your own personal ascension, yes. But also preparing for the collective ascension with man here on this planet.


For as there have been many wars across the galaxy and beyond this galaxy, Star Wars that you have heard about, seen and turned into a movie, all of that is real. It has been kept from this planet up until this point.

But the gates of heaven are opening now, gates of heaven on Earth are opening. Not to battle, not to wars, but to the Light streaming in from so many different sources. So that all of you will finally reach your destiny and be able to go about your mission as you are meant to. And I speak now of the final mission here on the Earth.

For as you know, after all of this comes to an end, and you begin the new beginning, you will have the choices to proceed as you will from there on. Whether it is to remain here in this beautiful new Garden of Eden, you on this planet, oi to find yourselves on your way back home to your long ago lost family.

Whatever it might be that you chose. That will be up to you, and no one else. For no one holds power over you unless you give them that power.

All of you know now that the power within you is greater than all of the power as it is endless. Rather, it is equal to all the power within the universe. For you hold that power. You hold that Source power within you. It is being released for you more and more now.

You are coming closer and closer to remembering who you are, why you were here, what this is all about, and how you, yourselves can continue to spread the light, spread the love to all areas of the planet, and bring this entire saga through to the end.

I am KaRa. And I leave you now in peace and love. And soon, very soon, we will find ourselves together once again.

Many of you will realize your connection with myself, many of my brothers and sisters, our brothers and sisters of the many different civilizations that are here to assist at this time.

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Source: Judith Kusel


It is the time of goodbyes and hellos.

Many souls will leave your life for they are not a vibratory match any longer.

Thank them for the soul lessons they brought, for the company they offered and for the services they rendered, and whatever else. Bless them with love, as you say your goodbyes, knowing that souls are eternal, and that in truth, you are merely saying: “Auf wiedersehn!” Till we meet again.

Welcome the new souls into your life and be open to new encounters with those souls who are on the same wavelenght and frequency as you are, who share the same vision and calling, or are just meant to be there for whatever reason and for whatever season, no matter for how long and for how fleeting this may be.

Have no attachments, and this also means no projections nor expectations.

For a new life is beginning for all of us.

It means being fully present in this moment, for this very moment embraces eternity, the infinite now.

Therefore, travel lightly.

You are on a totally new journey of discovery, exploration and therefore, in the here and now, you are transforming and so is everyone and everything.

Understand, that often, you will need to do the exploring and discoveries within yourself, within you, and with the company of heavens, and therefore alone time, silent time, is so necessary.

There is a blessing in solitude which goes way beyond that which any hu-man being can provide, for in solitude, quietude, one can travel the cosmic realms, and beyond the beyond.

More than this, embrace the Omnipotent Power of Love.

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