
Sunday, September 4, 2022

Breakthrough Tech*nolo*gies From The Oversoul Works


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Jared’s news makes my heart sing! He is such a positive and credible earth Angel. Thanks for having him on! I look forward to Ismael Perez next month! Bless you Colleen and Miles JudyH.


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?


It’s August and Jared Rand is back!

Jared called the other day and requested an invitation to be our PAO guest this month. He told us he has a message about Earth’s imminent future that PAO followers need to hear as soon as possible.

You know that Jared doesn’t joke about the future. When he says he has important news, we should listen intently.

Could humanity be at a turning point?

Jared Updates Us on the Future of:
• Our Political Systems
Changes Necessary to Combat Tyranny
• The Abundance Program
How, and When, a New System will Come About
• Our Health System
A Shift from Big Pharma to Natural Healing
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• Where Humanity is Heading Spiritually
A New Earth

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-53 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Source: John Smallman

Your Oneness has never been in doubt.


All is well, humanity is awakening very rapidly, even though perhaps that does not seem to be the case as you see and hear all the bad news in many areas of your planet on which the MSM and the social media continuously focus their and your attention. Place your trust where it belongs, in God, and in your own brilliant intuition where He is constantly offering you love and guidance. You know that you need to do this, and yet you allow your egos to fill your minds with ‘what if?’ thoughts that serve only to cause you anxiety, or even fear. You, every single sentient being, are at all times, in every moment present in the divine Presence from which it is impossible for you to be separated for even the most fleeting instant. You are One with Source – but asleep and dreaming that you are in an unreal world of pain and suffering – and He is most gently and lovingly nudging you into wakefulness. He will not force or coerce you to awaken because He utterly and completely honors your freedom to choose to awaken or to remain asleep. No one can sleep forever, and as humans you are well aware of this as you awaken from your night’s sleep to experience yet another day in form as humans. Collectively, you have chosen to awaken, and the vast majority of you are in the process of doing this. Only a very few have chosen to remain asleep, and that choice will be honored, but that choice will not in any way hinder or delay the collective awakening. All is indeed well.

All is indeed well! You are the beloved children of God forever enfolded within Her most loving embrace. An embrace that expands or contracts to allow you total –infinite – freedom of movement and expression, without ever leaving that divine embrace which is the absolute and infinite vastness that She created for you. Within that vastness – the infinite field of loving energy within which all sentient life, consciousness, awareness exists – you constructed an imaginary or unreal environment in which you collectively chose to undergo the unreal, unimaginable, and impossible state of separation from your Mother. Of course it never happened! What you constructed does not and never could exist, because it is unreal. Therefore you remain eternally safe and lovingly nurtured within Her infinitely loving and infinitely expansive divine embrace. You are always and eternally at Home! Therefore, fear not, ALL is abundantly well.

As you spend these last few hours – days, weeks, months, even years! – seemingly contained within the vast environment that is the universe that you constructed but a moment go, and which you have collectively chosen to dissolve as you awaken once more into the Reality from which you have never departed, relax in the knowing that all is not as it seems. Rejoice, therefore, celebrate, and delight in the knowing deep within yourselves – where for the most part you choose not to delve for fear of disturbing or destroying the illusion of separation – that you are awakening, that your awakening is inevitable because it is already divinely accomplished. You are just clinging to sleep like small children who do not wish to be awakened to go to school. You are not children – although as humans in form it does appear that very few of you have managed to fully mature and become wise and loving adults – and therefore you are utterly and completely free to make your own choices about what you wish to experience in every now moment, and then to instantly change those choices if they no longer please you.



You always have been and you always will be. So make choices that truly please you instead of ones that confuse you or fill you with fear, and know that your divine Mother is protecting you and looking out for you in every moment. You are Safe, you are Loved, and every need you could imagine you might have has already been provided for.

As you continue to live your human lives during these last moments of the imaginary game that you have been playing, you are going to come to a very clear understanding of the purpose of those human lives. The purpose was to experience the illusion of separation, and then, having done so, to awaken into the Reality from which you had never departed, and that is what you are now doing. The illusion you constructed appears to be inordinately real, and the aspect of time within it seems to move extremely slowly, especially when you compare the lengths of your individual lives to the length of time it has seemingly existed. And many of you are indeed coming to this essential realization, but feeling that your awakening is taking far too long. It does seem, if you use your human intelligence to ruminate and deliberate about the age of the universe, and about humanity’s present severely limited state of evolution – physical, emotional, and spiritual – that the prospect of true spiritual evolution is way beyond you. And it would be!

But, you are not human, you are divine beings in a state of very temporary confusion about the truth of who you are. Your awakening is the unavoidable realization that you do not need to evolve, because you already are perfect divine beings as created by God. You just need to relax and allow yourselves to acknowledge that you are in every moment held in the infinitely and eternal loving embrace of our Mother, who is Father, and God, and Source, and Love, and allow yourselves to feel that, to experience that as your awareness that “I am One” awakens you into the Reality in which you have always lived.

Your Oneness has never been in doubt. But the illusion you constructed has convinced you that you are, each and every one of you, tiny, inconsequential, and unworthy beings of whom God could not possibly be aware, let alone love with all Her Heart. Those of you who have or have had children know the overwhelming sense of love that you have for them. Well, it’s time for you to wake up to the realization that God’s love for you is immeasurably beyond the love you have as humans for your human children. You are Love, you are loved, and you are waking up to full awareness of that, of your true and unchanging nature as One with Source.

With so very much love, Saul.


Breakthrough Technologies From The Galactic Federation

Source: Aurora Ray

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The Galactic Federation has been monitoring humanity for many years now and is ready to make contact with humans. Their representatives are already here on Earth, observing the planet and monitoring our development.

The Galactic Federation is formed by a wide range of extraterrestrial races from all over the universe, with varying levels of spirituality and technology throughout. The most spiritually advanced races have spent many thousands of years at much higher frequencies than our own and have evolved to a state where they no longer have any need for violence or deception. For example, the Arcturians are a race of people who have reached this level of spiritual evolution.

The long-term goal of the Galactic Federation is to help guide humanity through its ascension process. All human beings will be invited to join the Galactic Federation once they have reached a certain level of spiritual development.

They are helping to protect our solar system from hostile extraterrestrial races and entities. The Galactic Federation also provides assistance in many other ways as well. One of the main ways it assists humanity is by getting rid of the old controlling systems on Earth (the old Cabal). They are helping humanity to create a new galactic society that will be based on peace, love, prosperity, harmony, and freedom for all.

The Galactic Federation wants to help humanity advance quickly in all areas of life. They want us to have access to their advanced technology so we can create a better world for all humans. They want us to have abundance so we can have everything we need and want in life without having to work hard or struggle for it all the time. They are helping us right now with this process by getting rid of the old control systems on Earth.

The Galactic Federation impacts humanity in several ways.

First, it will destroy the idea that we are alone in the universe. This paradigm shift will alter how we view ourselves, each other, and our planet. We are one people, and we are all accountable to the Earth. The sooner we recognize this, the sooner we can take action to ensure our continued survival as a species.

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Second, it will improve the quality of life on Earth by providing resources such as food, water, and energy. This will decrease poverty and reduce suffering around the world. It is also expected that with greater access to these resources comes an increase in longevity as well.

Thirdly, many breakthrough technologies will be shared in order to better our lives on planet Earth. There may be some sort of genetic enhancement or nano-machinery involved that could help humans live longer or even become immortal. This would usher in a new era for mankind where life expectancy is unlimited, and death becomes obsolete due to scientific advancements.

One of the biggest impacts that the Galactic Federation will have on humanity is the ability to travel in space. Previously, humans were limited by technology, but now they will be able to visit distant planets and explore new frontiers. Another aspect of this is an increased understanding of how we fit into the universe around us.

Energy is one of the most important resources on Earth, so it makes sense that it would be valuable throughout the galaxy. This means that there will be plenty of opportunities for humans to benefit from new forms of renewable energy, which could change our planet forever (and maybe even save it).

The most significant change will be the transition from a fossil fuel-based energy system to one that is unlimited and causes zero harm to the environment. The Galactic Federation has an energy technology that can easily replace all fossil fuel-based energy.

One very interesting aspect of this change is that the whole world economy will change dramatically when we are no longer dependent on dwindling supplies of fossil fuels. Many countries that have been held back by their reliance on fossil fuels will now be able to enjoy rapid economic growth now that they have access to free energy technologies.

This new energy technology will eliminate pollution, global warming, and greenhouse gases. The new system will have little impact on the environment, unlike fossil fuels, which have already caused significant damage to the planet.

Besides, the new energy system will be free for everyone to use and not controlled by rich and powerful interests who want to make money from it. The new technology is far more efficient than the current one, making it much cheaper for people to heat and cool their homes, run their businesses, and power their cars, trucks, trains, ships, and planes.

Another important benefit is that many people will no longer need to work in factories or offices because most manufacturing plants and other large facilities will have machines that automatically perform all tasks and functions. People who run these operations will instead be trained to focus on fixing higher technological machines when they break down and keeping them running smoothly every day.

The Galactic Federation will be introducing these advanced technologies to human society in a gradual manner so that it will not be disruptive and so that it can be fully integrated into our economic and social systems.

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


Bashar :: How The Oversoul Works - Highlights

Source: Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka

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