
Friday, August 12, 2022

SPACE ARKS AND GALAXY WARS ] *The Space Arks are gigantic Motherships buried underground for millions of years.


The Space Arks are gigantic "Motherships" or Motherships buried underground for millions of years.
It's like a similar to Noah's Ark (a ship that collected all the knowledge and biological material to be preserved in the disaster of the global flood). But in this case the Space Arks were built in other galaxies eons ago and our Creators, who are also called "Those who came down from heaven" or simply in Sumerian language "Annunakis", left all their knowledge, their technology to most precious, very rare giant crystals in the galaxy and a gigantic library with its knowledge accumulated over millions of years. The current knowledge of man in particle physics, molecular chemistry, genetics, science and advanced technology etc etc is only 2% of the knowledge there deciphered to today, the citizen standing only showed 0.1% of this knowledge wind. That's what these Space Arks contain, that's why they have so much value.
This technology and knowledge from the Space Arks will change everything on Earth, every inhabitant of the planet will be able to see with their own eyes, benefit from and manage all 2% of the technology deciphered to today and that was hidden from them.
These Arks were activated when the Intergalactic Confederation (24 most evolved civilizations in the universe/beings between 10D to 12D) recently entered our galaxy in early October 2021 because the Reptile Triad and the Nazi Dark Fleet had completely abandoned our Solar System.
The Intergalactic Confederation when its fleet of ships arrived it intertwined with all the Space Arks that were buried on different planets and moons of our Solar System. Billions of years ago during Star Wars (known as Lyra Wars in this quadrant but spanned the entire Universe) the Motherships or Ferriships were buried deep underground on the planets where they were alca bruised by the enemy impacts.
Now that the CIA has returned to witness the liberation of our Solar System and especially Planet Earth, they hope that a war will not break out between us humans by exploiting the extremely advanced technologies contained in est the Arks. They are technologies unimaginable for the human mind, technology that can destroy an entire Solar System, even destroy a super-massive black hole or an entire galaxy, as well as create everything unimaginable.
During Star Wars complete civilizations, planets, moons, suns, galaxies were destroyed. They also re-created artificial suns and moons, planets were terraformed so to speak, also in special places new animals, plants and living beings were created among them "man" was created. The Universe is repopulated.
After Star Wars the Intergalactic Confederation (CI) delegated surveillance and supervision of “Creation” to the Galactic Federation (FG). After the escape of the Reptile Triad the FG created a group of military leaders and politicians who called themselves The Alliance of Earth to protect the areas where the Space Arks are, clean the underground where the owners of the lived world, restore peace and liberate the Decoded technologies so far. That's why the Jupiter Accords were signed and then the Ganymedes Accords.
The Jupiter Accords are primarily intended to establish security throughout the Solar System, custody of Arks on Mars, on the Moon and also the Arcs of the Asteroid Belt. These agreements have been prepared for No War in the Solar System and the release of technology that guard the Arks creating a relationship of cooperation between the 14 most powerful nations on planet Earth to prevent wars on Earth and in the space.
6 countries have been designated to the Solar Security Council (to administer the solar system) these countries are United States, Russia, China, India, UK and Japan.
Then the Ganimedes Agreements were signed between the Galactic Federation of our galaxy, the Andromeda Mayor Council, the Intergalactic Confederation and the Earth Alliance to help humanity and all the peoples and colonies of nues tro Solar System to rebuild peace, develop the society with suppressed technology, eliminate poverty, travel freely through the Solar System, access to the ultimate healing of disease, recognition of humanity as free beings, and assisting in ascension.
Citizen of Antarctica ❤

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