
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Earth born of the Ages


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

We enjoyed a special interview with Dr. Joseph McNamara for our live July Galactic Activation Webinar. His knowledge of the Tachyon Chambers is vast. Here are a few comments from Webinar attendees:

We enjoyed this webinar and we will be looking into tachyon chambers, for sure. Thank you for bringing us interesting topics every month. Joe/Ella

Happy Galactic New Year, Colleen! It is great to remember you and Sheldan at this sacred moment. Ever grateful to the both of you for having a truly great influence upon my life journey. I thoroughly enjoyed the webinar with Dr. Joe. HONOR...TO ALL BEINGS WHO SERVE THE DIVINE LIGHT. Pure Love, E. El.

Dr. Joe is our favorite too. We are glad we signed up for this webinar. Keep up the great work! Sal & Ann


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?


Dr. Joseph McNamara shares his vast knowledge of the extraordinary healing effect of Tachyon energy and chambers. Tachyon energy harmonizes and enlivens the energy matrix that shapes all matter and, in particular, our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. All of which, of course, has far-reaching effects upon our physical health and well-being.

As an added bonus, Dr. Joe introduced us to the exciting new Light Mandala technology.

Dr. Joe answers our questions and gives us his personal perspective on the multiple limitless levels of spiritual healing and the thrilling future that awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Dr. Joe Shares His Mission’s Current Focus
• Tachyon Energy Chambers And Light Mandala Laser Technology
• Power of Meditation to Activate Soul Healing
• Importance of Nutrition to Help Healing
• Questing for Fifth Dimensional Consciousness

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-52 Archive:Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Earth born Anew

SourceJudith Kusel


The Ultimate Future of this planet, the New Earth and the dissipation of the Old, is already present in the here and now.For this was already encapsulated many thousands of earth years ago, and thus nothing and no one can change this.

I was in deep meditation yesterday, preparing for my weekly Zoom teaching session, when I was clearly shown this encapsulation. More than this, I was shown clearly that the New Earth was much larger than the current, and that it has already formed around the old.

The Old however is shrinking, as it now dissolves, almost like a car tire losing air pressure and then going flat. It is dissolving.

Then I was shown something remarkably interesting: The Old energy centers, the sacred centers and the Web of Light of Old Earth, is now merging with that of the New Earth – thus the New Earth is absorbing the old, now fully awakened, the dormant energy centers and dormant energy devices which have now been reactivated. As they are absorbed, they are then transformed into the New Earth Energy Centers and thus born anew.

The Sunspots which have everyone in a tizzy, are but energetic impulses which are bringing rebirth at the highest degrees, in ways our human mind, cannot understand. We just do not have the technology nor the science to understand this, yet deep in our hearts and soul we do know.

The whole Universe is in a state of rebirth and renewal, and so is this galaxy and this solar system and so is our Solar Sun. But what is actually happening is that the planet is moving out of this solar system, and returning to its original orbits in another solar system, where it originally was created in, and this links to another Sun. For we are being reconnected now via Sirius, to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

There is nothing to fear, but only more to embrace.

For every soul now is fully responsible for its own free will choices: To evolve and ascend, or to choose to either stay in the Old Earth, and then through other processes of evolution, eventually evolve in ways they then choose to. No soul is ever lost, nor denied anything. It is merely the soul’s own choice, which evolutionary path they choose to travel – or the tiers of creation they choose to ascend or descend into.

There is nothing in the Whole of creation which is ever out of place, or in the wrong place, or whatever. All is perfect, whole and complete.

What we often see as imperfection, is perfect in the form it currently presents itself in. Yet that form can morph into something completely different any moment, for all is energetic and energy. As soon as void occurs – the Universe will strive to immediately fill it.

More than this, your soul is simultaneously existing in multiple timelines and spaces – for the physical existence on this planet is but an illusion. It is but one single experience of your soul in expanded quantum space. Yet, every existence or manifestation of your soul in whatever form you choose, has a ripple effect on the whole.

Bypass your mind in reading this.

Allow your heart center to open and your soul’s memory banks to trigger and your All Seeing Eye.

In truth there is Only One Single Creator and One Single Creation, and One Single Existence, for Divinity lives and exists with all of us, and every part and particle of the Omni-Verse. ALL IS ONE.

What this teaches us is to take full responsibility for our own soul and what is co-creating every single breathing moment, while it is here on planet earth, and to keep ourselves disciplined and focused on fulfilling our own special assignment on earth, with great love and devotion. What others are doing or not doing, is in truth not going to affect us, unless we allow it to.

All is but a cosmic journey with the Divine Heart, and one of Pure Love. For Love is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and indeed Omniscient.

Your soul is immortal, and thus is but on a single space journey here in on planet earth for one single eyewink in Eternity and Infinite Space.

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8 Benefits of Sound Healing That Anyone Can Use

Source: Universe Inside You

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Wisdom of the Ages by Archangel Metatron

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Sacred School of OmNa


Greetings and love, I am Archangel Metatron. May the joy of the Creator engulf you and surround you, may it bubble from within you. I wish to share the joy of the Creator with you so that you may experience joy in your current reality. Let your physical reality be a joyful experience, let your spiritual reality be a joyful experience. I know for many that it may not be a joyful time. It is important to realise that joy is born from within your being and therefore it radiates and reflects into your reality. You create a joyful reality for yourself from your own inner experience of joy. This is something that I encourage you to contemplate and bring into your awareness and embodiment. As you experience joy in your reality, so your energy vibration quickens therefore you speed along your ascension process.

I, Archangel Metatron, come forth to you today to speak of Wisdom of Ages. Each being upon the Earth wishes to access wisdom and enlightenment that allows them to understand their reality on the Earth, their purpose, and to understand the reality beyond the Earth. As each person seeks their own personal inner wisdom it is appropriate to share that there are so many pockets of wisdom throughout the entire Universe of the Creator that can be accessed. When you seek wisdom, there is a need for you to focus and to be clear on the wisdom that you wish to receive. Each civilisation that has existed upon the Earth has its own pocket of wisdom. Even each country upon the Earth has its own pocket of wisdom, it is also that each generation upon the Earth has its own pocket of wisdom. You may wonder why this is. Your soul places you in certain parts of the Earth at certain times so you may access a unique wisdom that you can deliver forth to the Earth and humanity. For example, if you exist in a country on the Earth, you draw upon that country's wisdom, you can draw upon other countries' wisdom or the entire Earth's wisdom. This may be appropriate and necessary for your purpose and your service upon the Earth. It may be that your age, although age and time is an illusion, allows you to access certain wisdom. A person who is 20 can achieve similar things to someone who is 90 or you may say it is completely different. They can both access the same wisdom. However, there are pockets of wisdom that serve each age group. There is an interaction, someone in their 30s, will interact, maybe differently with someone in their 40s or 50s. However, the interaction will create enlightenment because each has a source of wisdom that is slightly unique, and therefore activates within each being.

There are pockets of wisdom for different civilisations, and this can mean sometimes that one person is drawing from a wisdom from Atlantis, another is drawing from a different wisdom, maybe from the Starseeds, and so this wisdom is brought to the Earth and it is appropriate and necessary. However, sometimes it may not be aligned with the Ascension that is occurring right now, and so I Archangel Metatron wish to encourage you to experiment slightly.

To do so, make sure that you have a clear and strong focus concerning the wisdom that you are accessing, drawing into and through your being. Whether that wisdom comes in words, sound, music, movement, art, feelings and sensations or visions. It is valuable at this time to bring forth the clarity.

In meditation you can ask to access the wisdom of your own age group. Maybe you are in your 20s or 30s, your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and so forth. You can access and invite to receive and connect with the pocket of wisdom of that age group, and then experiment, maybe try the age group above or below you and see how it differs. What you are actually doing is recognising different vibrations, and recognising vibrations that serve you and ignite your inner enlightenment and support your ascension.

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During meditation you can ask to receive and access the pocket of wisdom of your country, and then maybe try a different country and see how it varies. When we are saying a pocket of wisdom, we are speaking of the highest vibration of wisdom that is available.

You might also want to try connecting with a pocket of wisdom from a different civilisation.

It is important for me to share that if you connect with a different pocket of wisdom and you find that it is not appropriate, you can ask Archangel Metatron to step in immediately to disconnect the connection so that it no longer flows. There is no right or wrong experience. There is no need to feel pressured that you need to connect with certain pockets of wisdom. It is more about experimenting, realising that there are different pockets of wisdom, and to recognise which serve you. It's about recognising the vibrations and frequencies that serve you the most.

We are accessing the energy of the Creator. It is almost as if we are dissecting the energy of the Creator in order to explore it. What you will find is that you discover certain vibrations/frequencies that bring forth really empowering wisdom for you and bring forth the enlightenment and understanding that you seek. It could be that you are in your 60s and it is the pocket of wisdom from the 20s age group that is most serving you at this moment. It is for you to experiment.

It also means that you have an ability to recognise that there are different forms of wisdom, and different perspectives, because people are working in different ways, they have different purposes and destinies. There is a different service that each person is sharing as they express the Creator. It allows you to recognise that there is one energy and one source, however, this can be expressed in numerous ways therefore you begin to expand your mind and recognise that there is a wisdom that serves everyone.

Some pockets of wisdom will not serve you and you will not agree with them, accept them or even like them. Other pockets of wisdom will serve you well and that is okay, it is an acceptance. In this moment, you have a certain vibration, a certain purpose, and a certain service and therefore you require a certain nourishment of energy and wisdom. In some ways that is the difference between yourself and another being, and the wisdom that is available to you.

What can also be achieved is there might be misalignments within your being, within your reality or within the reality of others. Maybe you can see, sense, or acknowledge that some people are drawing from a pocket of wisdom that is so ancient that it doesn't serve this reality anymore. Therefore, you can work with my energies Archangel Metatron and invite me to come forth to work with you to create in the most gentle and loving way, a realignment with a pocket of wisdom that serves and that creates Ascension and enlightenment. It is all about exploration and intention. It is also about expanding your mind, accepting the world around you, the uniqueness, and the differences in the world around you. As well as within you, and supporting others upon their journey, even if their journey is very different to yours.

My purpose in this moment is to awaken a new perspective within your being. I thank you for listening. It has been a joy to share.

I love you,

I am Archangel Metatron

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