
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

We are in the midst of intense and immensely powerful ascension energies


We are in the midst of intense and immensely powerful ascension energies pouring in and being released from the spinal fluid of the new earth, as the portals open now in far greater ways than ever before to Sirius and via Sirius to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

Time as we knew it, exists no more.

We are moving in the time-less, the immortal realms.

We are moving in the vibrational frequencies of the 7th to 9th dimensional state already, even when most souls are now ascending into the fifth.

More than this, new encodements are being put into our spinal fluid, so that we are tuned into the liquid golden river of spinal fluid of the new earth. This is literally activating the celestial waters of life the Divine Feminine holds.

At times you may feel a bit disorientated and rather at sea. When this happens simply call in the Diamond Violet Flame to transmute all lower densities in and around you. The Diamond Violet Flame is the merging of the White Flame of purity with the Violet Flame of transmutation.

Note that this is the first time in 7 million earth years that the Lion portal opening, is expanding into the opening of the massive stargate portal to the 7th Central Sun of illumination, to which we and the Milky Way galaxy first belonged, before the Wars in Heaven.

All is happening now.

Stay firmly anchored in the heart center and unconditional love and stay focussed on ascension.

Become fluid so can flow with the Rivers of Life.

Judith Kusel

Photo: Grace in Torah

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