
Sunday, July 3, 2022

THE WHOLE COSMOS IS WATCHING! The Events OnGoing on Planet Earth


The Events OnGoing on Planet Earth
are Very Unique.
Mother Gaia was the Last Planet to InHabits the Dark Brothers.
The Operation has Been Going On for Millions of Years.
We Are At The Verge Of Seeing Not Only The Liberation Of Our World,
But Also The Liberation Of The Whole Sun Universe From Its Own Duality.
The 144 000 from the Throne and Many Advance Starseeds,
Have Incarnated Into the Lower Heavens of Hundreds of Planets All Over the Galaxy, Most of Them Being Humanoids Like You.
Back and Forth In Time we had to Travel, to Repair the Timelines and Restore the Worlds that were On their Path to Destruction.
One By One, we Operate a Rescue Mission To Save The Seeds Who could Carry HigherConsciousness.
As Protectors and Gardians Of This Universe, we are Fully Dedicated to
the Elevation Of The Universal Collective.
We Tell You Be Patient,
And Be Ready!
It May Take Days Or Months Before The Final Transformation.
Have Faith In Light,
For The Light Cannot Be Stoppped.
Trust Everything Has Been Prepared For Aeons By The White Hats aka Light Alliance In Coordination With The Galactic Federation of Light, Command By The Great White Brotherhood Of Light.
Know That Each Of You Are Being Monitored, So That You May Be Guided Towards One Of The 16 Major Timelines That Are Opening.
Majority of People Will Have Their 12 Strands DNA Activated And The More Advance Will Acquire 24-48 Strands DNA.
It Will Be Beyond Imagination,
Every Breath Will Feel Like Pure Bliss.
Everything Will Be Taken Care Of Once You Cross The Veil.
Dream Until The Dream Comes True.
We Bow To You Courage And Dedication.
You Will Be Reward Eternal Ecstasy.
Stay Calm, Centered And GrateFul,
And Stand By For The Show To Begin.
Nova Maxx 💙

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