
Saturday, July 9, 2022

--"LORD MELCHIZEDEK - Energy Changes... Massive energy changes are on the way


--"LORD MELCHIZEDEK - Energy Changes...
Massive energy changes are on the way as the energy pulses from the 7th Central Sun will be felt increasingly as it is impacting planetary, solar, and galactic levels.
These immense electromagnetic impulses should be integrated on all levels. The New Earth is spinning faster and therefore dimensional changes are increasing.
Humans will feel this intensely now in their physical bodies and all physicality as the slowness/low density of the Old Earth and the Old 3aD fade away.
This is and will extend to your relationships with each other as some are already operating in the 5th dimension frequency and some are still stuck in the density of 3aD.
It's all about every soul and the choice of every soul is now made, because every soul is creating its own reality, which it desires to experience, believe in it to operate, etc.
Most still allow the outside artificial world to dominate their thought and belief systems and their lives, and live according to the dictates of fake information, fear programming, false belief systems and impurities energy lsos.
Those who rise and have ascended to the 5aD are no longer influenced and therefore simply live and operate in this much higher, lighter, loving and unified state, unity consciousness, with which those in the lower density a cant tune in no matter what how hard they try.
Because they first need to allow the density within them and anything they are still clinging to, fears, separation, dissolve, and thus purifies.
This is the time for the Great Collapse of the Old World, every systems, every belief systems, everything humanity has fallen on since the Fall of Atlantis and therefore there will be a escalated collapse, as it has been prophesied.
Cultivate and nurture the INNER SOUL and keep your energy fields and system clear as glass, then rise higher into the seventh.
The Old Can't Get In There.
Be compassionate to those who cling to the Old.
Unconditional love is the key.
It's mostly fear that keeps them there.
The collapse of the Old is intensifying the birth of the New Golden Age as everything returns to the highest state of Unity, Harmony and Love.
This is a process.
To change from a very old, obsolete dense way of life to a much higher Universal way of life and living, a new Body of Light, a new existence and therefore the return to Oneness, Oneness with All That Is.
This first needs to be experienced INSIDE every soul, before it can be experienced externally..
Lord Melchizedec.
Judith Kusel.
Love and Light 441 ❤️✨🌈
Quantum Awakening Channel ✨🌎✨
Interconnection Rainbow 441🌈


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