
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

AL**IEN U*FO always delivers


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This is a series of excerpts from Gori's Journal

In this excerpt ... Gori tells how he met his closeness at a training institute class.

100 2003 Gori and DaRon LR

Da'ron and I had first met during my final year of study at the advanced training institute for Ancient History at Vel-Cor city. She was in my class on possible implications of the alteration of the clan system during the times of the Sha-Ba'zor. From the first, we could not take our eyes off each other. Our attraction inspired me to study harder than I usually did. To feel such deep emotions for another was very strange to me. Half-way through the class, I told Da'ron how I felt about her. She said that she had the same feelings for me. Together, we decided to enter what is called on my world the Guila'yua, or period of closeness. I had long heard of this simple ceremony and the accompanying process from my parents. Now I was ready to experience it for myself. At the time, I was 192 years old and about to join the Planetary Guard. Da'ron was 191 years old.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

To order your copy: Click here



Source: John Smallman

There is only Love, therefore YOU are Love.


We are rapidly approaching the moment for humanity’s collective awakening. I know that we have already, and frequently, talked about the imminence of this most magnificent and wondrous event. This is because it is essential to keep you ready to respond instantly as it happens. You all know that time is an aspect of the illusion, and is therefore illusory, unreal, and that there is only NOW. So continue to expect it to occur very soon, NOW, and continue to set the intent to be always loving whatever may arise in your daily lives, knowing that you are making it happen. That is why you are presently incarnate, you are massively assisting those who are deeply asleep to enter into and participate in your collective awakening process. The awakening of the sleepers is crucial, because M/F/G wants no one left asleep and dreaming, and your power to assist in waking them is enormous.

Most of you have spent much of your human lives waiting – to be six, sixteen, twenty five, married, promoted – and you have been culturally encouraged to wait. Therefore waiting for your awakening is not something the vast majority of you enjoy. So don’t wait! Enjoy this time, knowing that your awakening is absolutely inevitable, and that your joy when it happens will amaze you. You are aware that many are suffering in response to the present state of worldwide political confusion and conflicts, health and illness issues, and relationship issues, and your task is to maintain and strengthen the constant and most powerful energy flow of Love that is enveloping the planet and embracing all sentient life forms in this and every moment. Your presence doing this – and it is a mighty task that you have set yourselves – is absolutely essential and you are fully bolstered in this in every moment by your support teams in the non physical realms.

The awakening is proceeding precisely as divinely intended, there can and will be no turning back or diversions. All is flowing perfectly towards its inevitable and most magnificent preordained consummation – the awareness of your inseparable and joy-filled Oneness with M/F/G. Release any doubts to which you may be clinging, fearful of letting go in case nothing happens, leaving your hopes devastated and you comfortless and suffering the most intense grief, because:

THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN! Your collective awakening is divinely guaranteed, and M/F/G always delivers precisely as promised.


Your task, pre-planned and intentionally set in motion when you incarnated, is both simple – just being, and holding the intent to be only loving in every moment – and complex – all sentient life forms are involved – because only M/F/G could plan such an operation and bring it to fruition precisely as planned and intended.Therefore remind yourselves frequently during the day of your divine and unalterable nature as One with Source, and of the fact that you are presently in form to massively assist in the collective awakening, an awakening that requires and depends on your loving Presence and intent.

Life in form has always been a journey towards this moment of awakening, and although it seems that life in form has been ongoing for eons – billions of years, millions of life-times – it is but an instant since the journey commenced. Its illusory nature has depended on time and its apparently endless nature, and as you pay more and more attention to the now moment the aspect of time will diminish and dissolve, ensuring that you awaken from the dream, and, in doing so, bring about your complete realization that separation never happened, and that you are still and always have been fully present in the Presence of your Source, M/F/G, LOVE, ever since the moment of your creation.

Therefore, allow yourselves to accept the knowledge that you are an eternally and infinitely beloved child of God, because deep within yourselves you do know this. Let go of your completely invalid egoic negative self judgments – I am a sinner, I am unworthy, I am unlovable – nothing could be further from the truth. Remember that your lives in form are illusory, unreal, and that therefore your sins, mistakes, unacceptable behaviors, or whatever concerns you and causes you to doubt the goodness and the love that you are never occurred – you just dreamt them – and will be gone when you awaken.

There is only Love, therefore YOU are Love. Allow yourselves to stop hiding that knowledge from yourselves, and join with M/F/G in a total and eternal Embrace of the real you, where no ego exists to taunt or judge you. There is no judgement. There is no blame. There is no condemnation. There is no punishment. You are in every moment One with and in the Presence of Love, which is your true and eternal nature.

Rejoice! You have every right to do so because you and M/F/G are one Whole, constantly experiencing the beauty, magnificence and brilliance of YOURSELVES in glorious harmonious interactions with your divine and indescribably transcendent SELF that is One and All.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Source: Erich A. Aggen, Jr., in his article ‘TOP SECRET: (SEARCH Magazine, Summer 1991 issue), presented the following revelations concerning the UFO-Subterranean connection:

My Source: Filer's Fliers - George Filer

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Underground Base

“…A great deal of UFO research has also led to the conclusion that various…species of aliens have set up secret underground or undersea bases in the United States and other countries. It is logical to assume that such bases have also been established elsewhere in the solar system. If such bases exist, where would we find them? Existing information allows us to make a few educated guesses.

Underground Earth Bases

The dark, cavernous world beneath our feet is the source of many baffling mysteries. Clandestine UFO bases may be hidden deep within the earth in natural and/or artificial caverns. As a former member of the National Speleological Society (NSS), I am well aware of the vast extent of cave systems within the United States. In my own native state of Missouri, for example, there are over 2,500 known caves and dozens of new ones being discovered every year. Many of these caves are intricately linked together by numerous passageways and interconnecting chambers.

“One particular species of blind white (albino) cave fish, the TYPHLICHTHYS, has been found in many widely separated cave systems over several states. It has been found in caves that make a great arc through Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and UNDER the Mississippi River extending into Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma! A vast section of the Central and Southern United States must lie above one immense cavern system!

Underground rivers and lakes also exist.

“Many caves possess rooms hundreds of feet in length, width, and height.

In most cases, these huge natural caverns can only be reached and explored with the utmost skill and perseverance. There are only a few thousand NSS members in the United States and only a few hundred of this number are active spelunkers. With so few spelunkers spread over such a large area, only a very small fraction of the tens of thousands of known caves in this country have been carefully mapped and explored. Thousands of other caves remain undiscovered and unexplored.

“Extensive evidence indicates that caves in the United States may be connected with caves in other parts of the world. In Mexico, the cave known as ‘Sotano de las Golondrinas’, (or) basement of the swallows, in the Municipio de Aquismo, S.L.P., reaches a depth of 1100 feet (334 meters). The cave is actually a giant ‘sinkhole’ or ‘hole’ in the ground with a nearly circular opening at the top, hundreds of feet in diameter. It is impossible to climb down the sides of Golondrinas because the walls of the opening are too smooth and “belled-out”. To reach the bottom of the cave, a special rope over 1100 feet long must be secured at the top of the opening and dropped into the sinkhole. Explorers must then descend into the yawning hole one at a time using special cave repelling gear and climbing techniques. At the bottom of Sotano de las Golondrinas are numerous ‘leads or openings to a multiplicity of different crevices, passages, crawlways, and rooms which have never been mapped or investigated. UFOs are often seen entering the ground or the side of mountains.

“The entrance to Golondrinas is located in one of the most primitive and uncivilized areas

as of Mexico and local inhabitants are afraid to approach the cave because they believe it is full of ‘evil spirits’ which lure people to their deaths. They tell stories of people mysteriously disappearing never to be heard from again while passing near the cave entrance. These stories may be based more on fact than fiction: They are similar in some respects to UFO abduction reports. Because of its huge size, remote location, and unique geological structure, Golondrinas would be an ideal UFO base. Naturally camouflaged caves in other parts of the world may serve as an excellent natural bases, way stations, and ‘depots’ for UFOs.

“An underground nuclear test called the ‘Schooner Experiment’ conducted in December 1968, substantiates the theory that caves in North and South America are intimately linked. In this test, a 35- kiloton nuclear bomb was exploded under the desert of Nevada. Five days after the test, the radiation level rose from 10 to 20 times in Canada 1000 miles away from the Nevada test site! The only way the radioactive dust could have traveled that far is through an interconnected system of caves extending all the way from Nevada to Canada!”


UFO Sightings in Ancient Contacts in the Americas

Itzamna White God

The Maya had memories of several white gods, or culture heroes that may have Nordic aliens. The first being Itzamna who came across the ocean. Itzamna was amongst the oldest and most important gods in the Mayan religion. He was a teacher. Later twenty men arrived, the chief of whom was called Colcolcan. They all wore flowing robes and sandal shoes. Each had a long beard, and their heads were bare., he instructed the people in the arts.

A tribe immediately to the west of the Maya were visited by another white man, called Votan and he taught the people how to cultivate maize and cotton and invented hieroglyphic signs. It is likely that the great white culture-hero of the Mexicans, Quetzalcoatl — the feathered serpent — could have been Greek or Sumerian or even from the stars.

Mexican Teotihuacan Pyramids

Stone and rock carvings plus examples of pottery all point to the inescapable fact that the ancient inhabitants of the Americas were acquainted with almost every race in the world prior to 300 BC. Evidence from North, Central and South America of Old-World inscriptions, common words and customs, architectural styles and artifacts link the two. A hoard of Roman coins has been discovered in Venezuela, and a Roman pottery head was found in Mexico, and dated for stylistic reasons to the second century A.D. In Maine, a Roman coin has recently surfaced, while a botanist claims to have identified two of the plants depicted on a Roman fresco in Pompeii as an American fruit, the pineapple, and an American vegetable, a species of squash.

From the depths of the Well of Sacrifice at Chechen Itza, Mexico scuba divers have recovered a wood and wax doll, bearing the Roman script. Elsewhere a stone sarcophagus was unearthed at Palenque by excavators who liken it in the style of the Phoenicians.

In 1966, a certain Manfred Metcalf claims to have picked up an inscribed stone in Georgia, now known as the Metcalf Stone. It bears text very similar in nature to Cretan Linear writing and is regarded by Cyrus Gordon in Manuscripts, 1969, Vol. XXI, No. 3,as probably an inventory.

Coin from Sicily

A coin found in 1957 by a small boy in a field near Phoenix City, Alabama, was identified later as coming from Syracuse, on the island of Sicily, Italy dating from 490 B.C. In 1976 an ancient coin was found in the town of Heavener, Oklahoma. It was identified later as being a bronze Tetradrachm, originally with a silver wash, now missing. It was struck in Antioch, Syria, 63 A.D., and according to Dr. Barry Fell, “The profile is of Nero, with the Greek inscription on the obverse saying, ‘Nero Caesar Augustus’.”

In 1936, Dr Charles Elvers excavated a stone pendant in Gallo Canyon, New Mexico. It was pear-shaped, about three inches long with a hole at the top. On one side is the crowned figure of a man holding a crooked or serpent-like staff in his right hand, and seemingly climbing a slope while looking over his right shoulder. On the other side is an elephant head, a triangle, cross and circle, plus two six-pointed stars. These symbols were commonly used in the archaic Sumerian linear scripts.

In Illinois next to a river there is a buried mound with the remains of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Early this century, a Brazilian rubber-tapper called Bernardo Ramos was working in the Amazon jungle when he noted that on many of the rocks there could be found ancient scripts carved deep into the stone. He found that the greater part of them resembled, often in detail, the ancient writings of the Old World and compiled a catalog of nearly 2000 such scripts.

Other jungle graffiti has indeed been linked to that already recorded as belonging to the Semitic, Indus, Phoenician, Punic, Brahmi and other peoples.

Gate of the Sun with Alien Carving

The famous Gate of the Sun leading into the city of Titicaca 4000 years ago has an ancient god from space carved on it. Further evidence in South America suggests strongly that a Sumerian colony established itself around Titicaca, in what is now known as Bolivia. According to legend the first Inca, Manko-Kapak, appeared in Lake Titicaca and tradition held that the Incas were red or brown-haired. A characteristic alien to American Indians but many mummies discovered there confirm this fact.

Huge blocks of stone found at Tiahuanaco, Bolivia were once held together by copper and even gold rivets. This was a method of building-construction almost identical to that used in Assyria and Eritrea thousands of years ago. The colony even used solid stone wheels, just like the ones in use by the Sumerians themselves and were thought to have transported the huge stone blocks in this manner.

The tribe living around Lake Titicaca are called the Uru and elders retain memories of people of their tribe being scarified under the foundations when Tiahuanaco was built. The Incas carried out mummification and, like the Sumerians, placed a metal disc in the mouth of a corpse. The disc was an indication the aliens arrived in discs and would carry the souls of the dead to paradise. Many of the ancient skulls are exceptionally large and are designed differently from human craniums.

Lima’s Museum of Anthropology is lined with thousands of elongated craniums.

They also built pyramids and obelisks, while using cups, plates, spoons and goblets much like those in the Old World. Likewise, both the Sumerians and the Incas held the rainbow as sacred, and each carried their notables around in litters. While at a temple in Chavin, Peru, an ingenious system of air conduits still carries fresh air to every room in the building and a remarkably similar system has been discovered in the Cretan palace at Knossos.


Ancient Phoenician ship using both oars and sail

Phoenician warships had a convex stern and were propelled by a large single-masted square sail and two banks of oars (a bireme), had a deck, and were fitted with a ram low on the bow and could of sailed throughout the world.

Professor Marcel F Homet, an archaeologist visited the Amazon region to view its antiquities and made many amazing discoveries. From inscriptions found on the painted rock, the Pedra Pintada, professor Homet recorded symbols well-known in the Old World, such as the swastika, the double axe, the spiral and also the sun symbol.

. Thousands of artifacts have been recovered over centuries from hundreds of locations, and from many countries of the New World. Ships or UFOs brought artifacts to the Americas.

Sri Lanka Claims to have Entrance to the Universe

Giant Stupas Stargates

Anuradhapura is a stargate: an ancient gateway through which humans can enter the Universe. A stupa is a Buddhist commemorative monument usually housing sacred relics associated with the Buddha or other saintly persons that appears like one type of UFO.

In recent years, the internet has been alighted with speculation that a chart-like carving in Anuradhapura is a stargate: an ancient gateway through which humans can enter the Universe. Sri Lanka's sacred city of Anuradhapura is an unlikely place to be enmeshed in a fantastic tale of UFOs and otherworldly happenings. Locally known as Rajarata (Land of Kings), the UNESCO World Heritage Site was the first established kingdom on the island (in 377 BC) and is at the heart of Sri Lanka's Buddhist culture. Today, it's one of the nation's most visited places, attracting devoted pilgrims from around the country to its ancient Buddhist temples and giant dome-shaped stupas.

But this holy city is also home to something far more curious. Here, in Ranmasu Uyana (Golden Fish Park), a 40-acre ancient urban park surrounded by three Buddhist temples, is a chart that's alleged to be a map to unlock the secrets of the Universe.


India Found Ancient Drawings with Aliens

The fresco, from 1350, “The Crucifixion,” artist unknown, in the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Serbia. Two odd-looking objects with “pilots” can be seen in the sky on both sides of Jesus. Fresco. Two odd-looking UFOs with “pilots” can be seen in the sky on both sides of Jesus.

Many Indian Temples have what look like UFOs on the top

In India ancient pictures with a detailed image of the cosmos, the aliens and their technology have been found in ancient temples.

Across the Earth, archaeologists and historians find thousands of testimonies about a possible contact from extraterrestrial civilizations with the ancient people. This and the legend of the demigods from the sky, and the various rock paintings of the unusual people, pictures of alien ships, strange statues, as well as the unexplored parts from large machines. According to alternative scientific theories, 10000-year-old paintings and archaeological artifacts can prove that the ancient ancestors of mankind actively communicated with aliens.

Spaceman astronaut carving at the Catedral Nueva in Salamanca, Spain started in 1513

For example, one of the most ancient and advanced civilizations is India. In the temples in Chrome were found drawings that resemble science fiction and literally show the details about the cosmos and life in it. Local Indian authorities after the discovery of petroglyphs with aliens immediately turned to NASA for help. Archaeologist George Bhagat found in India artifacts showing that ancient people could visit an alien civilization.

Ancient Indian Vamana

It is interesting that the author portrayed not just aliens, but also space. It turns out that NASA is not just studying the drawings of the aliens, but also confirm the existence of the Anunnaki with Nibiru, in the case of the authenticity found in India images.

The fact that there is a theory that aliens from the mysterious planet actively lived, ruled and developed people. According to Sumerian mythology, the aliens were demigods, Anunnaki from Nibiru. They were able to build the ancient Egyptian pyramids, the English Stonehenge, to teach the Australian aborigines “fabulous art”, the ancient Greeks, the Sumerians wisdom and so on.

However, the opponents of this theory argue that the ancient people drew and believed in dragons and trolls, but that does not mean that they once existed.

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