
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Live In The City Of


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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The energy surges continue to increase with each solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, full moon, new moon, cme's, equinox, solstice. Whew! One after another. They are now bombarding the Earth much more intensively and continuously. The good news is these surges are helping us to become Galactic Humans.

The latest ascension symptoms that people are reporting include:

▪ Severe muscle cramps
▪ Sleep patterns still erratic between sleeping long hours to barely sleeping for days
▪ Upper arm and neck pain
▪ Planetary grieving
▪ Vivid dreams
▪ Eating less (2 meals a day compared to 3+ meals a day and feeling better)
▪ Needing more protein
▪ Feel 3D slipping from your memory
▪ Extreme exhaustion
▪ Periods of unexplained nausea
▪ Night sweats

Our bodies are becoming lighter and lighter. At times you may feel like you are floating above the Earth. You may feel that you are separating from many of the things that used to bring you joy. This can be confusing. Staying in the flow is key for us right now.

Another phenomenon that I have been experiencing is memory loss. Not the typical memory loss, this is more like huge chunks of information being erased as I'm thinking about it. At first I was concerned but then I realized that I don't need those details and I'm making room for new memories.

Another ascension symptom is a feeling that you don't fit your old identity. This also can be confusing as you ask yourself, Who Am I? Along with this identity crisis, one is feeling a deep longing to go home even if you may not know where "home" is.

Do these ascension symptoms fit your experience? They sure do for me and most of my friends. As always the advice is to drink clean water. Water is your friend during these demanding times of change.

Please join us Sunday for a stellar webinar featuring Glenn Steckling. Glenn arrives with a wealth of evidence about ETs on Earth and in the universe. He is keen to share his own unique UFO experiences, and those of countless others, with us. It is time to get back to our galactic roots.

Thank you for supporting PAO by attending our webinars. We appreciate your support more than mere words can express.

When we come together with a united purpose and vision, we form a ‘group mind’, a unified field and MAGIC HAPPENS.

Selamat Ja!


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for June


Now, in our 51st Webinar, PAO is coming back to its roots.

Not since Sheldan himself shared his contact experiences have we had a guest so in tune with PAO’s beginning and beliefs. Glenn arrives with a wealth of evidence about ETs on Earth and in the universe. He is keen to share his own unique UFO experiences, and those of countless others, with us.

Enjoying an active involvement in contact history for most of his lifetime, Glenn champions the accuracy and truth of higher-consciousness visitors to our planet.


His dedication to UFology is focused and heroic. His presence is powerful and his dedication fierce. We are privileged to welcome Glenn as our guest.

Please join us for a rare cosmic opportunity to ‘get galactic’!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Glenn Shares His Mission’s Current Focus
• George Adamski, UFO Historian
A Brief Look at Adamski’s Disclosure Contributions
• Disclosure Cover-ups
Conspiracy Theories and Ridiculing of Sightings
• Alien Bases on the Moon
Exposing the Myth Behind the ‘Dead Moon’
• Cosmic Hoax Fear-Mongering
Creating Xenophobia Concerning a False Flag UFO Invasion
• Advanced ETs with Higher Consciousness
Dark ETs vs Benevolent ETs - A Look Towards our Galactic Future

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, June 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday June 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Why I don't side judge or attack others in UFO Community

Source: James Gilliland

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Why I Don’t Side Judge or Attack Others In The UFO Community

As soon as we judge we are coming from ego. If we wait, observe and look at things with a fresh mind, what they call the Buddha mind we can see a different picture other than what is presented to us. What is unfolding is like a multifaceted crystal, different experiences, different perceptions. I was told once that imagination is real on the level of imagination so who is right, who is wrong, just what is real? Most importantly, why does it matter to you? If I side with one how can I help the other? If we are being triggered there is something we need to look at. The whole planet is in process. Past life wounds and traumas, childhood traumas, ancient memories opening, things that may not be relevant today are still being acted out in a completely different time. What is the solution?

Mastering judgment, being the observer, and taking personal responsibility for our attitudes and emotions especially when they pull us from our center. A strong belief in Karma, yes it is real, not some overlords invention. It also helps knowing everyone will have to face and feel everything they have done to others in their light review. The ego won’t be there to defend you and denial is fruitless. When you step back and sit with things a whole different picture unfolds. Many cannot see past their own projections affirmed by their egos, the stronger the need to be right the stronger the influence of the ego. Practicing loving detachment and being the observer opens up a whole new universe.

Let’s use channeling as an example or implants. Channeling is only as clear as the mind receiving and transferring the information. All channeling has a percentage of accuracy as it runs through the filters of the one channeling. The clarity and usefulness of the information depends on several factors. One the clarity of the individual, their motives or come from, their training concerning creating sacred space shielding and clearing any unseen negative influences. The spiritual evolution of the one they are channeling also comes into play. There are many faker spirits, master manipulators in 4d that would love to have a human as a pet. Not everyone is who they say they are.

Those receiving information from external sources need to be humble, practice brutal honesty with themselves and always be open to the fact that some of these other factors may be in play. Always remember only the ego needs defending, these very words are going to trigger the ego in some or the entities referenced if they are not coming from a place of spiritual advancement. Ignoring these safeguards opens one to being influenced by unseen negative entities, passing tainted information along with dividing up the spiritual and ufo community into factions.

The ego, denial, and unseen negative influences can be very challenging. Some of the greatest challenges are coming from master manipulators like Royal Reptilians, Serpent Beings, Tall Greys, Fallen Annunaki etc. There are also mind to mind computers that can plant experiences and memories as well as low level implants. These are the reasons we are not so quick to judge. There is multidimensional war going on, very few can maintain clarity, not get caught up in the divisions and dramas the depth and scope of which is unfathomable for most to comprehend. Then there are the past life traumas, the Orion Wars, other scars left from some very traumatic events that have been unfolding throughout the galaxy and the 4th dimension. All this is surfacing. I asked a 7d Pleiadian once how they see us, we must look barbaric like monkeys. She said no we see you as evolving masters and in awe of the challenges you are undertaking. To a very spiritual and empathic race this would be unsurmountable.

One tool is sticking to the basics. If you don’t like what you are feeling, do a healing, clear your space. Clear it often.

Here is the method we use.

A Clearing Technique


1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.
3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.
4. Tell them they are healed and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love.
5. Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.
6. Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.
7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration. Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening.

Always use discernment if information does not feel right, put it on the shelf. It will come back to you as many as three times if it is necessary for your spiritual development. Do not worship anything other than the God/Creator/ Great Spirit within. There have been many warnings of idol worshiping, allowing external forces to control your destiny. Make your own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection internally this goes for spiritually and technologically advanced multidimensional beings. It is an internal connection. If they are not empowering you in this direction they are disempowering, distracting you.

Many jump from one shiny new object, guru or person to another not taking the time to get their own information from within. Others divide into clicks, groups, separating themselves, some even take up the sword on other clicks or groups. Division is the tool of the dark hearts, unity is the tool of the masters. Personally, after years of attacks, character assassinations, people’s projections, the blame game I have become almost bullet proof. It is not that I do not care for others or value their opinions, the wisdom I have gained from these experiences is invaluable.

The more you evolve the more you mirror and amplify everything people love and hate about themselves. That is why I made the T-shirt, “I am not your father, mother, or ex-lover. I am just sitting here. The more enlightened you become the fewer your friends and the more you want to hang out with children and animals. There is a part of me that wants everyone to be healed and happy. I have finally come to realize that is not my job. I can only create and hold the space for that to happen. Be the example. Baba Ji once said the best contribution you can make is to live a thoroughly loving, joyous, prosperous life as an example for others. That is a work in progress.

It is really a simple path. Be kind to others and the planet. Be of service and know when you are enabling and when you are assisting or inhibiting a person’s evolution. There are times you have to remove yourself and allow the universe to deliver the messages. Quan Yin is known for expressing wrathful compassion. Humanity and the Earth is in need of loving detachment with brutal honesty. This is coming forward in the days to come. You don’t have to wait for the life review. All you have to do is observe, forgive, gain the wisdom from the experience and move on your merry way on your path to ascension. You have God/Creator/Great Spirits permission. Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself and others is to just say no, it does not serve me or feel right to participate. Then your next lesson will be loving detachment. Sound easy or too simple? Try it. Getting back to basics and simplicity is one of the hardest challenges. The psychic turbulence, chaos and division is by design. The same as trapping you in the first three chakras, survival, sex and power. Let the heart and the higher chakras guide you. Let spirit take over your survival, sex is a sacred creational energy and true power never overpowers. The ultimate power is love and we have the ability to channel the love of Creator into every situation. Ignore the what about, what if, or one-up man/woman-ship. Ascension is not a competition.

Be well,

James Gilliland

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You Will Ascend And Live In The City Of Light

Source: Aurora Ray


Today, I'd like to talk to you about what it'll be like when we go through this galactic ascension process, when we go through this change as a species on planet Earth and as a solar system that will make us all indestructible in some way, or at least give us the opportunity to be indestructible.

The reason I say this is because there are going to be some big changes coming up soon on planet Earth, and those changes involve taking us from being physical beings existing in what's called third density.

We are about to experience a galactic ascension. This is not just a personal matter. It is the ascension of our solar system, Earth, and this beautiful blue jewel that we call home. We are about to enter into a golden age. It will be an age of enlightenment, and it is going to be an age of great peace and prosperity for all life in our galaxy.

This is a moment I've been looking forward to for a long time, and I'd like to share with you today a very interesting message from our Galactic Federation:

"Dear earthlings!

We are the Galactic Federation, a group of more than 200 civilizations from our galaxy, Andromeda, and many star systems in between.

Some of our members are humanoids, and the others are different species. The purpose of the Galactic Federation is to protect the Galactic Codex and all beings/human rights and prevent the suffering of any benevolent species.

We are a group of entities that have evolved on many different planets throughout this galaxy. We have come together in an attempt to assist humanity in its ascension process.

We have a council here on Earth, those who are ascended, who will assist you with this process of ascension and teach everyone how to love one another and how to forgive one another for all the past hurts that have occurred.

As you ascend, you may become more aware of your energy field and even of the energetic fields around others. You may also become more aware of the grandest field of all, that which envelops your planet. This field is called the etheric plane of the zero fields.

This field is a matrix of pure potential, a matrix in which information can be stored but not yet manifested as form. It is sometimes referred to as the Akashic Record, the great library of knowledge. As you become more connected to this field, you are able to access information from it and apply it in ways that support your highest good.

The etheric plane is also known as the fourth or heart chakra. The heart chakra collects the energy from all other chakras and sends it to its center through a tube called sushumna Nadi. Our ship will help you open your heart chakra and send your energy to its center so that you may receive information from higher realms.

This ascension will happen with you, with all of you, in an individual way. There are many different ascension scenarios that can be fulfilled by each of you, depending on your free will choice of experiences, missions, and lessons that are needed to be fulfilled before entering the fifth dimension.

As you hold this intention for yourself, know that you are supported by multiple dimensions working in concert with your free will decisions. You are also supported by a spiritual team onboard our ship, which holds this intention for you.

People who have Ascended have made the conscious decision to visit our ships. Our ships are vast in size, more so than you can possibly imagine. The closest thing to compare them to would be the aircraft carriers that you have on Earth. They are that immense that can materialize and dematerialize at will.

Etheric ships are what we call them, and they are used for interplanetary travel. They use hyperdrive technology. These ships are not physical space vessels in the accepted sense, but instead energy vessels composed of an intelligent energy field that uses torsion fields to warp space-time. Our Federation and our allies use these ships as a means of rapid transport throughout the galaxy.

We also use these ships to transport personnel and supplies to planets without technology capable of warp drive. In some cases, we serve as floating hospitals and disaster relief centers, using our advanced medical technology to treat patients and help rebuild devastated worlds.

Once you board our ship, it is no longer necessary for you to eat. We use the golden light as a food source. We also create showers of light that are like waterfalls of light that we drink from. The body can be reshaped into any form one wishes, but it is usually kept in the same form as it was on Earth since there is not much need to change it.


The Earth will actually ascend into our ships, and you will have all of this beauty at your disposal. You will have incredible technologies that no one on Earth even knows about now. This is why you must learn to be more loving, more forgiving, and less judgmental of each other. It is wonderful to love someone for who they are but not for what they have or what they do.

When you are on the ship, you will be in the presence of beings of light such as yourself, who will help guide you along the way so there won't be any danger of losing your way, so to speak.

Your collective ascension will be carried out with the assistance provided by our spaceship that was built with love and full consciousness. The purpose of this fleet is to assist humanity in their transition from the third to the fifth dimension without losing any part of their consciousness or their individuality during this process.

Our ship will help you to prepare and accomplish your ascension process in the most smooth, safe, and efficient way possible by using a special technology developed by us called "Vortex" technology. We have been using it successfully for decades with thousands of human beings all over the world who chose to ascend with our assistance.

After ascending into the fifth dimension, the first thing you notice when you get off the ship is that there is no gravity. You notice this because you simply float up into the air, and you have to push yourself back down to the ground. The next thing you notice is that everything looks like a crystal, but it's more like a diamond.

The city is designed to be beautiful. It is designed to be aesthetic. There are many parks, homes, and places of entertainment. Everything is perfectly landscaped and perfectly maintained.

It's very futuristic looking in the sense that there are no sharp edges or anything like that. It's all smooth curves, especially around the dwellings, which are all very large rooms with no ceilings, and they're all padded with silk or some other visually pleasing material.

There are many colors in these dwellings, and they are quite large as well, probably about two hundred feet long by fifty feet wide and then up to three hundred feet tall at times, depending on what race your spiritual group is associated with. Some races live in caves, but most of them don't live underground at all.

It is a good place to live. There is no crime. There are no beggars or poor people. Everyone has a job, and everyone is paid well for their work. If you need money, you have to ask, and it will be given to you. Everything from food to clothing to housing is free. Everyone in the city lives in beautiful homes with beautiful furniture and lives a life of luxury and ease.

There are many places where you can go to socialize with others or enjoy yourself. You can go out to eat at restaurants or attend shows or concerts put on by other Fifth Dimension beings. It is a wonderful place to be because of all the wonders that exist there.

The fifth dimension's new Golden Age city is a self-sufficient city where you can live out your days and never have to leave its boundaries. The city contains everything you will ever need or want. "

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation


8 spiritual meanings of waking up at 3 am every nigh

Source: Fascinating TV

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