
Monday, June 27, 2022

Life Has: Ask awakening is imminent


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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Enjoying an active involvement in contact history for most of his lifetime, Glenn Steckling champions the accuracy and truth of higher-consciousness visitors to our planet.

Yesterday Glenn presented some compelling information on the moon and Valiant Thor. It should be noted that Glenn does not believe in most metaphysics but his UFO knowledge and experience is immense.

Support PAO by purchasing our webinar archives. This month is proving to be quite challenging financially for us at PAO. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

From the fullness of our hearts, we thank you.

Selamat Ja!


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?


Now, in our 51st Webinar, PAO is coming back to its roots.

Not since Sheldan himself shared his contact experiences have we had a guest so in tune with PAO’s beginning and beliefs. Glenn arrives with a wealth of evidence about ETs on Earth and in the universe. He is keen to share his own unique UFO experiences, and those of countless others, with us.

Enjoying an active involvement in contact history for most of his lifetime, Glenn champions the accuracy and truth of higher-consciousness visitors to our planet.


Subjects to be discussed:

• Glenn Shares His Mission’s Current Focus
• George Adamski, UFO Historian
A Brief Look at Adamski’s Disclosure Contributions
• Disclosure Cover-ups
Conspiracy Theories and Ridiculing of Sightings
• Alien Bases on the Moon
Exposing the Myth Behind the ‘Dead Moon’
• Cosmic Hoax Fear-Mongering
Creating Xenophobia Concerning a False Flag UFO Invasion
• Advanced ETs with Higher Consciousness
Dark ETs vs Benevolent ETs - A Look Towards our Galactic Future

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-51 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Source: John Smallman

You are to awaken into the Brilliance that is M/F/G infinitely loving Itself.


We are One, there is only One, and yet the One constantly manifests Itself – the power and energy that is the One – in myriad uncountable numbers of sentient beings as expressions of Love. All of us, all life, all consciousness, all awareness, all sentient beings are aspects of and permanently at one with the One. There is NO SEPARATION, and there never could be because the One is ALL, constantly and eternally Present, just wholeheartedly LOVING!

Life and Love are your eternal state of existence, it is just that as humans in form, enveloped in a brief dream or, perhaps, a nightmare, you are asleep to and unaware of Reality. That is changing very rapidly, as the human collective stirs in its sleep prior to awakening into the glory of just BEING! Being is pure awareness, fully aware of All without interruption or distraction. It is knowing Itself and All of creation intimately – persistently, perpetually, ceaselessly – because that is infinite awareness, the constant flowing and flowering of Love caring for and extending Itself in all-embracing joyous acceptance of the magnificence and brilliance that It is.M/F/G, Love, Source, All, Being, is One in an infinite, essential, and indispensable state of Beingness, forever expanding the awareness and consciousness that is All that exists.

Every sentient, conscious, and aware being is eternally connected and interwoven into what many call God. It is the infinite creative expression from which they all extend, mix, and interact for the total and complete joyful bliss that is All that is. There, in that Oneness, there is only and eternally infinite vivacity, exhilaration, delectation, refreshment, wonder, rejoicing, and exultation – joy and bliss completely beyond your ability as humans in form to even conceive of.And that is what you are to awaken into, the Brilliance that is M/F/G infinitely loving Itself – ALL – in the most magnificent state of harmony and cooperation for the utter joy of every sentient and aware being. The delight with which you will all participate in this most glorious celebration of the collective awakening will be stupendous, utterly mind-blowing – infinite joy which is absolutely way beyond infinite!

As the moment approaches, and despite the daily distractions of present day politics, conflicts, and weather extremes, make sure to set and reset your intent to be only loving whatever may arise throughout the day. Doing this is not only enormously important, it is indeed essential. You chose to be in human form at this amazing now moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution in order to assist most powerfully in the awakening process. Although the vast majority of you get practically no feedback on the effectiveness of your loving intentions, I can assure you that you are having a most powerful effect.


Nothing is superfluous because with God every living being – regardless of the value or lack of value that humans may perceive it as having – has been most divinely and lovingly created in order that it may experience and express itself with complete freedom and to delight in doing so, thus delighting God and moving your collective awakening process purposefully forwards. And your awakening is imminent.

As you continue with your daily lives during this time of enormous change, know that you are blessed and beautifully cared for by M/F/G in every moment. Trust and live lovingly, for that is what you chose to do by incarnating as humans at this time of great, in fact momentous significance for the human collective. There are no accidents! You are all here by your own generous and most loving choice to participate and assist in this momentous adventure, this leap into joy. Continue therefore to go deep within yourselves daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and invite Love in to show you your worthiness and to encourage you yet again, because just by being present as humans in this moment, and each following moment, you are all bringing the awakening to its most magnificent completion. You can have no idea of how dearly M/F/G loves and honors you for your stalwart work in bringing the awakening process to its most glorious fruition.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Who Are the Teachers of Light, Part 2

Source: Jim Self and Roxane Burnett

Excerpt from the interactive book A Course in Mastering Alchemy. Below are my experiences and understandings of a few of the Teachers of Light who have participated in this project called Mastering Alchemy. The descriptions are meant to be simple introductions; the Teachers are much more than this. Your relationship with the Teachers will be uniquely yours and will continue to grow and evolve as you do.



Archangel Uriel is a grand storyteller. He was the first archangel I met. He beautifully explained the Fall of Consciousness and how humanity got in the situation we are now in. Uriel is artistic in both the words and visuals he presents to your inner sight. He guides your journey into the higher realms and appears to us as a gentle and kind companion.

Lord Metatron

Ever the scientist and teacher, Archangel Metatron stepped forward during the activations of many of the layers of the Light Body to explain the integration of the, sometimes complicated, energetics. Understanding the depth of wisdom that Metatron provides requires an audio recorder and time to listen repeatedly. Metatron is often the communicator on behalf of Creator.


Archangel Michael is a lead representative of the angelic kingdom. Michael made his first appearance to me during an experience within the Sacred Heart where he, and the angelic kingdom, stood in partnership with the animal and Elemental kingdoms. The first Ray of Creation was given to us by Michael. He is the type of leader who sits quietly at the back of the room, waiting and watching for the perfect time to add a gem of Light to the group’s creation.

Lord Melchizedek

Melchizedek is one of the Lords of Light. He is an overseer of this project, bringing tools and concepts to humanity to uplift us into higher levels of consciousness. He doesn’t get involved in a personal way or as a presenter but instead coordinates all of the Teachers of Light. He often appears in a triad with Michael and Metatron. Melchizedek seldom speaks as an individual.


Archangel Zadkiel explains the steps of this project well. He is able to simplify the activations on this path in a way that is easy for us to understand, remember and utilize. Zadkiel helps us understand and practise with many of the Rays of Creation. It is Zadkiel who is very involved in helping us release our limiting beliefs and programming by providing strategies and tools.


Also known as Jesus, Yeshua represents and shows us how to have a physical body and reside in the higher dimensions simultaneously. He reminds us of our purpose for embodying upon the planet and how we can now do what he was unable to when he was incarnate. With the element of Love, Yeshua is here to assist humanity to step into the higher realms of consciousness, where he and the other Teachers reside.

Mother Mary

The mother of Yeshua, Mary embodies and teaches nurturing, understanding and compassion. She is a leader and teacher with great authority. Mother Mary represents the feminine aspect of Creator. She works toward the possibility for each of us to be that also.


As Yeshua’s grandmother and the mother of Mother Mary, Anna teaches the wisdom and the power of discernment. She shows how masterful leadership can demonstrate itself. Today she would be a diplomat to the United Nations. She, along with Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, offers activations and transmissions that can help bring the balanced, unified feminine and masculine creative energy into your own daily spiritual life.

Mary Magdalene

Unbridled, unrestricted enthusiasm is where Mary Magdalene lives. Together and aligned in the triad with Mother Mary and Anna, Mary Magdalene offers the energetic or raw adolescent curiosity and passion that balances well with the Mother Mary and Anna. She is all about wildly creating what is possible and especially what is considered impossible. She seldom speaks as in individual.


Kuthumi is an Ascended Master. He is a most attentive friend and Teacher. He prepares us for the other Teachers to present their activations and transmissions. Kuthumi is conscientious and clearly a world navigator and teacher. He has deep familiarity with the third-dimensional adventure and can phrase concepts in a way we humans can more easily grasp.

Meeting the Teachers of Light

As you meet each of these kind Elders, I encourage you to approach them as new friends who have entered your life to participate in a new adventure with you. They are no better than you. They are simply walking a step or two ahead of you on this path, like an older sibling or grandparent. They have stepped through a doorway and are holding the door open for you to enter the realm of possibilities.

Although important and powerful, this journey doesn’t have to be serious. In fact, being serious will get in the way of what you can experience here. The last thing the Teachers want is for you to idolize them or be separate from them. Each night you sit at the table with them, discussing and laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Soon you will be able to remember the creative fun you have together. The Teachers are your friends and family. They will assist you to consciously remember who you are.

Please enjoy meeting and creating with the Teachers of Light. The journey they offer leads us to the Living Lightbody.


LIFE HACK - Ask yourself this question...

Source: Lorie Ladd

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