
Saturday, May 7, 2022

Times of Bringers Message


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In this excerpt, Gori Expresses his Gratitude for Cetaceans

The Cetaceans had been quite helpful to me, and I owed them my deepest gratitude. Their incredible knowledge of the Humans and their true history was most awe-inspiring to me. Here was another species that tortured and killed them, and yet they respected them enough to keep an oral history within the conscious mind that was the basis of Cetacean identity. It was truly a most unusual case of deep love and caring for another species and a whole planet as well. It would be tremendous if Humans, in their own groping way, would comprehend and apply this lesson to Human civilization.

It was one thing to believe in gentleness and love, and quite another to practice it. My civilization had required a great unifier to end the regional and clan warfare that served as the basis for our early oral history. My illustrious ancestor had ended this disaster by showing how the species and planetary consciousness could be altered to promote peace, unity and planetary progress. In so doing, he had saved our species and our world from destruction. Now, it seemed that a similar evolution was required to help this world to survive. Soon, the Planetary Union would have to come to this realization and act accordingly.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

To order your copy: Click here


How to Remain Balanced in Times of Uncertainty by the Arcturians

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Sacred School of OmNa


Greetings and love, we the Arcturians extend to your being now. We envelop you in the stars of the Universe of the Creator, surrounding you in blazing light, to support your ascension and spiritual journey upon the Earth. Allow yourself to inhale the light of these many stars as they fill you with the Creator's sacred qualities, everything that you need and require is within your being. There is always light that you can draw upon, especially from the stars in the Universe of the Creator.

Although the entire Universe of the Creator exists within your being, you can imagine the stars of the Universe of the Creator surrounding you almost like fireflies radiating and emanating light into your being, allowing you to bathe in the most glorious, nourishing light of the Creator.

As you ascend all those around you ascend and Mother Earth. This can create times of uncertainty where you might feel off balance, or misaligned with yourself, with others, with the Earth, or even the Creator. You may experience separation, or a misunderstanding, when you feel uncertainty within your being, it is often that this is mirrored into your reality causing you to feel uncertainty with greater power and strength within.

This cycle can build until you lose focus on who you are, your power, and your sacred abilities.

In times of uncertainty, it is important to first recognise that you feel uncertain, unbalanced or confused. When you recognise that this is the space that you are experiencing and that it is integrating into your reality, it is the first stage of acceptance.

There may be a need to accept that many in the world are feeling uncertain and this is creating a wider reality for all, causing doubt or fear. With acceptance of the uncertainty within your being, you are able to move forth to bring yourself into balance. We invite you to sit in the energy of uncertainty.

What does it feel like?
What colour do you recognise?
What words come forth?
How does it impact your physical body?
* How does it impact your physical reality?

As you recognise this, we the Arcturians invite you to breathe deeply into all that you discover. You may experience the energy climaxing and then releasing somewhat, shifting and changing into something different. We invite you to focus upon this until you experience an upliftment or insight. If you find that you are unable to move through the energy and access the insight, then you may wish to try again another day or invite your guides forward to support you and offer healing.

Continuing, we the Arcturians wish to invite you to imagine that you are the Creator, because you are the Creator of your own reality.

Imagine you are the Creator, the source of All That Is, you have all of the qualities, all of the abilities, everything that you need and desire to support you in your reality upon the Earth and to support others as well.

In this situation of uncertainty as the Creator, what qualities do you believe would most assist a transformation?


As you access the different Creator qualities that will support a transformation in uncertainty and bring forth balance within your being, you are creating an energy, a healing energy that supports you. You are activating an inner remembrance and sacred vibrations to come forth and flood your being. Take time to evaluate the qualities that would be most successful in transforming the situation of uncertainty into balance. It could be the quality of peace, of love, courage, tenderness, empathy, calmness, vibrancy, or action. As you recognise these qualities, begin to imagine them blossoming within your being, creating a ball or a cocoon of light around you that is filled with these sacred qualities.

Let it flow throughout every aspect of your being.

Sit within this vibration, these sacred qualities, this activated energy from within your being. Feel it's soothing, healing, uplifting your entire being. Feel yourself becoming aware of your feet, the ground beneath you and the energy flowing into Mother Earth. Recognise how it flows into her centre and cascades in all directions. It also cascades from your being in all directions and especially to situations of uncertainty. This sacred synthesis of light and Creator qualities supports the outcome of balance. As the qualities of the Creator synthesis they become a tonic, and a healing balm. When you feel uncertain or out of balance, confused or chaotic you can think of this sacred synthesis of energy, filling yourself up with it and allowing it to cascade out in all directions. You will feel more centred and balanced, this will impact the reality that you're creating and the reality around you.

To finish this process, we invite you to seek deep within your heart or higher heart chakra to discover your soul and a seed of light. The seed of light holds the energy of being balanced, grounded, powerful, able to access and use the skills and abilities of your being. Imagine, sense, acknowledge that this seed grows, maybe it grows into a tree or the most beautiful flower, a bush or a fruitful plant.

Watch and imagine it growing within your being. Notice how its roots are very long, strong and grounded into the Earth. It is radiant, able to stand tall and powerfully. This growth from the seed is you, your energy, your qualities, your ability to remain balanced whatever occurs within or around you.

In times of uncertainty, you know that you can impact your being and reality in a very powerful way that will create transformation and bring forth balance. Not only for you but for others as well. We, the Arcturians, are present to support you in any and every moment. You may simply call upon our energies to be with you.

We love you, dearly, we thank you.

We are the Arcturians

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A Message to Light Bringers - May 6

Source: Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:

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Greetings, friends!

Today we share some energy work, embedded in the video below.

Many are finding intense and often difficult emotions coming to the surface, related to this and other lives.

Some of this may be a subconscious kind of wrestling away from denser aspects of your old Earth DNA, and interference from various presences, such as ancestors, family energy bodies, entities, and other etheric influences.

We encourage you to find safe spaces to allow these emotions to emerge, and to write out how you are feeling, speak to a friend or counselor, to use Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), or speak inwardly to your Spirit team or any Ascended Master or Archangel whom you feel close to, calling forth their support and wisdom.

The Lightforms flowing to the Earth now from your Sun are particularly transformative--more so than most energies you have yet experienced since Earth fell to the third dimension.

Keep this in mind, and take time for yourself to process and allow these emotions without feeling that they define you or that you will be caught up in them indefinitely, for you will not.

We encourage you not to make any big decisions while in a state of upheaval, whether mental/emotional or otherwise.

Be kind to yourself in these days, for though this is the Transformation you came in to experience, it can be both exhausting and strenuous on many levels.

The video here was created to offer energy assistance in these powerful yet empowering times.

Throughout this month of May, many things will shift upon your planet, in your own physical being, and in your inner life.

You are breaking out of the old constructs so as to ready yourselves to create the new ones.

In this New Earth, you are the co-Creators you have long dreamt of being.

Know that the way of the peaceful warrior also stands for the stamina, patience, and calm acceptance of all you see now, without feeling the need to resist this great wave that carries you in its current to a far greater world.

Know we are with you each moment, without fail.

So call upon us to intervene in world affairs, and to intervene in helpful ways in your own life!

The time is now, dear ones.

Stand up, and say Yes to all you are healing and transforming now!


If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at

The Collective Offer Energy Work for Healing Intense Emotions

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