
Monday, April 11, 2022

We are in for a treat with this powerful conjunction. Jupiter and Neptune


We are in for a treat with this powerful conjunction. Jupiter and Neptune will meet in Pisces on the 12th of April for the first time since March 17, 1856. This means the collective energy is going to be very chaotic, dramatic and emotional for a while (I bet you can already notice it). The astrologers are suggesting that an important shift will happen, a cultural reset — a vibe shift for the individual/collective/planet and this means big change for everyone on the long run and some might not be so happy about it. Jupiter brings luck, fortune and blessings, Neptune brings the magical, mysterious and spiritual into our lives. Neptune governs the subconscious, dreams, art, entertainment, and psychic powers. The planets meet every 12 years but only every 165 years in the sign of Pisces (dreamy, emotional, spiritual, a water sign, powerfully connected with both planets). What to expect? What can we do? The best way is to open up to the unknown and see what comes our way, what changes will happen/be seen in the physical lives. Be ready to change your beliefs, the perception of reality, your spirituality and ways of living. Expect magical change according to the divine plan. I enjoy so much on such powerful days and welcome the change because I can feel and see that so much is happening for our highest good, even though we cannot see/perceive it when it happens but we slowly and surely follow. ~divinefeminine7777

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