
Monday, April 18, 2022

Pyramid Temples are Cells..


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Laarkmaa explains the Multiverse!


Right now, we who are awake are mired in an age of uncertainty. Truths we have built our lives upon are being questioned, discarded and replaced. Many of us feel groundless and long for a foothold in stability.

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return to lead us out of anxiety and despair toward possibility and hope. With them they bring the enduring love and constancy of Laarkmaa, the Pleiadian beings whose discernment and guidance our world so badly needs.


What a wonderful opportunity to shake off our fears and embrace the wisdom and serenity of the higher Beings whose energies are so close to our own.

Please join us for this inspirational Live Webinar!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen Update Us On Their Mission’s Current Focus
• Being Awake: How to Maintain Positivity
Dealing with Constant Distractions and Narratives that Divide Humanity
• Major Increase In Solar Flare Activity
Its Effect on Us
• Pineal Gland: Connecting to Higher Consciousness
How to Keep It Healthy
• Laarkmaa Explains the Multiverse Attraction
Pitfalls of Falsely Creating Our Avatars
• An Update from Laarkmaa
Spiritual Lessons We are Meant to Learn in This Historical Moment

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording

Sunday, April 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday April 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Inspirational..for your heart's pleasure...

Autistic Boy Overcomes Social Anxiety and Gives the Best Man Speech

Source: Daily Mail

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The Crystal Pyramid Temples are rising

Source: Judith Kusel -


The Ancient Pyramid Temples and the Crystalline Grid...

In Ancient times... long before Atlantis, Lemuria and Avalon existed, there used to be a massive energy grid, called the Crystalline Grid, surrounding this Planet. A set of 12 Crystal Pyramid Temples, reflecting the 12 Master Rays, anchored in the Cosmic Light .... They were placed at the most important energy centres of this Planet, and fed the grid....

There was a Thirteenth, and Master Pyramid, which was called the Pyramid Temple of the White Flame..... This was the Master Energy Conduit, and it in turn was directly linked up the Crystal Pyramid Temple of the 7th Temple of the 7th Sun of the 7th Galaxy.... A Galaxy that we have forgotten exists....

There were smaller Pyramids, which interlinked with the main 12 (13).... the Giza Pyramids were some of the later ones, as well as those in America and elsewhere... indeed, these are found all over the world....

Some were used for healing.... others to fine-tune one’s vibratory state... others for connection to other dimensions and states of BEING.... others for inter-dimensional travel .... some were teaching and learning centres, as all teaching was conveyed by means of giant and small crystals, programmed with the information a person needed to assimilate....

The Temple of the White Flame, was a vast centre of Higher Learning.... It was here that the High Priesthood was trained.... It had vast Halls of Wisdom and Halls of Records.... Only those who were initiated, (especially the women had to go through stringent initiations, as they were the PURE TRANSMITTER SOULS) could have access to this temple.....

When the first people of this planet, started playing power games, and in a war between two factions (instigated by war elsewhere in our solar system, Universe and Galaxies), these Temples either sank under the sea, or where deactivated.... They do exist still on the ethereal planes....

They will be placed onto this planet once more, when we are ready to step into the Higher Dimensional State, when the New Golden Age truly starts to have effect....

In the meantime, we, who are Wandering Souls, are asked, at this time, to simply hold the Light steady.... When we reactivate our 12 Chakras we are then anchoring in these Higher Rays and the more we do so, the greater the Energies released....

These Higher Energies are affecting our DNA.. our glands...... our spinal cords’ tonal scale .... and our central nervous systems..... Indeed, our whole bodies are being fine-tuned...

We are being prepared for much Lighter Bodies... thus our physical bodies will start vibrating at much Higher Frequencies....

We are returning to our TRUE states.... We are the only Creations who ever fell from the 7th and 5th dimensions into the 3rd..... Normally the cycles are an UPWARD evolution and not a downward one....

There are Souls who volunteered to hold the Light steady during this time..... This is their main reason for being here... Some are here to reactivate the pyramids and the energy grids..... for certain souls have the innate ability and are programmed to do so.... A lot might do this unconsciously, but still it is there....

It takes but one single candle to light up the world....

It takes but a handful, to change the whole patterns of this planet.... and to heal it.... to bring back WHOLENESS..... Never by force... by simply by anchoring in the Highest Frequency Rays of Love and Light!

Ps. This is not to indicate that the Temples were entities on their own.... They were merely a source or sources, connecting this planet to the Divine Source (God/Goddess) from whom ALL LIFE HAS SPRUNG and then interconnected us on a far vaster scale to the GREAT COSMIC HIERARCHIES....

At that time ALL WAS ONE.... there was no separation....


Your Secret Chakra: The imagination Station

Source: Sonia Choquette

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Are You in Relationship with the Person or Their Potential?

by Matt Kahn

Who needs to read this?


If you project someone’s potential onto them, it is a greater likelihood they will project their unexpressed pain onto you. Even though you may be able to see someone’s potential, it doesn’t mean they are within a timespan of bringing it to life. Even worse, when you make it your goal to help someone step into the potential you see within the context of a platonic, familial, or romantic relationship, you are no longer relating to the person in view, but a promise you have projected onto them in becoming the very qualities absent from your own relationship with self.

To be in relationship with someone’s potential is like having a vision of your child’s future. What if you suddenly saw in your mind’s eye that your ten-year-old would grow up to be one of the most accomplished and in-demand accountants in the country — only to then hand your ten-year-old child your tax returns thirty years before they are able to take on new clients? Just as ridiculous as that would be, it is equally as far-reaching to give others access to the depths of your deepest vulnerabilities lifetimes before they are ready to handle the human heart with respect, responsibility, and care.

What if someone who projects their emotional density onto you is their soul’s way of saying, “I appreciate you reflecting the qualities I will one day personify, but I’m lifetimes away from being interested or able to be who you see me one day becoming.

I am only projecting my pain to show you all that’s in the way of being who you need me to be. All so you may make course-corrective choices in support of who you are now, instead of trying to fast-track a journey I am taking at my own rate of speed. If you could please honor me as someone teaching you to strengthen the power of your voice and to be more comfortable maintaining the boundaries that amplify your self-esteem, you will come out of this relationship more worthy of the goodness I am unable to provide given where I am at my stage of evolution.”

These are the words the soul conveys to you while decorated in the manipulative patterning that lets you know when someone in your life is too consumed in pain to feel safe enough for conscious interaction. What a mind-blowing revelation to recognize equal to the safety you may lack when engulfed in other people’s darkness is a matching lack of safety others experience when you insist on having conversations of conscious accountability with those who aren’t ready to face it.

If someone hasn’t developed the safety to be self-aware, what makes you think they are ready to explore a journey of intimacy, whether as friends, family, or lovers?


This is why the Universe invented small talk as a social cocoon for those still developing the coping skills to love and be loved from a space of safety and respect.

Even when in romantic scenarios, there are those who are willing to engage sexually as an avoidance of their own pain without being equally interested in the intimacy of communication and connection. If you find it useful to expose your innocence to that type of de-compartmentalized imbalance of interaction, there are plenty of people happy to explore the beauty of your body, while taking for themselves the power that insecurities tend to so easily give away.

My hope is that you will read these words, feel into their relevance, and take the time to shift out of relating to other people’s potential, including your own, so you are able to be aware of your most important life choices by meeting each moment in truth.

This is not a judgment against anyone, but a self-reflective opportunity to give to yourself what is no one else’s job to provide you. With the hope that you set such an incredibly high bar of ethical value in your life that it lets the quantum field know you are finally ready for a depth of meaningful connection that will blow the doors of your heart completely off its hinges. From this space, there is no longer a power struggle feeding the patterning of those, who only want what they want from you and nothing more, while not racking up late penalty fees on your tax returns by waiting for a ten-year-old to figure it out.

Love is fierce today. It is only the beginning.

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