
Friday, April 22, 2022



We just had another big M-class Solar Flare! Powerful Stargate alignments, Crystal Core & Crystalline Network Activations are igniting our and the Planetary Cosmic Quantum Tree of Life, Diamond Grid, Multidimensional DNA, Double Diamond Rainbow Solar Plasma Lightbody, unlocking our True Tribal Records & History of Origin!
There is a sacred and magical realignment and repair between Andromeda's and the Lyran and Vega Startgates happening as ALL IS BEING RESET and moved into position to before 'the Fall' happened, plus Upgrades. This is Quantum Timeline Mechanics as we realign and merge with our Kryst-All Avatar Self, Cosmic Consciousness and Original Source Codes and Blueprints.
The Cosmic Dragons are all rising and awakening and breathing their sacred fires throughout the Grids, portals and gateways, re-claiming and reigniting ALL sacred sites, temples, Pyramids, vortexes and Startgates for the Full & Final Liberation from the negative forces now being mass evicted and removed at super extra fast quantum God Source speed!
Important Planetary Staff & Rod Codes (horizontal and vertical) are fully igniting and alignments are taking place to complete the final RE-UNION of the Polarities to be realized within the Zero Point Field of Divine Love, in NO-TIME.
The Earth's Crystalline Core, Planets and Startgates are finalising their realignment with the Andromeda Galaxy, our True North.
We are ready for the final ignition of the New Earth Grid and Organic Ascension Earth!
Dreams are about to become real!
Eternal Love & Blessings,
Ramona 💙

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