
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Gori's Journal: My trip to the Amphiboid Planet Be'dhetu -


My trip to the Amphiboid Planet Be dhetu Banner

Over the next little while, we will be presenting you with some intriguing excerpts from Gori's 220-page Journal.

In this excerpt, Gori relates how his space ship was tractor-beamed to the benevolent planet, Be'dhetu.

The Be'dhetus' Mission
The only hope for this sector of the galaxy was to help those capable of god-like consciousness to reach that advanced state. The galaxy was like a many-layered cake: some layers were good, and some bad. It was important for each person to choose their destiny and decide in favor of the good layer of the cake, rather than the bad. This was the work the people of Be'dhetu were meant to do.

[My guide De'hagu] answered that all food was a form of energy, which was transferred through an underground tube to the various residences. A converter transformed that energy into whatever the resident required. Further, my guide replied, the converter freed residents from dependence on plant or animal matter as food. On Be'dhetu, vegetables were sources of beauty and joy. They were not to be eaten.

She opened a bottle and rubbed a sticky fluid on her wound. Ten seconds later, the burn was gone and no scar was visible. It was so remarkable that I saw it as a scientific miracle. She told me that what she had shown me was a very small example of the miracles her medicine was capable of. They could instantly heal broken bones; cure all vital organ damage; and retain the same mental and physical vitality as that of a young child. There were no limits to the healing properties of their potions.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

To order your copy: Click here

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