
Saturday, April 9, 2022

Everything is in place... !!! From Saint Germain Crossing the bridge


Everything is in place... !!!


From Saint Germain

Crossing the bridge


a kiss from the brothers

Today we can already confirm that everything is ready for the final fall of the Kabala. The domino pieces are starting to drop, one at a time. It will be a visible victory of light, from whichever angle you look at it.

We know how tired you are, especially those servants of light, who despite the troubles remain firm at the foot of the canyon.

The prize is right around the corner, for everyone. No one will be left out. No one will ever be forgotten.

my dearest Battles are over. The last war already has a winner: the light!

Cabal governments are being eliminated, one at a time. They have no power anymore. Government in the end belongs to the people. Out of town.

Wealth is already secured for everyone. It will no longer be concentrated in the hands of a few soulless. Humanity will never be a slave again!

From now on Gia and its inhabitants are free and sovereign beings! The fifth dimension. There's no turning back. The point of no return has arrived.

Put your fears aside. There's nothing left to fear. We need to change the "I'm broke" mentality. Replace it with "there is more than enough for everything."

The financial concerns are over. No more "coming the month end". Change the chip ! God created a world of abundance for all. Not just for some.

Don't be too overloaded! Strengthen yourself and know in your hearts that slavery is over. The golden age is here!

I love you with all my heart.

I am your Dream German

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