
Sunday, April 3, 2022

ENERGY PORTAL MONDAY 4.4 On Monday we will have this energetic Portal,

ENERGY PORTAL MONDAY 4.4 On Monday we will have this energetic Portal, the vibration of number 4 is excellent to have the desire to move forward from undertaking and concreting what you want. It's the BEGINNING of something New. I be flooded by the 🌝. Time to reinvent ourselves and be aware of our SELF. This Portal brings us a favorable vibration to achieve our objectives above all changes to improve and transform our lives. The number 4, also represents the number of the 4 elements: air, fire, earth and water. The number 4 is a symbol of Creation, using your imagination, it is a number of order, of the organization. In this Portal 4, we're going to have an energy 5 because if we add up: 4+4+2022= 14. 1+4= 5 Number 5 represents transformation, April will be a very important month to help us change the way we live. Auspicious day to change our thoughts, this portal of imagination is opened, so that we can experience important changes through visualization, feeling it from our inner being. This Portal will be connected with the Stars ⭐️ of the Pleyades, so we can ask for Pleyadian assistance to make new transformations in your life. The Earth will be aligned with the Sun 🌞 Central of the Galaxy and it will be an appropriate moment to connect with the Power of the Universe generating a New Change for your evolution. Remember that the mind creates the thoughts, and thoughts create your reality. Everything comes through what you think and if you want to create what you desire for your life, you must be prepared to do it. What to do? Connect with Mother Earth, be grateful for life, health and if you have any illness you can ask for Healing. Connect with your heart through a meditation and express mantras or what you desire for yourself to transform your life. Connect with the Elements of the Earth, you can walk barefoot in a garden, on the beach, also gift yourself a plant or plant in a pot a plant or in your garden. Light a white candle 🕯 and listen to spiritual music, mantras. It is very important to connect with the candle light, feeling that Connection with your heart asking for everything you desire. This Portal EMANARA a lot of light 💥 of vibration creating a new reality, expanding our mind, our intellect and our intuition. It's gonna be a Magic Portal! Because we can connect with our own essence. Moment of living life towards new horizons, creating new things, strengthening the mind and creating positive thoughts. YOU are the ONLY one who can CREATE the changes IN YOUR LIFE! Love and Light 441 ❤️✨🌈 Quantum Awakening Channel ✨🌎✨ Rainbow Interconnection 441🌈


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