
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Do we have reptilian DNA?,,plus..LIGHT Weird..


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Shake off all your fears. Join us for some Laarkmaa Wisdom


Right now, we who are awake are mired in an age of uncertainty. Truths we have built our lives upon are being questioned, discarded and replaced. Many of us feel groundless and long for a foothold in stability.

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return to lead us out of anxiety and despair toward possibility and hope. With them they bring the enduring love and constancy of Laarkmaa, the Pleiadian beings whose discernment and guidance our world so badly needs.


What a wonderful opportunity to shake off our fears and embrace the wisdom and serenity of the higher Beings whose energies are so close to our own.

Please join us for this inspirational Live Webinar!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen Update Us On Their Mission’s Current Focus
• Being Awake: How to Maintain Positivity
Dealing with Constant Distractions and Narratives that Divide Humanity
• Major Increase In Solar Flare Activity
Its Effect on Us
• Pineal Gland: Connecting to Higher Consciousness
How to Keep It Healthy
• Laarkmaa Explains the Multiverse Attraction
Pitfalls of Falsely Creating Our Avatars
• An Update from Laarkmaa
Spiritual Lessons We are Meant to Learn in This Historical Moment

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording

Sunday, April 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday April 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.



Interview with Jamye Price and Jannecke Oinaes

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Ancient Egyptians Beliefs Are Way Beyond Weird, In Fact, They're Beyond Comprehension

Source: Non Human Entities

They were clearly some very did beliefs in ancient Egypt. So strange in some that the Greeks, who had studied the customs of the Egyptians well, noted with amazement that they paid much less attention to their earthly houses than their tombs. Some believe there is much more to be found under the sands of Egypt, and perhaps they are right. Only time will tell.

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Ivo of Vega - The Powerlessness of Intellect

Source: Sharon Stewart


Me: Folks, Ivo and I have shown you over and over again that our intellectual minds are the weakest part of our human system, never mind they are dumbed down by mind control and negative alien intervention throughout the day and night.

I started watching a video by a man who goes to all sites of ancient ruins around the world and he's commenting on this stuff like he's an expert. He made a quote about the construction of these monuments that I've actually heard before, so of course not all his knowledge comes from his own opinion – he's gotten a lot of it through books. The one problem with books is they are written by mind controlled minds. Our scientists are mind controlled as well, not only that but they may knowingly or not be working for the minds that control us. I'll put my money behind someone who's capable of independent thought any day, and those people always have access to their intuition – always. Why? Because that's the complete human energetic system. If you're going on just your intellect, it's like trying to walk on your heels. You need to use the whole foot!

Our minds are not free. We're only in the process of beginning to free them now!

I hate listening to intellects who investigate old cities and old cultures around the world. They hold up our level of technology to what ancient civilizations were capable of but these ancient civilizations had benevolent extraterrestrial help, whereas we have built our civilization around malevolent extraterrestrial intervention and its attempts to hold us down.
It's hard to understand grade twelve when you're in grade one and that's where we are today. Trying to understand something greater than your level of knowledge will allow for is difficult. This is why we have teachers, thank God they'll be coming back to guide us again.

The fact is, ancient civilizations, maybe not in recent history but in Antiquity built these structures so soundly they still stand today despite weather, earthquakes, polar flips, you name it, they're still there. Ancient civilizations on earth were far more advanced than we are now in physics, chemistry and just information about nature and healing, which we don't even really have a term for yet. Wholistics, ecology, earthly medicine maybe?

What do you call it?

Information about the nature of the earth and how we can utilize it for healing and advancement of our way of life. We don't take enough from the earth because for one thing, we call everything weeds and we pull them out of our grass which provides us with no sustenance at all, whereas some of these so-called weeds are wonderful healing medicines.

The fact is, earthlings have lost a lot of old knowledge, that had we kept it, the DS would be no problem to us at all right now. They probably would never have started their shenanigans because they would have realized it would have been futile. They have put earthlings through a dumbing down process which started thousands of years ago, by genetically altering our DNA and restructuring our bodies to work against the thing they were created to do – to ascend. And then they took away the information that humanity needed in order to understand fully who it is and how to utilize the earth while still keeping it in balance. We knew all that back then.

The negative controllers came at the right time – after the failure to ascend of yet another of these great civilizations and the re-set of humanity, which has happened several times already. The end times that we're in now is another of these re-sets, only this time we're going to advance our civilization, not start from rock bottom again.

Bravo to the guy for investigating, but please don't try to explain our system right now and compare them to the systems of Antiquity. We've got nothing on them! When the truth gets revealed, when all in Antarctica is revealed to the public, there are going to be a few red-faced pundits who will realize their theories of earth's history are all wrong.

When you think of it, that untruth we were told about many men hauling stones together to assemble the pyramids is just one of the lies that was told to us by experts who are laughing at us behind our backs! This is another thing to consider, folks and that is that they tell us these lies and then laugh at the way we believe them.

Side note: Read St Germain's books written by Godfrey Ray King if you really want to get a glimpse into these ancient societies and how magnificent they were, and why they were destroyed.

Ivo: You had a good point, my love.

Me: They're all pretty good, Ivo.

Ivo: They are, but you said, “They have put earthlings through a dumbing down process which started thousands of years ago, by genetically altering our DNA and restructuring our bodies to work against the thing they were created to do – to ascend. And then they took away the information that humanity needed in order to understand fully who it is and how to utilize the earth while still keeping it in balance. We knew all that back then.

The negative controllers came at the right time – after the failure of yet another of these great civilizations and the re-set of humanity, which has happened several times already. The end times that we're in now is another of these re-sets, only this time we're going to advance our civilization, not start from rock bottom again.” To which I interjected, “And you see now that as humanity advances, it is because it begins to connect with its intuition again.”

Me: Yes, true.

Ivo: That is the only way to advance humanity – in its wholeness. Unless a human is wholly functional, they are extremely disabled. And that is why you cannot listen to those who try to position themselves as knowledgeable about these ancient civilizations – because they are not utilizing their intuition or in some cases they are working to continue to dumb down the people.
You may not have any idea just how fervently they work at keeping you down. They have been working very hard, employing many so-called experts who are nothing of the sort. They have been telling them what they can and cannot say to the public. They may have knowledge of a particular subject, such as space travel, but for your people it has been based on mechanics, which is the slowest means of traveling anywhere never mind in space.


Ivo: We employ the unified field, which is knowledge that is being suppressed, to fly our ships. Our ships are also conscious and we telepathically interface with them in order to fly them. This would not be possible for someone who does not have telepathic ability, so in this way they have kept the public at large from accessing outer space.
They have worked hard to keep you trapped on the planet, and at their mercy. The secret the Vatican keeps from the people is the pineal gland which is the connection to the higher states of consciousness.

They have given you so many poisons, it is a wonder this gland functions at all, and granted in many it does not. These are homo sapiens, the species of human that will die off. And yes, this species is a hybrid – a hybrid reptilian/human being. You are humanoid, not true humans. The people in antiquity were true humans with undifferentiated DNA – it was truly human.

In fact, you have DNA within you of another species – the reptilian – and so as you seek out your human history, you do not realize there is another history which should be considered – that of the reptilian. This is of course, also being kept from you.


Me: Is our DNA reptilian DNA from the raptors on the planet or just reptilians from outer space?

Ivo: From outer space. So your history at this point in time involves several constellations besides your own.

Me: Yes, never thought of that.

Ivo: How else would they be able to shapeshift if their DNA was not in the human body? They would not. That is the trick the shapeshifter uses – they can shift the DNA to allow one to predominate or the other. At times the human predominates, at other times the reptilian predominates. This indicates mastery over the DNA and extensive knowledge of the body.

Me: Yes, I wonder what happened to poor Diana when she woke up at night and saw Buddy had turned into a beast. No wonder she turned into a nervous wreck. I hear sometimes they shift at night while they're sleeping.

Ivo: Yes, they do.
The long and the short of this message is there is a lot to be told to the people of earth and many reparations to be made. The extent to which you have been lied to will floor many people and they will not be able to believe it. We are preparing many of you with even just the basics, there will be much more that you need to know about your history and how to utilize the earth to stay in balance.

Earth has a long road of recovery ahead of it, but in fact it will be amazing to see how resilient the people are.

Me: Is it correct to assume, Ivo, that many people won't make it to 5D?

Ivo: There will be many along the way that will not be able to make it, yes. Their souls have not contracted to ascend in this lifetime. As you know, earth was on a reincarnation cycle that did not take the soul's needs into account. People were recycled at the whim of the malevolent forces working here, so they often did not get rest time, or the chance to work through life lessons, etc. Many were held in the lower fourth against their will and not allowed to reincarnate, in the same way that political prisoners are held in jails against their will. Others had their souls harvested for whatever purpose, either the use of powering their technologies or for the sake of traumatizing and further splitting the soul. In this way they have turned good souls to bad ones.

Me: Yes they tried it with me. Didn't work. LOL

Ivo: They did. I remember a particular Archangel who came to guard you one night as you were doing heavy grief work.

Me: Yes, that's why I call him my wing man. I couldn't tell who this wild looking man was who was standing in my mind's eye. What did I know then? He had a roman tunic on and laced up sandals, for crying out loud. I said, “Hey buddy, do you mind getting a move on?

I'm having a personal moment here.” LOL I told an Archangel to get a move on! It still cracks me up. I love Michael so much. He just stood there, just watching me, and then I saw something move on his shoulder. When I looked more closely, I saw it was a wing. Then I got all excited that an angel was visiting me and I forgot about my grief work. Eventually he faded away. When I told my Catholic friend about this, she told me it was Michael.

Ivo: Yes, he has always been there for you and now you are here for him. He appreciates the devotion and dedication so many of you show to his work. Our group, of course, is published every Sunday with a new task from Michael for the week.
(Resuming the reincarnation conversation) People will now be able to choose when they wish to come in, and many will choose to stay back or to reincarnate on other planets. Now that the lower artificial timeline has been secured, they will be allowed to reincarnate there as well and continue to ascend.

Me: What about the rapture everyone keeps talking about?

Ivo: The rapture is not directed to the people of earth, my love. The rapture refers to the negative entities who are embodied in human flesh right now, the ones who are being removed from the planet. They had planned to create a mass exodus as they believed themselves to be godly, and so they believed they would take over Heaven. The rapture refers to them. They believe they are the Christed ones. They believe they are displaced gods.

What will help the humans of earth, the people, will be the solar flash that so many are waiting for. I ask you why you feel you want to wait for the solar flash. The only people who will go to 5D at the time of the solar flash are the ones who are prepared to go. Not all humans will go. The solar flash will complete the split out of the timelines into separate dimensions, and some will remain in the lower dimensions to finish their ascension work if it is possible.

Understand your bible, hence your religions, carry within them many means with which to circumvent the believer (to confuse the believer, let's face it - the bible is still being interpreted, isn't it?). With the religious confused and divided, the negative alliance believes this leaves the spoils to them. There exists the necessity of the creation of this reality through belief, so they have made the human to believe that they will be the benefactors, but as is so often the case, they take the spoils.
Me: Yes, they do it all the time. They lie and they lead us to believe that if we donate money, that money will benefit humanity when they take it for themselves so you see this trick of us creating something and their stealing it. So they altered the bible to do the same thing: tell us we'll ascend but they believe they'll be ascending and leave us to die. So why are they going through all this business of culling the herd if they think they're going to ascend and leave us behind?
Ivo: Not all of them believe this, my love. Some do. Some believe they will stay on earth, just as humans have so many different beliefs, so do the non-humans and their human companions. As for killing you all off, remember they believe you are the impure, the heathens, they think they are earning their place in Heaven by killing you all off.

Me: Oh, I see. They believe they're the gods, so they think the rapture will raise them to heaven, while the rest of us die here on the planet.

Ivo: Correct. They believe their anti-Christ is the real Christ, the Christ of the bible is a false prophet.

Me: I'm going to put up a page on our website about the grand solar flash and the St Germain prosperity funds because I get asked these questions all the time.

Ivo: A nice idea, my love.

Me: Thanks, Ivo.

Ivo: You're most welcome, my love. It is a beautiful day to meet with Merton and Erron and shoot down reptilian ships.

Me: It is. I'm taking the afternoon off. Thanks Ivo.

Ivo: I will be with you in heart and spirit, my love.

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