
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

According to Alex Collier, the Lunar Moon is an artificial satellite/base


Alex Collier - Basic Moon History:
According to Alex Collier, the Lunar Moon is an artificial satellite/base: war-carrier. It was originally brought into this system approximately 11,227 years ago - linear time - from a very large binary star system named in the Orion tongue as "Chowta" (Polaris), of the constellation Ursa Minor.
It was of the 17th planet out of 21, and was 1 of 4 Moons. Its initial mode of transportation into the system was by "latching" on via the tail of an asteroid. This same asteroid circles our part of the Galaxy every 25,156 linear years.
The first place it "parked" itself when it got here was by the planet called Maldek, which is now predominantly the asteroid belt. Maldek was apparently destroyed in a war between some rival E.T. groups.
Andromedan Moon Facts:
[Note: All mention of dates is in our linear concept of time.]
1.) The metallic hollow sphere underneath is 9.1 billion years old, and the lunar rock/soil that comes from Chowta is 6.2 billion years old; rocks that make up the mountains and craters are artificial.
2.) The original entrances into the Moon were at both the North and South poles, Archimedes (near side), the Taurus Mountains (near side), and Jules Verne crater (far side); the New World Order has created many new openings.
3.) The reason why the Moon doesn't rotate is because of weights that are placed at both poles which are magnetic in nature. There are 4 pyramids on the Moon, with 1 being at the far sides equator.
4.) The Moon has been inhabited periodically in its history for 1.8 million years, and was inhabited by 5 million military members of the Orion Group. The personnel consisted of a mixture of humans, reptilians and grays.
5.) The Moon originally contained 9 domed cities on both the visible and hidden sides that were destroyed 113,000 years ago during the Black League Wars. Initial destruction was caused by nuclear weapons. Continuous destruction occurred on the visible side of the Moon as it was being transported here by space debris (asteroid).
6.) Chowta originally contained 47 Moons, with our Moon being one of them. The Moon was 1 of 2 Moons that orbited Maldek, the other was Phobos.
7.) Any planetary body that is 29.3 miles in size and is exposed to a Sun, is capable of a gravity field, even if it is not rotating on its axis.
8.) Our Sun produces a highly penetrating radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. This frequency is approximately a trillion cycles a second. This frequency is located between the lower portion of the infrared and radar band. It is this radiation from the Sun that causes gravity, not the planet's rotation

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