
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Your Atlantis


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Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar was amazing! It is now ready for downloading?

As we pause to assess the battle scars inflicted by more than two years of lockdowns and restrictions, we sense that, finally, a Great Awakening is underway. Inspiring signs of change – of cooperative interaction, of liberty, of the overpowering yearning for freedom – are everywhere, most compellingly in the trucker convoys springing up all over the world.

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As we pause to assess the battle scars inflicted by more than two years of lockdowns and restrictions, we sense that, finally, a Great Awakening is underway. Inspiring signs of change – of cooperative interaction, of liberty, of the overpowering yearning for freedom – are everywhere, most compellingly in the trucker convoys springing up all over the world.

There is an energy, a sense of flow and cohesion, at play right now that taps into our deepest humanity and, at the same time, our freest, most liberated spirit. Love connects us all. We are one, and we know it!


In this Valentine month of love and connection, who better to articulate its activational mood and offer her wise counsel than PAO’s guest of the month, Vidya Frazier. She will share her wisdom and show us how to create a more 5D reality in our day-to-day lives.

This webinar encourages us to reclaim our sovereignty and raise our frequencies!

Subjects discussed:

• Vidya Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus
• An Awakening 5D Reality Shift is Already Underway
Tools to Assist You on Your Journey
• Lightworkers, Starseeds as Frequency-Holders
Redefining Our Spiritual Missions
• Relationship Challenges
Coping with Division
• Keep Focused on Love, Joy and Peace ... No Matter What!
Bringing Joy Back Into Your Life!

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-47 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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The Atlantis Heritage

Source: Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

Note: This is a long article. It is a good reminder of Atlantis and why we are here now. Enjoy.


Dear friends,

I AM Jeshua. I stand before you and send you my energy and love.

I would like to be of support to you in these challenging times.

This time of transition on Earth brings many old things to the surface. Old energies emerge from times long gone by, times in which you were incarnate and had lives in which you experienced much. All these old layers now resurface.

I would like to speak of these old times today, to bring you to a deeper understanding of yourselves, of who you are here-and-now. You are old, ancient beings, who carry within a great deal of experience. Long journeys through time and space you have made, and not just on planet Earth.

Please let me take you back to the beginning

There was never a beginning, but for the sake of this story, I speak of a beginning in time, because there was a starting point to the large cycle of lifetimes in which you are now caught up.

I am taking you to the time of your birth as an individual soul, as a separate ‘I’. The ‘I-ness’ that is so familiar to you now, was an altogether new phenomenon in the universe. Being separate and individual, enables you to gather a multitude of experiences, and yes, illusions as well. But that does not make it less valuable. It is precisely in being an ‘I’, in being separate from the whole, and experiencing the illusions that go with it, that you can discover what is not. You can discover an illusion and experience it from the inside out. At first, this was not possible. At first, there was the One and nothing outside of it, like an undifferentiated ocean of love and oneness. Now try and experience fear and ignorance from in there!

In being vulnerable and prone to illusion, you gather an enormous amount of experience, which enables you to really understand what oneness means, what love means at the level of experience.

You will understand what love is, not as an abstract concept, but as a living, creative force that moves you and fills your heart and spirit with a deep sense of joy and satisfaction. This is the end goal of your journey, the Homecoming you are longing for: to be God-as-you, to experience oneness as an ‘I’. You do not want to give up your ‘I’ness. It is through the connection of your ‘I’ with the whole, that you experience the deepest joy and that you add your own unique energy stamp to the whole of creation. God-as-you adds something new and precious to creation.

I ask you to go back to the time that this ‘being an I’ took shape for the first time

Back then you were, or were created as, angels. Can you feel the tenderness and innocence of that original energy, that distant beginning in which you were first ‘moulded’, got to know ‘form’. All of a sudden you were ‘you’, distinct and separate from the others around you, and you experienced the miracle of being an individual. You were still so close to the source of divine light, that you were filled with love and overflowed with joy and creativity. There was an incredible desire in you to experience, to know, to feel and to create. Please go within for a moment, and see whether you can sense the truth of it: that you are an angel in the deepest part of you….

I now take a big leap in time, as I can only give a broad outline of this extensive history. I take you to the beginning of planet Earth.

You were present there, you are older than the existence of Earth as a physical planet. Your birth as a pristine I-consciousness, lies much further back than the origin of Earth.

Now imagine that you were contributing to the development of life on Earth. Slowly, life evolved on Earth, through the presence of material elements which offered a broad range of possibilities for consciousnesses to incarnate in material forms or bodies: minerals, plants, and later on, animals. And you were deeply involved in this process of creation. How?

You were the angels and devas who supported and nurtured the vegetable kingdom, who knew the ‘web of life’ on Earth intimately and cared for it deeply. You have also provided animal life forms with love, care and etheric nourishment.

Memories you carry of paradise or the Garden of Eden, of a perfectly balanced nature in which you participated as caregiver and keeper of life, stem from this ancient age. You were not incarnate yet then, but hovering between the ethereal and physical realms. You were an angel on the verge of being born into matter.

Remember the innocence of that age, remember what it was like to be this angel-deva-consciousness and how dearly you loved the Earth and all manifestations of life on it. Feel the childlike aspect of your consciousness back then. You were like children playing in paradise, always in the mood for adventures, kidding around, laughing, experiencing the joy of freely expressing yourself in a safe environment. Despite your playfulness, you were in great awe of the guiding laws of life and you would not think of treating life forms with anything less than deep fondness and respect.

So, you have been in some sense the parents of life on Earth. This explains why you can be thoroughly shocked by the disturbances of nature by modern technologies, and the general abuse of the forces of nature.

Why does it affect you so?

It is because you have cherished and nurtured these very energies from the beginning. From your essence you are connected to it, to Earth and its many life forms, as a parent is to her child and a creator to his creation. And back then, when you were angels nurturing Earth life, you knew not why you were doing it. You acted as children who felt drawn by the calling of yet another adventure, the thrill of the new, and you let yourself be guided simply by what felt joyful and exciting to you. You planted your energy wherever it felt welcome.

Thus, you helped create paradise on Earth: the splendour of life, the abundance of the plant and animal kingdoms, the diversity of life forms and the unconstrained development of it all.

Please hold on to this image for a moment……. remember who you are.

Even if it seems too grandiose, when I tell you this, just allow yourself to fantasize that you were part of this, that you were present as an angel in that Garden of Life, playful, innocent, nurturing and cherishing life.


Out of paradise - the first Fall into Experience

Many developments occurred on Earth over millions of years, which are hard to describe in a nutshell. But, at a certain point in time, your blissful adventure in the Garden of Eden was disturbed by an outside influence, which might be termed ‘bad’ or ‘dark’.

From other dimensions in the universe, beings started to meddle with Earth. Their purpose was to exert power and influence over life on Earth.

This happening, the interference of powerful dark energies which emerged out of nothing from your point of view, deeply shocked your angel-selves. You were not prepared. This was your first encounter with ‘evil’ and it shook your world to its foundations. For the first time, you experienced what it was like to not feel safe anymore. You got to know ‘human emotions’: fear, shock, anger, disappointment, grief, outrage: what is this?, what is happening here?!

Sense how the shadows fell upon you in that encounter with darkness, the dark side of duality

Slowly, the craving for power, which had shocked and horrified you, started to take possession of you yourself. This was because you felt indignation and outrage towards the attackers, and you wanted to defend and protect the Earth against this strange invasion.

I speak of an extraterrestrial influence, a certain race so to speak, the origin of which does not matter much for our tale.

What matters is that you partly absorbed the energy of these beings, and thus made a fall. I do not speak of a biblical Fall, as this phrase is associated with sin and guilt, but a fall into experience, into darkness, which was in a sense ‘predestined’ because you were part of the world of duality. By being an ‘I’, by experiencing separateness from the whole, the seeds for duality were born inside of you. It is part of the logic of creation that you will explore all extremes of duality, once you are in it.

You gradually became warriors yourselves, as you desired the power to protect your ‘territory’

A new stage ensued in your history, in which you got caught up in various galactic wars and struggles.

Please take a moment to feel this happening, the fall from the playful energy of the angel-child to the harsh and angry energy of the galactic warrior. We are speaking of long periods of time. It may seem grand and unfathomable that you have gone through all this, yet I ask you to allow your imagination to travel with me for a while.

You got caught up in a fierce and grand battle. Part of the science fiction literature familiar to you, describes all this and is actually inspired by real events in a distant past. It is not mere fiction. Much has actually happened and you were deeply involved in it. You lost yourselves in the struggle for power and during this stage of your history you thoroughly experienced the energy of the ego.

I have talked of this before in the Lightworker series, and I now want to take another huge leap and tell you what the next important stage was.

After a long, long time, you got tired of fighting. You had had enough. You were getting sad and battle-weary, and a kind of homesickness crept into your hearts. You had long been obsessed with the wars and conflicts you were involved in. The illusion of power can exert an hypnotic influence over an untested, naïve mind. You were naïve and untested when you experienced your first fall into darkness.

But then, at a certain point, an awakening occured within you. A vague memory of the old days in Paradise stirred in your minds and hearts, reminding you of the joy and innocence you once knew. You wished you could go back there and did not desire to fight anymore.

One might say that the energies of the ego had been exhausted in you, by the full experience of it. You had known all sides of the battle, the whole range of emotions having to do with winning and losing, controlling and surrendering, being slayer and slain. You had become disillusioned with power and had discovered that power does not give you what it promises to: love, happiness, fulfilment. You awoke from your hypnotic slumber and yearned for something new.

When you reached out to rise above the energy of struggle, and connect to the energy of the heart, you were again naïve and ‘untested’. You were like children who popped your head over the wall of an altogether new country, in which not struggle or power were the leading forces but love and connection. You followed the calling of your soul and climbed over the wall. And you started to meet each other again and to recognize each other as soulmates, members of the same family. Once you had played together as angels in the Garden of Eden.

The members of the lightworker family, who are part of the same birth wave of souls, looked up on each other again and felt drawn by common calling, a shared mission.

You knew you had to do something to make the major step towards heart consciousness, the return to Paradise, actually happen for you. You felt you had dealings with Earth once again, but this time as a human being, incarnated in a human body, to experience from within what had happened on Earth due to the galactic wars, and your abuse of power.

In your struggle for power, the Earth had always been the focal point of attention. Many galactic parties battled for dominion on Earth and this negatively affected the Earth, all life upon her and the collective soul of evolving humanity.

The reason why Earth was such an important target for all these warring parties is not so easily explained.

Briefly put, Earth is the starting point of something new: it is a place that brings many different dimensions and realities together and therefore constitutes a crossroads toward the future. Many, many energies meet and mix together on Earth – within the plant, animal, and especially the human kingdom. This is very special. When these energies can peacefully coexist together, it will bring about a huge explosion of light throughout the cosmos.

That is why Earth is playing a key role and why she had been in the centre of a great Battle

You were once part of this battle, as offenders, trying to manipulate life and consciousness on Earth in quite an aggressive manner.

This caused harm to the developing human being. Humanity was then in its infant stage, the ‘stage of innocence’. Humanity was ‘inhabited’ by souls who were from a different birth wave than you. We have called them ‘Earth souls’ in the Lightworker Series. It was a group of souls younger than you were, who had manifested on Earth from early on and had to deal with outside, extraterrestrial manipulations which narrowed down the capabilities of the human being. The extraterrestrial forces projected energies of fear and inferiority into the open and young consciousness of man. This enabled them to gain control over them.

I return now to your decision to incarnate on Earth as a human being.

You had two motives. First, you sensed you were ready for an inner change and transformation. You wanted to let go of the ego’s battling attitude and grow towards another way of ‘being’. You did not know what exactly this meant; you could not grasp it fully yet, but you sensed that incarnating on Earth would offer you precisely the challenges and possibilities you needed.

Secondly, you knew you had to make up for things that happened on Earth, partly because of your doing. You somehow sensed that, originally, you had a deep bond with Earth based on love and mutual respect, and it had gotten corrupted when you let yourself be enmeshed in war and battle for this very Earth.

The two extremes of you, of angel-child and hardened warrior, needed to be brought together and transformed, and what place could be more suitable for this than Earth?

You felt deeply connected to this planet and you also sensed a ‘karmic obligation’ to improve conditions on Earth. You wished to change and lift the state of consciousness on Earth. So you became ‘lightworkers’.
You incarnated on Earth at the time of Atlantis.

Atlantis - the second Fall into Experience

This is a long read more, click here


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Freedom is Not What You Think It Is

Source: Sharon Stewart


Freedom is Not What You Think it is

If everyone said, “I am a fast food server at McDonalds,” or “I am a lawyer working for a deep state power firm,” or whatever.... if they replaced “I am” with “I identify as,” this would help to shake the hold their earthly identity has on them.

You probably couldn't do that without seeming to be a bit of a snowflake to people you introduce yourself to. Why? It's because saying you are what you do is the acceptable way of telling people about yourself. Many of us realize we're not what we even appear to be, but many others on this planet don't.

So, you have a choice: You can continue to say “I am a server,” in order to make them comfortable, or you can say, “I identify as a server,” in order to speak your truth. You could compromise perhaps and say, “My job is a server at a restaurant,” or, “I work at such and such restaurant,” and that would be okay because you're keeping who you are and what you do apart. As they should be.

At one point I used to tell people I was an unemployed bum, simply because I used to like the look on their faces, but I got over my need to do that. Sometimes breaking away from the matrix can lead you to some darker places of expression. As we see before us now, we don't do this perfectly.

I think possibly we may have opened up a whole new can of worms, as the ancient expression goes. If you think the 70's was long ago, then this expression is ancient.

The subject we're really looking at is how you relate to others in the matrix and whether you want to identify as someone who is sovereign or as someone who is part of the system.

The way we relate to other people is very telling. I walk around with a sweatshirt that says I'm not from this planet. People think it's funny but the joke is on them. I get to speak my truth and amuse people at the same time. That works for me.

This is about allowing your need to live in this world to not take your power away. We give away power just in the lies we tell ourselves about who we are and why we were born.

Ivo had a good point today. Last night we got a foot of snow, no kidding. I shoveled a bit of it away and was hoping my super would get here and use his snow blower, but his snow blower malfunctioned this morning and quit on him before he got to my driveway. Later on in the day I saw a man and his wife plowing the neighbours' driveway with a snowblower so I motioned for her to come over and asked how much to do my driveway. We settled on a price and I got my car freed up as well as my next door neighbours'.


I could have done the guy's driveway in the other apartment behind me, but it seems that this guy has taken to either smoking or cooking meth in his apartment, and since my furnace is in my basement, I get all his meth fumes in my apartment. Yes, I know it's dangerous. I have to do something about this and it's a question of what.

I refused to dig this guy's car out. The last time I tried to speak to this guy, he held out his arm and yelled at me to stay away from him. He was adamant and frankly I thought he was a bit strange. Maybe he thought I had covid, I don't know, but I walked away wondering what his problem was. I love when people scream at you to stay away from them but they won't tell you why.

So I decided that I wouldn't dig out his car. Ivo said that was my ego and I was being resentful. Well, the guy said he didn't want anything to do with me, so presumably he doesn't want me to dig his car out either, or does he?

Ivo presumed he would want me to dig out his car. My super did it later on but Ivo made his point: I'm allowing my resentment of this guy's behavior to influence my actions towards him. I could have made a nice gesture and had him plowed for no more money than I'd paid out.

I didn't think anything of it, but Ivo made a point that really hit home with me: “If you allow his behavior towards you to influence your behavior towards him, then he has control over you. Ultimately that indicates that your frequency would be lowered to a level similar to his perhaps.”

I can think on one hand the guy wants me to mind my own business and leave him alone, so for that reason I shouldn't have plowed his car out, but that wasn't what I was thinking at the time I made the decision. I was thinking that I resented him and his meth and I wasn't going to do anything nice for him. That's what Ivo is talking about, withdrawal of goodwill.

If you allow your resentment of another person to stop you from being respectful of them, then you are lowering your own frequency. You're not being sovereign, you're enacting matrix values.

He did tell me to leave him alone.... I will say in my own defense.

You have to work at being ever-more aware of your intentions. Ordinary everyday situations are the bread of life.

Freedom is being sovereign but there is still a need to relate to others who aren't. This may bring up more situations in future.


Hieros Gamos and the Monad

Source: Magenta Pixie

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