
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Tsunami of Love..


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Dear Galactic Family,

After sending my update letter about Sheldan, I was overtaken by a tsunami of Love. My inbox was flooded with your loving emails and donations. I know you love and miss Sheldan, but I was not expecting the amount of Loving comments and care for me. The tsunami of Love healed me in very profound and palpable ways.

As you know, my life has been challenging for the past several years and particularly the last year. I found myself depressed and grieving. Emotionally it was more than I could deal with. I felt like a failure. I felt all alone. I felt lost. I struggled to write my Sheldan letter.

THEN LIKE MAGIC, my galactic family, YOU, all together shined your Light on me and Sheldan. I have never experienced such all encompassing Love. I was engulfed with a tsunami of Love. I found I am not alone. I have my Galactic Family.

Your gratitude for the work Sheldan and I have offered was healing in ways I cannot express with words but can feel in my heart. Warm tears of appreciation streamed down my cheeks as I read each of your letters and I was inspired by your commitment to our shared mission ~ to reuniting with our Galactic family and to the Divine Plan.

Literally, the two days following my posting, your Love healed my grief and depression. Instantly, I felt relief. I felt Loved. I allowed myself to take it all in and let it heal my heart. I am forever grateful. It is true, Love heals everything.

As I wrote each thank you note for your generosity, my heart expanded in Love and appreciation. I am still a work in progress (we all are). Your Love has helped me find my Light once again. Thank you. Keep shining your Lights bright. Together we are Victorious!


PS Miles and his wife have been my close companions throughout my journey with Sheldan and PAO. My birthday was March 2 and Miles sent the image used above in my birthday card. The image depicted is how he sees me since the Tsunami of Love brought my spark of Light to shining bright once again. Thanks, Miles.

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