
Thursday, March 3, 2022



We are now in the crescendo of the FULL & FINAL CLEARING and COLLAPSE OF THE PHANTOM MATRIX, ALL artificial phantom Timelines/ Realities, materials, programming, negative aliens, entities, dead spaces and their cause and effect!
Keep DE-CODING, RE-CODING & OVERWRITING YOUR REALITIES, CONSCIOUSNESS & DNA to stabilize the field and Timelines/ Realities, to keep assisting the Planetary Ascension by FULLY RE-MEMBERING THE SUPER-CONSCIOUS CO-CREATOR THAT YOU ARE! RE-MEMBER that THIS IS WHAT WE CAME FOR! Not just to wait and see, or be in fear of what may or may not happen! As I shared my message in yesterday's post, THE RE-BIRTH OF THE COLLECTIVE CHRIST/ UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS IS HERE NOW!! This is now finalizing the collapse of ALL the false Matrix overlays, Timelines/ Realities, memories, reversals and hybrid codings, black goo, negative alien technology and machinery etc within our DNA and our and the Planetary morphogenetic field. Our DNA holds the film strip to our Realities, as we as Starseeds and Indigo's hold the Collective Timelines and Realities within our DNA! We hold the Blueprints of Creation!
This massive Phantom Matrix hologram dissolution now coming to completion is causing a lot of 'Timeline Chaos' right now as is all clears. So just know it for what it is as this helps collapse the fallen Timelines. Things like people disappearing or suddenly dying, people or things seem, look or feel different, Timeline/ Matrix glitches, time slips, Mandela Effect (history changes) etc. may all be observed as things get even weirder.
Also, as we're rising and ascending swiftly in Frequency and Dimensional bandwiths, we are expanding in Consciousness, that also leads to sudden realizations, new awarenesses, shifts in perspective, beliefs change etc as we shift from distorted Polarity to Unity / God-Source Consciousness, as well as the old, inverted and artificial programming being fully deleted. This may cause confusion as one may feel 'changed' but not fully aware of what is happening. These shifts in Dimensions/ Consciousness can also lead to things such as a decrease in spacial awareness and bumping into things, all over body pain, powerful release of natural DMT in the body, feeling light headed, vertigo etc. It's important to stay grounded and in-body/ embodied.
There's a LOT going on at all levels of Creation and I will share more later. So much to be present with right now to release, unravel and reveal, access, see and re-member and especially for those involved in the Grid and Gatework at hand. Re-member, ALL OF CREATION LIES there INSIDE OF YOU!
Our Hierogamic Crowns and Halo's as well as the Planetary Sun Disk & Diamond Grid Network, are coming powerfully online along with Christ Consciousness being collectively re-birthed now, as ONE, THROUGH THE 144! They are assisting us in accessing, and in the broadcasting, of the New Organic Ascension Realities and Unity Consciousness 'programming', to ALL!
As we start to PROJECT A WHOLE NEW REALITY/ Consciousness onto the/ your hologram!
Re-member this is a simulation and you are here to write the new code. All the Timelines held within our DNA now fully activating and igniting in its triple helix, crystalline, organic form.
The new TRINITY CHRIST CODES are flooding the DIAMOND GRIDS, which is ready to fully ignite and replace the old, to bring THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES ONLINE, WITHIN AND WITHOUT!
Keep going deeper and deeper within to collapse the old & CO-CREATE ALL NEW! ALL from the Zero Point Field of Neutrality, in NO-TIME! We have long gone super quantum!
From inside the film strip of your DNA, your very own CONSCIOUSNESS, as this is what instructs your DNA!! Your every word, thought, belief, feeling and action is this.
Keep re-membering your True Self and use the power of Creation/ Manifestation/ YOUR CONSCIOUSness PROJECTIONS, the Source within you, wisely!
Eternal Love Blessings,
Ramona 💙

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