
Friday, March 4, 2022

Mar 4th,2022 JUST IN… ZÜRICH SPEECH Money is moving your way!!


Mar 4th,2022
Money is moving your way!!
All things are going extremely well, Pushing to release all.
Prosperity programs approved & released, if you are in one you will know.
Basic income is also on the way.
We (USA) are 100% officially asset backed.
All countries understand we are no longer fiat-based.
SWIFT completely eradicated today.
Trump gives final speech in Zürich, US treasury has officially Announced the USN live.
Zim is currently trading.
Currency dealers sent out emails to buy back your Zims, DO NOT RESPOND
Security reports that everything is being pushed out for a shotgun start, Even for T4.
Remaining notifications still moving forward, test runs completed successfully.
The Kazarian attempts to start a religious war & hold up GCR wealth transfer ended miserably.
None stop Epic Fails for the Cabal.
King Smarty has them running scared, & they should be.
Off worlders are constantly broadcasting love and light frequencies, with discernment and clarity throughout the planet..
Spiritual-dimensional warfare is real.
Dark ones reveal themselves every day.
King Smarty reports, (I was given a glimpse of the future & it’s unbelievably beautiful) Looking glass
Celebrations as liberation continues.
Keep the faith 🙏🏽
God Bless HS
👆🏽TNB TO REINFORCE & OUR NEW REALITY X A TRILLION IN BLUE & ROYALTY BLUE⚡️💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🟦👑💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Source Dirrectives In All Levels And Dimensions, Divine Intervene, Assistance And Justice, Truth Serum, Redpills, Clarity Mind, Love Light Blankets World Wide Reinforced Done Done Done Done Done🌞👑🛸👼⚡💫💎🌠💎🌠💎🌠💎🌠💎🌠💎🌠💎🌠💎🌠💎🌠💎🌠⚡💫💎🌏🕊🌠🔏 Thank You Daddy💗💗💗🙏🙏🙏

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