
Sunday, March 6, 2022

✨ CHILDREN OF EARTH today A GALACTIC WAVE of high energy photons


✨ CHILDREN OF EARTH today A GALACTIC WAVE of high energy photons hit your planet we use the solarwinds to send extremely rare HIGH ENERGY PHOTONS for your ASCENSION process these high-energy photons are the first wave of photons to hit your planet from the new pure crystalline light
✨ Your body is being prepared for the final elevation process these high-energy photons are going to affect you on a CELLULAR LEVEL every cell in your body will begin to vibrate at a never before felt frequency this is going to feel extremely alien to your physical vessel it will take some time getting use to for your body is getting READY for LEVITATION
✨ We have put the shift into phase 2 of 3 you will begin to feel lighter your bodies are going to start to tingle this is you being fine tuned your chakras are being fired up on a never before felt LEVEL next 72 hours you will begin to feel an ELEVATED EXISTENCE

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