
Friday, February 4, 2022

“REBIRTH OF THE NEW EARTH” We are Experiencing Multiple Timelines



We are Experiencing Multiple Timelines Simultaneously and Multiple Dimensional Layer

Yet Our Focal Point is Still In One Reality – We are In Multiple Realities and All REALITIES WILL EXPERIENCE THE NEW EARTH

The Original Plan Was To Restore the Planet with a “Cataclysm” and “Re-Seed” the Planet as We Have Done So Several Times

Many Soul Groups Protested Against the “Re-Seeding” and Thanks To These Souls that the Current Human Genetic Pool Consisting of 24 Groups Could Be Saved – This Is There Masterplan

If You Tap Into The Energies of Upcoming Timeline – We all can Feel Something “Huge” is about to Happen

Remember that We Have Entered a New Incarnation Cycle and New Incarnation Design – A New Set of Learning & Expression

When Working With Energies – We All Are Experiencing Our Own Individual Realities and All Realties Are Real

There are Those Who Will Experience A Different Holographic Layer When Their “Lightbodies” Will Fully Be Released From the Physical Bodies

This Has Happened to Around 200.000 Souls Gradually Over the Years on a Conscious Level – To Slowly “Release” Itself from This “Reality”. This Was the Original Plan

At Current Phase and End Phase – Those Have Lost Almost All the “Sensation” – Their Awareness is Now Located in an “Electrostatic Lightfield” Hovering around the Physical Body

That “Electrostatic Lightfield” Will Within 2 Years Be Fully Released from the Physical Body – This Whole “Shift” Is Based on a Specific Energetic Algorithm Pattern

This Reality will Also Experience a “Re-Birth” This Year.

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