
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

ASCENSION...we are moving through this 4 D and ASTRAL levels.


ASCENSION...we are moving through this 4 D and ASTRAL levels. What you SEE right now going on in the world is all ASTRAL stuff that is trying to KEEP the MATRIX as such to keep people asleep and in 'hold' on the false reality. SO WE are Breaking through this and it is BUMPY oh my gosh BUMPY and challenging.
On the other hand however, we are in 5 D and reaching for 7 D... INDEED so the LIGHT BODY is experiencing this while the temporal earth body struggles to keep up on the INTEGRQATION and FREQUENCY RISING. SUN flares are on going and so much is PUSHING the changes and humanity to WAKE UP...
HYDRATE, ground and get to NATURE as often as you can.
Blessings Roshandra * Arch ANGEL RAPHAEL

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