
Monday, January 3, 2022

Prayer to ArchAngel Michael~ ❤ Dearest AA Michael,


Prayer to ArchAngel Michael~

Dearest AA Michael, please clear away any energies from within and around me, that are not of God's Love & Light!

ArchAngel Michael please clear myself, my home, my Loved ones, and all on our Planet, from low energies of fear, unhappiness and anger, and elevate us all on the greatest vibration of Divine Love, Peace and Freedom.

Thank You!


Invocation to Arch Angel Michael

In the name of God, I call forth the Blue Flame of Divine Love of Arch Angel Michael to clear my path of all interference of the fulfillment of my Divine Plan, expansion of my Faith and my Ascension. Infuse my Soul with the energies of Divine Will, and surrender to my Holy Vows.

I ask for a Golden Dome of Protection to be placed around me each day, to repel any negative energy directed against me, and the Light for which I stand. I ask for your Legions of Blue Flame Angels to stand by my side. By the Power of Your Sword of Blue Flame, cut me loose and set me free from all discordant energy in my world, in my home, in my work, in the city where I live.

I thank you for your relentless love and service to mankind and to the Earth, and I thank you for your loving assistance in my own unique pathway. Help me develop faith and trust in myself and in God. Let blue lightning bombs of divine love bring cleansing and transformation within me, and everywhere on Earth.

And so be it! Beloved I Am.

( From “Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)


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