
Saturday, December 18, 2021



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SUNDAY is PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar featuring Two Medical Professionals


The Power of Two

After last month’s Webinar, you, PAO’s loyal listeners, cried out for more. Yes, Dr. Scott Werner’s galactic-based health wisdom ignited such a flame of response that we had to bring him back. And, because December is the season for Festivals of Light to brighten lives and spirits around the globe, we’re adding an extra favor by inviting Dr. Joseph McNamara, Tachyon Chamber healer extraordinaire, to join him.

Two powerhouse doctors – double dynamos, combining dual reservoirs of deep knowledge, energy and wisdom – will join Colleen and Miles in a riveting roundtable that you will enjoy now and remember in the weeks to come.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

We’re so excited about PAO’s first-ever health collaboration – a joining of two vibrant medical minds who will give you more of the information you’ve been asking for, and need. A rare opportunity for Starseeds to merge our energy, be revitalized – and Light up the cosmos!

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe Update Us On Their Missions’ Current Focuses
• Tuning In to Beings in Higher Realms.
Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe share their Galactic Connections
• Explaining Multiple Levels of Spiritual Healing
Accessing Your Higher Levels of Healing
• Update on Tachyon Chambers
Their Long-Term Benefits
• Ways to End the Global Health Crisis
Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe Share Their Insights
• Ask Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe about Your Personal Health Issues


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, December 19, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday December 19, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Full Moon in Gemini December 18: Shocking Awakenings!

Source: Joni Patry

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Donate 114


Source: Michelle Fielding

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2022: The Year You Take Your Power Back ~ The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to offer your our view of your upcoming year, the year known as 2022 on your calendars. First of all, we would like to point out that two years ago we told you that the 2020’s would be the decade of awakening, and certainly it has been by all accounts. We would also like to remind everyone of what our definition of what being awake is. To us, being awake has nothing to do with gathering information on the Internet, and it has everything to do with knowing yourselves as Source Energy Beings and seeing everyone else as Source Energy Beings as well.

Once you understand that there is no separation between you and Source and you and everyone else, then you can operate as an infinite and eternal Creator Being who has love and compassion in your heart. Being awake has nothing to do, from our perspective, with conspiracy theories. It has nothing to do with knowing about who’s really doing what behind the scenes and who is and is not a member of some dark cabal group, but we understand that sometimes those are the avenues through which people come to teachers like us, teachers who will inform you of who you really are and pound that message home, over and over again.

Therefore, we know that everything that exists, exists for a reason, and that reason is always to serve you. That being said, we would prefer for all of you if you did not look at predictions about 2022, and consciously or subconsciously put yourself on a timeline that you don’t need to be on or don’t want to be on. You don’t have to go along with what someone else says is going to happen next year just because they have a few interesting things to say about other aspects of life on planet Earth that you resonate with. But instead, make 2022 the year that you take your power back. Make it the year that you use your knowing of who you really are to create a better reality for you and for everyone else there on Earth.


Let it be the year that you step forward as the teacher, the leader, and the healer that you were meant to be, and let it be the year that you guide the newly awakened away from what does not serve them and into what does. It will always serve each and every one of you to know who you really are and to take that knowing and to put it into practice, as you are Creator Beings. You are not just there to live out a predetermined set of circumstances that will unfold before you.

You are there to choose, and one good thing that predictions do is they give you an opportunity to choose from many different timelines that are being illuminated by the one doing the predicting. Now when we say, ‘Take Your Power Back,’ we are not talking about taking it back from someone else who has taken it from you. We are talking about letting go of that whole idea that someone else could take your power away from you and realizing that you had the power within you all along.

That means that you stop waiting for something outside of to happen, like full disclosure, NESARA, GESARA, a frequency adjustment of some kind from a technology that you didn’t have access to previously, like a Med Bed. You don’t have to wait for a currency reset in order to have more than enough. You don’t have to wait for ships to land or for a solar flash or any kind of big event happening outside of you.

Now of course, you are getting help all the time. The solstice energies will help. The guides and the galactic team you have around you will continue to help, but you don’t need someone outside of you in human form to tell you that e.t.s exist and hand you a pile of cash. You get to create your version of the fifth dimension and live in it right now, but you can only do that if you acknowledge that the power existed within you all along.

And once you awaken to that, and you begin to access it, you will never want to go back to that third-dimensional type of us-vs.-them, victim-and-perpetrator mentality. It doesn’t serve you; you played the game for a while. You got to experience certain emotions because of it, but now it’s time to move on. It’s time to move on to the fifth-dimensional, oneness, unity consciousness paradigm that you are moving towards, but that you can move towards more quickly and joyously when you do so consciously, and make that what your 2022 is all about.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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