
Sunday, December 19, 2021

... Leaders go to Antarctica to surrender...

Dr. Michael Salla - leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance

For those who may not be aware, there are very large facilities set up for many decades under/within Antarctica. News has recently emerged of global elites (aka cabal) going to Antarctica for a secret meeting. We know from public tweets that Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank attended a secret Antarctica meeting. Two others present were Brad Garlinghouse and David Schwartz, respectively the President and Chief Technical Officer of Ripple Labs, a computer software company specializing in online payment systems. 


          Excellent 20-minute video -



Corroboration of Same News from Other Sources


Benjamin Fulford 12-13-21 - Klaus Schwab and Christine Lagarde turned in major white hat victory.

The coalition fighting to liberate the planet earth from Satanic control scored a major victory last week by seizing de facto control of the UN and the European Central Bank, Mossad and US Space Command (USC) sources say. This is what was behind the visits to Antarctica by World Economic Forum Director Klaus Schwab and EU Central Bank head Christine … Read More -

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Fascinating video: Contact with Council of Nine & 24 ET Seeder Races - Dr. Michael Salla with Elena Danaan 


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