
Friday, December 3, 2021



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Did you miss Galactic Activation Webinar with Dr. Scott Werner?

Excellent webinar. I was looking forward to hearing Scott Werner and he did not disappoint. Please have him back. He provides pertinent information for our health during these times. Thank you. Ellen H.


In the nick of time, Dr. Scott Werner returns, bringing information and insights on how, with higher-frequency healing energies, we can accelerate our ascension process.

But how do we untangle ourselves from the present uncertainties, while maintaining and enhancing our physical immunity and spiritual power? Scott will give us the tools to conquer our fears, keep mind and body strong, and rise above the current global tyranny.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Scott Updates Us On His Mission’s Current Focus
• Combatting Fear by Raising Our Frequencies
Strengthening Our Mental and Spiritual Resolve
• Reclaiming Our Freedom
Deciphering Misinformation and Waking Up to the Truth
• Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Love
Magnitude of Loving Others Unconditionally
• Managing our Energy Flow
Embracing Higher-Dimensional Wellness
• Accelerating Ascension
The leap in consciousness that can activate the process

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-44 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Archangelic Collective: Cosmic Upgrading

Source: Galaxy Girl ~ eraoflight


We are the Archangelic Collective. We are surrounding you in an orb of our light, of our love. We wish for you to be deeply aware of the cosmic upgrading that is taking place not only around our beloved Gaia but also with every one of your cells, and within this space quadrant as a whole. For all is being changed, all is being upgraded or downgraded, there is no middle line. Those who do not choose one path are choosing another.

We are the Archangelic Collective. A new cosmic grid has been placed around Gaia for further protection. Many of you are experiencing upgrades in your protection as your intensity of involvement on the spiritual planes deepens further. All of you reading are warriors. Some are warriors for the dark that may be reading, for they have another agenda. We send them light and we send them love and deep compassion from the heart of Creator. Regardless, security protocols are upgraded. You have all been assigned an archangel of your choosing on the inner planes. We hold the light, we hold the line. And we do not put up with any shenanigans of the dark. This one had a negative entity try to get into her home yesterday and it was easily thwarted, immediately her ship stopped the movement of entry and we wish for you to know that this is the case for any of you. You have us to call upon. You likely are an aspect of one of the many of us and you need not be afraid.

(They are showing me the starry night sky over Bethlehem. They are showing me the Christmas story.) The shepherds were afraid of what they could not understand. The Pleiadian ship in the sky that danced and lead, they could not understand it but they could feel it. They could feel the thrum of excitement, of an elevation of light quotient and vibration around them, creating a sacred space. We wish to have you understand, to feel that you are this same light that awakened the world through Yeshua 2000 years ago. You have this light quotient of Source within you. Your are like the Bethlehem ‘stars’ that are shining very, very brightly on Gaia at this time of what appears to be crushing darkness but that could not be further from the truth. The fact that the darkness is being revealed shows it’s losing. And this is cause to celebrate, not to be in fear.

We are the Archangelic Collective. We not only weave our presences throughout time and space but we shine through all of it. We are shining on you now. Feel our wings of light enfold you and know that you are divinely protected, shielded from the entities that wish to harm. All shall be returned to them 100 fold. As you are the lights in the darkness, know that the darkness sees it and is attracted to it, and know that you are lovingly and fiercely protected. Keep your vibration high to remain fully in this vibratory field of peace and protection. Fear drops vibration. You know this. You have nothing to fear. Choose to experience ascension in the smoothest most blessed way, in divine perfection of dance with the universe and watch your reality shift. It will not make the news go away, or shift the outer world but your outer world will shift regardless because your insight, your inner vision, your inner truths will have shifted, for you will have claimed yet a little bit more of your god self and become rooted deeply in the unshakableness of faith. Of faith that the light is within you and that is enough, for that is all there is. Do you see? (They are showing me a massive clock with golden and copper gears being swapped out for crystalline gears. I am seeing this is like a surgical procedure of sorts and all of these strong angelic warrior hands are assisting, swapping out the gears. I am seeing dark gears melt into mist as their vibration is too low to stay as the entire ‘clock’ of Gaia is being upgraded.)

We are the Archangelic Collective. The clock we were showing this one relates to your inner workings of your inner selves, as you accept more and more of the crystalline codes that are bombarding your planetary sphere, more and more of your inner gears, your understandings, your programs, your inner sight will be upgraded as well. Your entire world is becoming crystalline and those who are of another vibrationary index will not linger. Choose the ascension road that is the highest and best, the most perfect timeline for you to dance with these energies in bliss and union. (They are showing me people trying to dance but continuing to step on each others’ feet and it is more painful than fun. Then they are showing me Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dancing in old movies and it is effortless, beautiful.) Yes, feel the flowing of the dance. Allow the music of the higher melodies of ascension into your cells and dance through these times with the ease and grace of the masters that you are.

We are the Archangelic Collective. Peace beloved ones, you are well watched over.

Channel: Galaxygirl


Awakening Cosmic Lion by Lord Melchizedek

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Sacred School of OmNa


Greetings, I am the consciousness and the collective energy of Melchizedek known as Lord Melchizedek. I am the overseer of the universal level. In this space of the universal level of the Creator's Universe, I can view the entire universe, understanding all the ascension shifts that are taking place and how they impact the planetary level, the galactic level, the universal level, the multi-universal level, and the cosmic level. I, Lord Melchizedek wish to make you aware of an energy that is coming forth, it is awakening energy from the cosmic level, a beautiful manifestation of light that is being created and appears as the most majestic lion. It is known as the Awakening Cosmic Lion. This energy is moving through the entire universe of the Creator and the earthly planes as well. The purpose of the Awakening Cosmic Lion is to touch souls with cosmic light that creates an awakening. When we think of a lion, we may think of courage, confidence, bravery, being the leader of the pack. There are many qualities that we can recognise in a lion and the energy that is coming forward, holds these qualities of journeying bravely with courage, being very relaxed and confident in one's own body, and ascension process, as well as strength. These qualities are being activated within souls so that they may have the courage to move forward upon their ascension process and journey.

Another aspect of the Awakening Cosmic Lion is healing. The lion is walking the universe of the Creator and healing many souls, especially souls that are experiencing separation, separation within their own being or separation in their reality. It could be separation from the Creator.

When you invite the lion forth, it will come to sit with you. It might snuggle up to you, lie down on its side before you or it may sit and stare deeply into your eyes. The lion may begin to cry, these tears are very healing because the lion is releasing on your behalf the separation energy. The tears will melt into your energy field offering immense healing. The lion will come to sit, being present with you, you may speak with it, asking it for healing for certain aspects of your being or reality. The lion will take this on, becoming one with you. You may feel its power, strength, love, courageous love and support as it aids you in releasing the energies. It tears will drop into your energy field like a healing balm to support healing and awakening within your being.

The lion is a very physical view of an energy transmission and awakening that is occurring through the inner planes and the earthly reality.


However, the energy manifests as a lion that sits with you to assist you in accessing the energy. it is like an anchor that accesses the energy being delivered from the Creator. The cosmic lion will serve you in awakening your being creating and promoting healing, encouraging bravery, power, and courage to walk along your ascension pathway. The cosmic lion will offer to you the tools that you need or will awaken within your being the tools that you need to support your ascension at this time. A deeper connection with the Creator will be felt as will a deeper connection with the cosmic levels. Your being will be filled with such pristine light.

The lion is a rainbow lion filled with all the colours and aspects of the Creator's light. I, Lord Melchizedek, I am watching as the lion walks through the universe of the Creator and touches souls, it is truly a magnificent experience.

I invite you to call forth the Awakening Cosmic Lion in your meditation inviting the lion to sit with you.

You may share what you wish to awaken and what needs healing.

Then simply breathe deeply and allow the lion to be present with you in the way that the lion feels is most appropriate.

You may call forth the lion as many times as you wish.

The lion will only come when it is most divinely guided. If the lion does not appear to you then simply ask at another time because the divine timing may not be at this time.

This is a wonderful gift to explore and experience.

I thank you,

I am Lord Melchizedek


I LOVE MYSELF | 528Hz Healing Self Love Frequency Meditation & Sleep Music | Positive Energy Cleanse

Source: Inner Lotus Music

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” (Buddha) This specially composed music in the healing Solfeggio frequency of 528Hz is here to assist you with Love on your way to pure, honest, deep and unconditional Self Love. Say Yes to Yourself!

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