
Thursday, December 9, 2021


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for December


The Power of Two

After last month’s Webinar, you, PAO’s loyal listeners, cried out for more. Yes, Dr. Scott Werner’s galactic-based health wisdom ignited such a flame of response that we had to bring him back. And, because December is the season for Festivals of Light to brighten lives and spirits around the globe, we’re adding an extra favor by inviting Dr. Joseph McNamara, Tachyon Chamber healer extraordinaire, to join him.

Two powerhouse doctors – double dynamos, combining dual reservoirs of deep knowledge, energy and wisdom – will join Colleen and Miles in a riveting roundtable that you will enjoy now and remember in the weeks to come.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

We’re so excited about PAO’s first-ever health collaboration – a joining of two vibrant medical minds who will give you more of the information you’ve been asking for, and need. A rare opportunity for Starseeds to merge our energy, be revitalized – and Light up the cosmos!

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe Update Us On Their Missions’ Current Focuses
• Tuning In to Beings in Higher Realms.
Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe share their Galactic Connections
• Explaining Multiple Levels of Spiritual Healing
Accessing Your Higher Levels of Healing
• Update on Tachyon Chambers
Their Long-Term Benefits
• Ways to End the Global Health Crisis
Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe Share Their Insights
• Ask Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe about Your Personal Health Issues


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, December 19, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday December 19, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Gamma Plasma Waves

Source: Paul White Gold Eagle ~ 12-1-21


Greetings Luminous Etheric Ones of the New Golden Age of Eternal Life
With these intense Gamma Plasma Waves of fifth dimensional energetics flowing in, we had a massive activation along the Kundalini of PAchamama today with a M7.5 Earthquake Activation in Peru, South America in the Andes Mountains home of our Sacred Condors. The energy is rising and flowing up the Central Channel of Gaia through the Andes up the Rockies and out the Crown to meet the Golden Rays emanating from the Great Central Sun. These frequencies are expanding out from the Crystalline Core of Pachamama to meet and merge with the energies flowing into this realm from our Galactic Central Sun.

The Golden Lotus Flower Blossoms and Blooms within the Queens Chamber within your Heart Center which surrounds and protects your Core of the Still White Magnetic Light at the center. The Trinity Gate within the Trinity is open and activated for this final push as we breakthrough all barriers and release the veils that kept us in the dark for many millennia. In this Great Re-Union and Re-membering all is becoming clear and true as we aim for the Highest plateau of this existence in the Holiest of Holies.

The deeper we go within the higher we flow without. The internal mirror the external and the external mirror the internal. Everything is coming into perfect alignment for our Great Awakening. Keep holding the line and the light, keep the Faith in the Divine Plan for Liberation of Planetary Deliverance and Divine Redemption in the Light. We break free from all nefarious timeloops and wheels of KArma as we live the Dharma of our highest calling. We Quicken you in this Now for the Final Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the Real Hue-man of the Living Heart of the Rose.

To assist us in this final transition and transformation are the Whale NAtion, the Dolphin NAtion, the Winged Nation and the Royal Lion Nation of the New Lemuria.

Spread your Wings Earth Angelics of the 144, take flight and soar high above all the noise and chaos into the Promised Land of Heaven Upon Earth…A’Ho!!

Abundance Codes – 3453 – 422 ~ 1177 – 1773 ~ 13479


Rising Clarity in Electric Times

Source: Lee Harris Energy

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Source: Sharon Stewart

Note: I cried when I read this information. I, too, am having this type of incarnation. I will write about how I came to this information at another time. Fascinating, isn't it? With Love, Colleen

life-podsmall 1

Life Pod with plasma link, currently housing Tiannia's body, in stasis

Christine Kesara Dennett psychic artist extraordinaire, who created a portrait of Ivo, says this about Sharon:

"I see the skin of a human but within is an extraterrestrial being. I see the power of your energy and the purpose is so very strong. This purpose seems to belong to a path of discovery and truth.

It seems that life has been in levels of opening wider and wider the channel of your Karcha (or spelled Karsha). The word comes from an extraterrestrial spiritual chart of the Human energy channels. Much like chakras, Karsha is the crown chakra. It is a channel that is found at the top of your crown or top of your head. This channel is opening like an aperture allowing information from your solar system and counterpart to communicate.

When I hear the voice of Ivo I feel your connection is one. I almost feel as though you are Ivo or the people you are from are a part of Ivo.

I see you inside a containment field and the field is energy. It has an umbilical cord of focused plasma that transcends the structure of reality as we on Earth know. This cord has been feeding you energy and information for a very long time. It was when you reached a pinnacle of awareness that the information of light could be translated into your consciousness. The functionality of this process created some life long disharmony. It was necessary in order to acclimate the physical body to the alternate light body energy inside the containment field. There Ivo has been monitoring your progress. (Ivo tells me that Tiannia's body is in a type of coma.)

I can see him (Ivo). He has long hair, it is white like yours. He is very much attached to you in a loving and important way. His healing energy has penetrated into your body and projects outward from your chest area. I also see a huge ball of energy in your solar plexus that rotates when he is channeling information into you. (I feel this too)

I see you (your extraterrestrial body) inside the energy pod. I have a view of the room your energy pod is in. It is a large room and very organic. The walls are soft and alive emitting a kind of energy through the substance they are made of. It is pulsing and pure.

I received so much layered information I was unable to process it. I get the feeling this is what you go through. Ok I am seeing how you channel the information, amazing!!!! I really am in awe of you.

Your ET body is in stasis, and part of its spirit, so to speak, is in you. (I have since learned that Tiannia, my 5D aspect from Vega who is in stasis while I am alive here on this earth, and I share a higher self. There is one higher self for the two of us, so we are one person. I believe there are other starseeds and lightworkers configured the same way. I'm not unique.)

I do see groups of people, I feel as though you have been on an extraterrestrial ship and your physical body has been under observation. I think maybe to calculate the environmental effect on human beings. They examine you through a beam of light that reads your cellular progress through your life. I also see you being fed certain minerals and foods not of this Earth. (I believe they not only monitor this process; they keep me alive. My feeling is I would have died quite a while ago had it not been for their interventions. I also know they give me Vegan DNA - which is Tiannia's DNA.)

(Ivo) He seems to be a key figure whose purpose is to educate and change situations on Earth through you. I do see intervention occurring with some ETs on a ship that is under his command.

I think you have much to share with so many people. I am so happy for us all to be honored with your channels."

Christine Kesara Dennett (

Sharon: I have also learned that I have descended from the fourteenth dimension to incarnate here on earth, originally in the third dimension. Through successive lifetimes, Ivo and I have lowered our vibration to the fifth dimension where he remains now and I went on to be born on earth in the third. I have also spent at least one lifetime as Denarra, a Sirian, studying in the Sirian Mystery Schools and this is where I met and was mentored by Ashtar Sheran. Some of my other (and Ivo's) incarnations can be found on the ET Profiles page on this website.

I am a mother to two Vegan children with Ivo, and Christine Dennett (Kesara) has created their portrait. I have been using third eye meditation to astral project to see my other lifetimes as well as meet new people or people I've known as Tiannia (pro. Chee-an-ay-a) and at times I do see some of my life with Ivo and our children. However, broad knowledge of this has continued to elude me, and I know that it will come as I rise in vibration. So I keep doing the work. To understand how I am transforming my shadow,, visit our video library on youtube. Click here for Sharon and Ivo of Vega youtube channel.

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