
Friday, December 31, 2021

2022 will be the Year of Love | Celia Fenn


2022 will be the Year of Love | Celia Fenn
As we move towards 2022 we feel in the incoming energies.
2022 will be the Year of Love.
We will rediscover the Book of Love that was the basis of the Cathar way of life that was taught by Mary Magdalene, the Divine Feminine Avatar.
We will receive the Crown of Light that is given to those who open their hearts and align with their Galactic and Angelic heritage to claim their place on the New Earth.
I don’t doubt that 2022 will be chaotic and many of the themes of 2021 will continue to play out on the lower levels of consciousness.
But if you choose to stay in your Heart and embrace Love rather than fear, you will find the magical gateway to Higher consciousness.
It is indeed the year to live in Grace and Simplicity, discovering a New way of life and a new way of Being.
It really is time to come home!
by Celia Fenn

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