
Saturday, November 13, 2021




As We Feel Our Breath Moving Through Us

We Call in The Grace of the Master Enlivening Each Breath

As We Create A Fountain of LivinGrace Bringing Healing Vitality & Restoration

to those areas of pain & predicament be it physical, emotional or mental. We Saturate Ourselves withis Healing Stream of Absolute Perfection Filling Us Completely & Creating Our Ascension Bridge

As We Breathe in The Grace & Bathe in its Ocean of Our Ascension, Filling Our Life Moment by Moment from Breath to Breath Connecting Us to the Infinite, Its Vitality, Recreating the Way to Our Ascension's Destiny of Inspired Creativity, Fulfillment, Happiness & Vast Abundancever Young.

As We Breatheasily Continuing to Grow in Light & Love & Joy thru the Grace We Connect with & Embibe...

Your Intention Creates youreality, as We Breathe in All We Wish to Bring into Life as a Meditation or Deep Breathing or a Prayer or Song or Silencenriching & Recreating Our Life Lovingly in Divine & Glorious Ways of Grace...

If you seek an Ascended Master pick one of your Choice. Be it Christ, Buddha, Quan Yin, Shankara, Krishna or any One you choose...

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