
Saturday, October 23, 2021

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


Yippee! Yesterday I saw a UFO! It was a dreary, cloudy day, I was driving home from my weekly Friday Galactic Sisters lunch, when the sky opened up a large hole of a beautiful blue color. I marveled at the contrast of the grey and azure blue sky, when a cigar shaped space craft moved slowly through the hole of azure blue sky. It was kinda white and silver in color. I immediately waved (as if they could see me in my car waving at them - LOL). I sent a loving burst of joy out to them. I asked them to change direction so I know they are connecting with me. They did not change direction but I felt a beam of Light showering me with their Joy of connecting with me. I haven't had one of these experiences in quite a long time. I was over-joyed and felt blessed. Thank you and more please.

Join us tomorrow for another stellar webinar featuring our friend, Jared Rand. When we join together, we are more powerful. Let's come together and shine our Light bright around our world and beyond.

Selamat Ja!


Finally, we at PAO sense that humanity is teetering on the brink of a major shift.

Slowly, after so many months of being surrounded by uncertainty, people are seeing positive change. Preparing, like flowers, to burst forth and shine our blinding light and goodness into this world and bring it back to what it was always meant to be.


Now, more than ever, we need the clarity of PAO’s favorite truth-seeker Jared Rand, whose gift is to dig down into the dirt and grasp the nugget, revealing its underlying radiant reality. And of course, Jared will share the very latest news about the Celestial Chambers, as well as providing his unique Galactic perspective on the global crisis now engulfing humanity.

Please join Colleen and Miles for this spellbinding Live Webinar!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Updates Us On His Mission's Current Focus
• Information Wars: Deciphering Truth from Lies
• Coping with Increased Restrictions On Humanity
• • Uplifting Us Energetically by Raising Our Frequencies
• Celestial Chambers: A Progress Report
• Looking at Current Global Chaos from a Galactic Perspective

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, October 24, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, October 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited...Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Interesting concept - I live in a condo so this would work for me, how about you?

GROW FOOD without electricity or soil: Suspended net pot non-circulating hydroponic system

Source: Health Ranger Report

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Source: Matt Kahn


You may have been mistreated in this way. I offer these words to help you heal:

Who we are has absolutely nothing to do with a sense of self-importance over others or portraying a label as being more or less relevant to any other individualized form. Who refers to the embracing and identification with your highest ethics and values. Who meaning — who are you throughout a series of important choices? Who are you when the odds seem stacked against you? Who are you in your most desperate moment of decision-making, even if no one was looking?

Superman is a great example. He didn’t acquire the name by deciding he was super. He built a reputation by doing incredible things in the name of helping others.

I offer this insight to remedy a subtle but common misstep along the journey. It is where a certain number of spiritual beings really latch on to insights such as Ramana Maharshi’s “Who are you?” inquiry. An inquiry which is helpful during very specific stages of awakening. If utilized conversationally, it can actually come across in dogmatic fashion like a spiritual power play, where someone using their identity reference of ‘who’ is made to feel wrong or inferior for not seeming to know what others may have read or experienced.

An example of this would be someone saying, “Wow. What a difficult day.” In response, another person asks, “And who is the one having such a difficult day?” In this example, the other person has used a teaching as a power play to assume the role of a corrector or rescuer the other person didn’t solicit. Even though a person may be having a difficult day and open to expressing it in search of greater support, their level of consciousness doesn’t need to be judged or called into question by assuming they need to know what so many spiritual egos are chomping at the bit to repeat or act out.

The person was simply looking for comfort — not a reframe. Another example is barking out, “No low vibes!” in response to someone’s pain or fear. Especially when another person’s torment seems to kill the buzz of someone else’s ever-changing emotional state.

In its most innocent context, spiritual beings tend to lead with some form of correcting as means of trying to be helpful. But helpfulness is only offered through processes such as reframing once someone has made it clear they invite your help in response to their curiosity, confusion, or concern.

More likely than not, a spiritual ego assumes the role of a rescuer through a pattern of co-dependency. When this occurs, a rescuer thinks they are helping to spare someone of suffering, when in reality, they are attempting to fast-track someone’s experience in order to spare themselves of the despair they don’t wish to feel around others.

Avoidance can be a tricky thing. Even when you no longer bypass your own emotional density, it is easy to project avoidance towards the difficulties others are processing by trying to quickly move them along, instead of deciding whether or not you are able to hold space for another person’s journey — no matter how slowly the shifts may be.

All too often, the tendencies that well-read egos act out is an unconscious pattern I refer to as ‘spiritual karaoke’. Just as people loving living out moments where they get to feel like their favorite recording artists on stage, many spiritual beings salivate at the opportunities to impose their will onto others, hoping to replicate the presence, shifts, and grace perhaps their most revered guru or favorite teacher demonstrated in a moment of discourse with students.

I have discussed this very distinction with Ramana Maharshi’s soul in the astral realm. I met with him to ask permission to expand and ground what is often taught as an overly-masculine process of deconstruction with an equal balance of feminine heart and masculine humility.

Despite how people may misuse teachings like Ramana’s process of self-inquiry, The Bhagavad Gita, or even ACIM as unsolicited forms of correction — there is a who existing in you. It is who you are in the quality of your choices. This is not about negating the uniqueness of individuality, in favor of hiding in an inferiority complex, or walking this Earth like a ghost just because we’re unsure how and where to fit in. It’s about being helpful toward yourself and others.

Whether inspired by the helpers around you or inspiring others by the help you provide, it is the infinite power of helpfulness that dissolves hatred, transmutes hurt, and even moves you beyond the need for endless healing.

Sooner rather than later, we will be living in a world of so many helpers, the collective won’t need to hate, hurt, or heal in order to activate the helper in all. Until that day dawns, let’s make our decisions count by demonstrating our highest standard of ethics to the best of our ability through the beauty of personal conduct.

As always, loving ourselves more, not less, whether succeeding wildly or fumbling through each step.

This is how we shift from victim to spiritual bad ass. A spiritual bad ass sees many things, but knows no other. They only know the grace of their most inspired response, as it heals the outer layers of the One Eternal Self — being decorated as a world of people, places, and things. Simply because, a spiritual bad ass is fundamentally who you are, no matter how much vastness you’ve tasted, heard of, or read about.

May all who read these words be blessed and healed.

Love be thy name.

All For Love,

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees


Source: Galactic Channelings


The changes are coming more quickly than ever as new technologies have taken a massive leap forwards. Changes that had been held in check waiting for the right time for them to be introduced are now being released. In a few short years you will have directly benefited from some of them, and slowly but surely your quality of life will have greatly improved. It is of course relative to your existing levels of achievement and in the long run there will be a levelling up. It is now the appropriate time to give you the advantages of new ideas that will propel you into the New Age. There are many who are ready to adapt to a new way of living that makes life a lot easier, and so it will continue in a new era where you have sufficient time to follow your own desires.

A whole new vista is opening up for you and much of the old has no place in it. So once again we ask you to forget what you were used to previously, and accept the “new” as it comes along. We put it to you this way because if too many of you continue to hold on to the old way of life it will delay the introduction of the many changes that await you. We realise that many of you are going through traumatic times, and it is inevitable as you break away from the old way of life. We are not implying it was inadequate as it was appropriate for the period you were in, but there is much that could be improved and it will be in the near future.

You will find that the emphasis in future messages will be on compassion and the giving of love to others more freely. There are so many souls in a state of uncertainty about the future as all around them everything seems to be falling apart. In a material Age when abundance should have covered everyone's needs, you are suddenly experiencing all manners of shortages and problems that are making life intolerable for so many. Do not despair as out of the gloom will come signs of a new way of approaching them that will overcome the disruption to your lives. It is a matter of keeping calm knowing that even now there are Beings helping you to overcome the difficulties you face.

Certainly the problems you have faced have brought out the best in many people, and there is now a genuine desire to help others through this period. It is human nature to want to help those in need by showing compassion and understanding. The lead should come from those at the top who have a tendency to be slow to act, even when faced with the consequences of not taking action. The younger generations can understand the predicament you are in and are demonstrating to draw attention to the need for quick action. It really is time for countries to come together and form a united front to tackle the problems that confront you.

Now is an ideal time to set up a group who can evaluate what is being done and has the authority to mobilise the necessary forces that can prevent matters getting out of hand. There has to be some urgency felt to deal with Earth changes that if allowed to run wild will be an uncontrollable disaster. It is known that the changes are speeding up and it calls for prompt action. If you approach it in the correct way we can help you but you must first make the effort. Approach it the right way and the threat to Earth can be controlled and lessen the degree of damage experienced by you.


No one can stop the eventual Ascension of those souls who have lifted up their vibrations and have earned the right to move into the higher dimensions. We on the other side of the veil know how much effort has gone into such an achievement, and you will reap the benefits of it. After many failed attempts to do so you have crossed the barrier and many welcome changes await you. By now you should know your true potential, and as long as you keep looking ahead you will see so many changes coming that will completely change your way of life.

The flood of immigrants will continue and gives you an opportunity to help those in desperate need of love and compassion to lift their faith in humankind. Many have had an intolerable time without the necessities of life and look to others to rescue them from their plight. They risk their lives and often that of their children to find a new life that offers an opportunity to live without fear, and the opportunity to make a new life for themselves. See them as your brothers and sisters entitled to the basic necessities of life and to be able to live in peace and without fear.

These times are a test of your compassion for those souls who often live in squalor and conditions you would not expect your animals to have. You may feel that it is karma and to a degree that is true, but could you ignore their plight when it is apparent they have been kept down for eons of time. Mankind has to open the doors of welcome and help bring better standards of living to all people. It is possible if you put your minds to it and the sooner the better before conditions worsen. You have weather changes and geographical changes that will demand prompt attention if you are to cope with them. Mankind has all the resources he needs to deal with what is coming and preparations should start now before they become a matter of urgency.

Be assured that once you start to prepare for the future we will come into the picture and are allowed to give you help without infringing your freewill. We see further ahead than you do and our sense of urgency is in the knowing that you need to prepare for the future now and not wait until it is too late. You have the resources and knowhow but it requires a worldwide response so perhaps you might consider a World Government is called for. However, it would not be an opening for the Illuminati although it was in their plans for world control. Big problems require big answers and those facing you need the best minds working together on behalf of mankind. Show willing and you will be surprised at how quickly matters can be dealt with.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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