
Sunday, September 5, 2021

Roots of Your Divinity - Archangel


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Just in time, Celestine Star returns for a dynamic Webinar
that will alert, enlighten and inspire us all.

Bearing witness to the chaos of our present society, Celestine gives us the information we need to empower the next, arduous phase of our activational journey. In guiding us through the steps in the struggle to come, she reminds us of our divine galactic purpose, to assist humanity’s global awakening.

And, in her capacity as galactic healer, Celestine offers an emotionally supportive hand of strength and courage to lift us all above, and beyond, these troubling times.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Celestine's Mission
• The Galactic Earth Council
Reintegration of Earth Kin and Star Kin
• How Humanity Is Now Being Tested Against the "Feather Of Truth"
A Choice between Frequencies of Love and Frequencies of Fear
• Celestial Activation
Re-awakening your Divine Galactic Purpose and your Galactic Star Origins
• Activating Grid Lines
Neutralizing Harmful Technology
• “Galactic Science” of “Time and Space”
Our Milky Way and the Future of Humanity on Earth

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-41 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S



by Matt Kahn


Your inner child knows the difference between you offering authentic loving support and applying modalities as a way of fast-tracking your healing journey. Each time healing comes more from agenda than empathy, it infuriates your inner child. It often thinks, “You think you are having a hard time? I’m the very struggle you feel while housed in a body whose consciousness wants nothing to do with me. You think you are alone? You are merely empathing my aloneness within you.”

Once the healing journey is less about manipulating the circumstances of life and more rooted in building authentic relationships with all parts of self, the more peace you make with your innocence, the more the inner child forgives the self-abandonment it has felt within you, and the easier it is to the heal the wounds causing patterns of self-abandonment and further your own evolution from a space of heart-centered authenticity.

In the digital age, you cannot approach your healing journey like a computer with secret short cuts to learn. Each step of this journey must be done with honesty, humility and earnestness. If not, you will remain at the exact step you are on, unable to proceed until a more authentic version of self arrives to advance your journey forward. This is why everyone deserves more love, not less.

Once a practice of self-love is done without the anticipation or expectation of change, this is often when the change we desire comes to be. It is important to remember, it's not just a matter of doing a sequence of steps correctly, but allowing it to come from a space of true compassion, instead of utilized as a means to an end. Such compassion is a willingness to feel your pain, see how hard of a time you are having, and view this struggle to such a degree that you reach inward toward yourself, just as you would reach out to a loved one in peril, a wounded animal, or a child in need. This is something only the heart can do. As you spend more time empathizing with the gravity of your own suffering and despair without looking for an exit strategy, the mind begins to relax. As the mind relaxes, the love you offer yourself as authentic compassionate attention begins to feel more natural, long lasting, and supportive.

To make peace with your inner child and open your heart to a greater capacity, please read or repeat out loud the following words:

Dearest Inner Child,

I'm sorry if you ever felt hurt, abandoned, rejected or doubted by anyone in the past, or if you've ever felt that I have lived in a way that has excluded you from my experience. I’m sorry if I made you feel 'less than', humiliated, or judged by calling you an ego. I apologize for imagining you as a barrier to God, or something to get away from, as if you were not a pivotal part of my journey and the guardian to my highest Self.

I'm so sorry if my interest in spirituality made you feel like the invisible sibling that's never enough for my attention. I'm sorry if lovers seemed more important than honoring you. And when you felt unsafe around the people I surrounded myself with, I'm sorry I did not hear your requests. Instead, I tried to desperately earn the validation from those who made you feel unsafe. I now see how caring for you, my beloved innocence of heart, offers me the validation, confidence and emotional support that no one else may be destined to provide.

May this moment of forgiveness be a re-start between us, where we make peace and allow the mind and heart to reunite by coming together in the oneness of love. May we engage in the beauty and harmony of consciousness, so each battle or wound within me can be healed for the wellbeing of all. May I finally feel the joy of being myself, as a conscious parent to you, my own innocent nature. May you no longer have to act so desperately to earn my loving approval. May you no longer have to create existential crisis as a way of calling out for my loving attention.

I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I did not know how deeply you hurt. From this moment forward, I intend to be the one that keeps you safe, honors your curiosities and concerns by allowing you to share whatever you need to say. I am ready to turn towards the light of my divinity by listening to anything you wish to share with engaged heart-centered attention. I am ready to love you as never before, knowing it’s not about being perfect, but doing my best to allow love to be my response to the emotions you use to communicate with me.

Whether it's fear, sadness, anger, jealousy, guilt, shame, insecurity, loneliness, frustration, confusion, or even gratitude, openness, peace, and joy, each feeling is an opportunity to love you throughout each passing experience – no matter how preferable, freeing, frustrating or inconvenient any of it seems to be.

Thank you for being a part of my life. I love you – now and forever. And so I am healed.
All For Love,

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Roots of Your Divinity - Archangel Metatron

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Sacred School of OmNa


Greetings, and love I extend to all beings present with me today, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to bring forth the vibrations and frequencies of the Angelic Kingdom to embrace you, to support you and assist you in your current stages of ascension. It may feel now that everything is moving, that there is momentum. It may feel that things are uncertain and unstable as if you cannot quite find the right footing to stabilise yourself in your reality or your ascension. It is important to recognise this moment in your ascension journey. To recognise whether it is a moment where you feel fully grounded, fully centred, stabilised, and balanced or whether you feel as if you are walking upon a pathway that is constantly moving, therefore tricky to find your footing, to discover your centre, your balance, and your stability.

Take a moment to recognise what is occurring for you in the current stage of your ascension journey. It is important to recognise that stages pass quickly even if you feel unstable at this moment. You will feel balanced, grounded, and centred once more. You may find that a part of you feels unstable and the rest of you feels grounded, centred, and balanced. Maybe in this current phase, everything feels unstable, or you are not quite sure in which direction you need to travel. You may be concerned about what you should be focusing upon, the next stage of your ascension, or how to heal an aspect of your being or reality. Maybe situations or expectations, dreams or plans have altered, leaving you feeling unsure? Maybe even untrusting and uncertain of the next stage.

It is so important to value and to give attention to each phase of your ascension process, even the phases that are more challenging and more painful. When you sit in the energy of each phase to observe and contemplate the energy being demonstrated, you begin to understand it, release it and allow yourself to gain the insights that are required.

It is often thought of that insights are needed for the next stage of your ascension, to bring forth the clarity and understanding you desire. While this is true, the most important aspect or process is grounding, and discovering your roots. When you allow yourself to discover the roots of your divinity, you allow yourself to re-centre, recalibrate, to heal and to stabilise, or to ground. In doing so, you release the energies that no longer serves you and you returned to an aspect of yourself, which is your truth. As you bring your attention back to this aspect of yourself, your truth, this is when the understanding, you might say the insights and realisations dawn. However, the plan, the understanding, the enlightenment, the insights have always been there because every step of your ascension, you could say is planned. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing, even when it feels as if it is thrown into turmoil, chaos, or instability. It is all part of the journey and so the answer, the next stage of your ascension is already there, waiting for you, waiting for you to discover and to realise it. Therefore, when you root and ground yourself into your divinity this is when you discover the next stage, and the insights you require.

When you ground yourself or root yourself into your divinity, what are you achieving?

We think of roots as extending out as far, or further, than we are aware of, they create a very concrete and secure footing. A sense of being very grounded, centred, and secure. When you allow or imagine roots from your being, maybe from your root chakra, your feet, chakras, or your earth star chakra, you anchor and ground yourself further. When you then add the intention of grounding or rooting yourself into your divinity, this takes you to a new level of grounding, a new level of stability and of the awareness of truth.


You do not necessarily need to know what your divinity is to ground or root yourself into your divinity. We can recognise your divinity is your true self, your soul, your soul group, your expression of the Creator. The expression of truth, the love and peace that you embody and emanate within your divinity is also all that you have collected in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Your divinity is like a treasure chest of your spiritual and natural nature. When you root yourself into your divinity, you are rooting yourself into a level of your spiritual nature that will serve you in this moment of your ascension. Sometimes it is not necessarily a higher vibration or frequency. It is the energy that serves you in this moment of your ascension.

When you ask to ground and root yourself into your divinity you are grounding yourself, becoming centred, and balanced within your truth. You are allowing your soul and soul group to bring forth and stabilise you in the energies that serve you the most. Maybe it is deep understanding and love, or creativity, strength, confidence, and trust. It is very easy to describe divinity in emotions or feelings. Often, your Divinity is simply a vibration like a thread of light and maybe this thread of light, is a memory from the inner planes, a memory of learning or understanding, remembrance of the Creator. Thus, you ground yourself into this thread of light to serve you in bringing forth new skills and abilities.

It is very important to ground and root yourself into Mother Earth for she is a spiritual being and allows you to further move with the momentum of ascension on the Earth. It is needed to root and ground yourself into your divinity. The less you try to control what your divinity is the more it will surprise you offering insights and greater understandings, bringing forth more tools, more skills, information and enlightenment.

I, Angel Metatron, invite you to take some time to simply contemplate and ask to be grounded and rooted into your divinity especially if there is an area in your reality or within your being that feels chaotic, unstable, or unbalanced. Think of the situation, experience or part of your being and ask to be rooted and grounded into your divinity. Take some time to sit and meditate with it. Even repeating,

I am rooted and grounded in my divinity.

Allow an awakening, opening, and blossoming to take place within your being. Without expectations, allow yourself to recognise, when you feel more stable, balanced, secure in your footing, in your presence and in your actions as well.

When the road ahead is rocky, it is within your being that you turn, not to isolate or to protect yourself, to strengthen your connection with the Creator and step forth securely, even when the ground is rocky.

My presence, my love is with you always.

I am Archangel Metatron.


Support PAO by purchasing one of our Galactic Activation webinars with Colleen and Miles OR one of Sheldan's dvds made into downloadable video files. Thank you for your loving support and generosity. ZaZuMa!

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Roots of Your Divinity - Archangel

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