
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Adama of Telos: Higher Chakra Upgrades


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Help Us Keep the PAO Ship Aloft

Throughout the last year, the PAO has been among scores of truth emissaries targeted for censorship by many social media and e-mail platforms. The unhappy result is that our newsletters now reach far fewer people, and Webinar attendance is in serious decline. It seems clear to us that the dark forces at work in the world today are bent on keeping truth reports from reaching you, our faithful listeners.

You often tell us that you thirst for the unique kind of information we provide. But now, delighted though we are to provide it, we need your help. More than ever in these stormy times, we are struggling to keep the PAO ship aloft. Colleen’s unwavering focus on caring for Sheldan leaves her little energy or time to devote to the quality programming that you, PAO’s loyal followers, so richly deserve.

Nonetheless, she and her team will never stop seeking out engaging and insightful Webinar guests who will invigorate you, mind and spirit. As a regular, you know that your chair is always ready!

Please spread the word: tell your friends about our monthly Live Activational Webinars.
The next one is on October 24 with special guest Jared Rand. Watch for it!

We deeply appreciate your purchase of PAO’s activational materials (Webinar archives, books, and downloadable dvds):

And please, donate whatever you can spare to our cause:

Peace and Blessings,

PAO Team


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

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We are in the midst of a modern-day, epochal shift. What is at stake is no less than humanity’s future.

Our world is at war. This time, its weapons are not bombs, but thoughts and words. All levels of society – continents, countries, communities, friends and families – are being split. In these times, truth is a many-headed Hydra: elusive at the best of times and, right now, downright confusing.

For a different, wider view, PAO turns again to Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith, whose messages and common-sense advice from the Pleiadians bring comfort, clarity and the Galactic perspective of humanity’s present and future.

This is one Webinar you won’t want to miss!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen's Mission
• The Great Split and How It Is Helping Evolution
• Why Humanity Is In Its Current Position
• Strengthening the Immune System
• Best Tactics for Keeping Our Vibration High
• Pleiadian Perspective on Humanity's Future

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-42 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Your Secret Chakra: The imagination Station

by Sonia Choquette

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Adama of Telos: Higher Chakra Upgrades

by Asara

My Source: GoldenAgeofGaia


We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

At this time, you are receiving a ten times more intensified energy upgrade to your higher chakras, as the Grand Shift for planet Earth is accelerating rapidly.

By higher chakras we are referring to the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra.

These chakras are receiving the new Divine Blueprint for the next level of Ascension and are designed to open your abilities to receive and give Divine Love, to speak your truth and express Divine concepts, to see beyond the veil into the higher realms, to interact with Beings of the Higher Realms and to receive Divine Guidance more clearly.

These are very important abilities to allow you to step forward into the higher dimensions.

Your chakras are calibrating and integrating these Divine Blueprints to equip you for the next crucial steps on your Ascension.

You might have noticed Ascension symptoms such as dizziness, fogginess, interrupted sleep and trouble staying focused.

That is all part of your physical body adjusting to these upgrades.

Instead of pushing against them, simply take a few deep breaths, slow things down, rest if you can and as always: drink lots of water.

Embrace what your Higher Self is orchestrating for you in order to move upwards.

Keep holding the vision for The Divine New Earth.

Remain in harmony as much as you can.

Refrain from any judgement, opinions or gossip.

Eat and drink only high vibrational food and water.

Meditate and be in the present moment.

We champion your victory in the Light!

Welcome Home!

We send you all so much love…

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos.”



by Judith Kusel


We cannot create the New on the structures the beliefs, the knowledge, the forms of the Old 3D.

The Old is disintegrating, to make way for the new.

Unless you allow yourself, all you ever knew or thought yourself to be, to dissolve, you cannot be transfigured into the new.

The transfiguration process is never comfortable, and often it will be as if we are cocooned in darkness, the not knowing, the not seeing….

Yet then we are in truth held within the womb of the Mother. The seed we are, is gestating, transforming, transfiguring.

Then, suddenly the light breaks through as we move through the birthing channel. We shed the cocoon, we are now lifted beyond into a totally new existance, cocreating, as new, in a much higher form and existence, vibrational frequency band.

Thus stepping fully into the unknown, yet our soul knows, as it embraces its full Divinity.

It knows only pure love and now is living it, creating with and in it.

It knows Oneness and Unity, for it is Atone within itself.

With every single step into the unknown, revelation comes, and with each revelation the truth is lived, from the heart and soul and all of ones Being.

Such is life in the New Earth in the here and now.

Judith Kusel


Evolve Your Brain 101

by Joe Dispenza, DC

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