
Sunday, August 15, 2021

Seeding of the Earth Taking


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for August


Join Colleen and Miles for a lively question-and-answer discussion.

By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.

Just in time, Celestine Star returns for a dynamic Webinar that will alert, enlighten and inspire us all.

Bearing witness to the chaos of our present society, Celestine gives us the information we need to empower the next, arduous phase of our
activational journey. In guiding us through the steps in the struggle to come, she reminds us of our divine galactic purpose, to assist humanity’s global awakening.


And, in her capacity as galactic healer, Celestine offers an emotionally supportive
hand of strength and courage to lift us all above, and beyond, these troubling times.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Celestine's Mission
• The Galactic Earth Council
Reintegration of Earth Kin and Star Kin
• How Humanity Is Now Being Tested Against the "Feather Of Truth"
A Choice between Frequencies of Love and Frequencies of Fear
• Celestial Activation
Re-awakening your Divine Galactic Purpose and your Galactic Star Origins
• Activating Grid Lines
Neutralizing Harmful Technology
• “Galactic Science” of “Time and Space”
Our Milky Way and the Future of Humanity on Earth

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording

Sunday, August 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday August 22, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Seeding of the Earth Taking Place

by Jenny Schiltz on GoldenAgeofGaia


I received this message today while assisting the Aura Cleanse participants, and knew that it needed to be shared. My team brought to my attention a genetic seeding/activation that is taking place right now.

This seeding is taking place through the Perseid Meteor Shower taking place now until August 23rd. You can look up when it is most likely to be seen in your area. Here is the information that was shared:

“What must be understood about this meteor shower is that it contains valuable genetic coding and information that has the potential to turn on dormant, often misunderstood DNA. I say potential because not all on Earth are accepting of these activations and not all can be upgraded due to their form.

I replied, “Many will worry that advanced age or declining health will keep them from upgrading.”

“No, what keeps one from being able to physically accept such advanced coding is the amount of light in which one holds. Light is information on one hand and vitality on another. When one holds little vitality, they are unable to access the full potential that is available to them now. Many on your planet are having issues with their form and advanced age yet hold great vitality.

The teams of guides and guardians that assist on Earth have been urging their incarnates to breathe more and deeply. To allow the breath to open their energy channels and allow the spectrum of light, chi, prana, or whatever word suits into their form. The more light one holds, the more they’re able to utilize all that the cosmos is offering at this time.

This particular meteor shower happens every year which often causes it to be overlooked and not seen as a rare phenomenon, however, that is because most lack the understanding of the potential in which is held in each transmission that reaches your atmosphere.

We use the word transmission deliberately because these are not simply pieces of rock from what you know as outer space coming into your world, they are transmissions that are designed to seed the ascending population.

Those on the ascending path are busy remembering who they are in their entirety The genetic coding within the meteor shower will assist with this. It will assist with the coalescing of what has been incorrectly determined to be junk DNA and with the unbraiding of what is present. It is said that your junk DNA contains no coding, no instructions, we say that they have simply not been activated yet.


Your DNA contains it all, it is your Akash, but not only of life on this version of Earth but all of your galactic lives. It contains the deep truths that you are searching for. As one clears their density, programming, and limitations they bring light into their DNA that builds bridges to what was once scattered.

(I was given an image of a beautiful stone temple being destroyed, completely plundered. Then as it was put back together bit by bit so too was the wisdom and knowledge that was held in its walls. We are that temple.)

While this particular meteor shower has been active for a few weeks now, it has recently been seeded with even greater potentials made possible by the leaps made through Lionsgate.

All are working in tandem to assist the ascending beings. We say beings as it is not just the human going through this process. The stargates, planet alignments, Schumann resonance, and the light-encoded plasma injections from the sun and the meteor showers are all working to help all rise in vibration and evolutionary status.

What we ask of the ascending human is to consciously connect to the information (light) and activation sequences that are coming in.


Think of it like a rainstorm. You may choose to stay inside and not get wet, to not actively participate in the rain. Yet all outside, plants, animals, and insects were actively affected and yes, this too changes your world. Yet imagine what it could be if you too had played in the rain.

We are not suggesting that you play the rain unless this brings you joy, but we are suggesting that you get outside and intentionally connect with the activations that are streaming into your planet. For these are unlike any received before. Connect with your night sky, the stars, and the cosmos. Bring the frequency of awe, gratitude, and receiving into your heart and allow what is meant for you to be yours.

It matters not if you can physically see the meteor shower from your place in the world. What matters is the intention and the decision to actively connect and receive. In your mind’s eye, you can perceive the information that is coming forth. (I saw a burst of light coming forth, much like fireworks). Allow it to activate within you, to build bridges from who you know yourself to be now and who you are becoming.

Thank you to all that support and share this work. It really means the world. I hope that you are feeling the massive shift and surfing the waves. If you would like to join the 2x weekly Aura Cleansing, healing, and energizing, along with an energy write up to help you navigate the intense energies, [go to]


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By Judith Kusel


During this time it is crucial to take full responsibility for your own soul, own life and own creation.

Your free will and choice is predominant here, no matter what anyone may tell you contrary.

You are a sovereign soul.

You stand in your power as a master soul, you in truth are. Embrace your Divinity.

No one can tell you how to live your life, what to do and not to do nor influence you in any form and way, unless you allow them too.

You are not responsible for anyone else, nor for the way they are choosing to live their lives, whether awake, aware or asleep. They have free will and choice too and they need to take responsibilty for their own choices.

If they wish to stay stuck in the Old Earth that is their responsibility, not yours.

Every soul is unique and has its own soul lessons to master, as have you. Thus allow them their own journey, their own pace, their own choices, with love and blessings

If you choose to ascend then know that all great lessons in soul mastery, lie in the crucial ability to walk alone if need be, and to keep focussed on the highest loving service and living one’s highest soul calling and truth, with great love and devotion no matter what comes.

One is indeed walking in the company of heavens, as a Cosmic Soul, the Universal Soul, you in truth are, not earthly bound, as you indeed embrace all within you, even when still walking on earth, yet co-creating the New Golden Age in the New Earth.

You are anchoring it in.

You are everything, and everyone and All-That-Is!

During this immense time of transition, you will find yourself challenged in this regard, yet at very same time you are always supported and always are being carried through, with every single step you take into the unknown.

We are stepping now totally out of the known, into the unknown.

Yet there lies the immensity of indeed having transcended or rather outgrown the old humanity, all which has been before and the old Earth and now reborn into the totally new, and as yet, unexplored, unknown, with a sense of adventure, curiosity, awe and wonder, inspired from deep within, and filled with the fullness of the Divinity which abides within you.

And the infinite Power of Love.

Judith Kusel

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