
Tuesday, August 31, 2021



Together We Call on the Ocean of Grace of Our Almighty Father*Mother God*dess Perpetually Activating It Now.
We start by bringing in The Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Radiant Health or any Qualities we choose to Enliven.
As We Flood Mother Earth withe Almighty's Grace It has many Magical Effects Fulfilling the Divine's Plan.
Pray, Meditate, Visualize, Imagine in the Vastness of Our Birthright in it'sweetness Enriching Oureality.
We call It in Anytime we wish to, for whatevereason Past, Present or Futureffecting The Now & Then.
As We Share this Wisdom we are becoming an Almighty Army of Divine Grace for All Enlivened.
Breath the Grace into Every Cell & See It Enriching the World especially where it is most needed.
This daily endeavor increases the Vibrations & smooths outhe Changes dissolving any obstacle.
Close your eyes & Feel the Grace Now Filling You & moving ever thru you & staying with you.

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