
Friday, August 27, 2021

Direct Connection


For those interested in answering lingering questions or handling moods or problems, etc.
Weachave a Point of Light on our bodies that connects us directly with Our Higher Self.
To Activate this connection & receive input, knowledge, we need to close our eyes & focus on Self.
You may feel a tingling or warmth on your body as you enliven this connection or a subtle shift.
This may be done at any time, perferably after meditation or a quietime while in the Odyssey.
Self will speak to you in 'various ways' while you hold your attention easily on this point.
Whatever your hearing, seeing, listening to, can be interpreted as info from your inner self.
Daily activities will give you Inner Answers, radio, Tv, Internet, normal conversations, etc.
Put some time & attention on this technique when you seek insights or help of any kind.
As we prepare for internet outages you'll have a Direct Connection foreal Answers.
When I firstried this it was fascinating how conversations or Tv connected me to Self.
We are On All Dimensions, Planes of Creation, Relative, Absolute & the Great Beyond.
Our Attention can Open Us to any Realm, as we look ever deeper into the nature of That.

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