
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

There Is Life On Mars – And On The Moon Too…


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All eyes are on America. Let's hear what Laura Eisenhower sees for America and the world's future...

RECEIVE YOUR Galactic Activation for JULY ~~


By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.

PAO had such positive feedback from Laura’s previous visits that we just had to invite her back again!

Great-granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Laura’s heart instincts and life calling have always been to protect and restore this planet and its Ascension timeline. In light of the deepening crises that right now envelop our world, she returns, armed with sound knowledge of the cyber ops that control and threaten to destroy Earth, and mastery of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical arts that can heal both Gaia and humanity.

If information is power, then it is also healing, for it energizes us to go out and find solutions to our life’s ills. Laura’s words and ideas will ignite our vital spark, inspiring us to link our spirits, rekindling the flame of our frequencies to even greater heights.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Laura's Mission
• All Eyes are On America
Events Leading Up to Disclosure of the False Narrative
• Remembering our Galactic heritage
On the Alert for a Possible Cosmic Hoax
• New Technologies
Timeline for Release of Suppressed Healing, Energy and Environmental Technologies
• Ascension
Preparing for More Frequency Upgrades
• An Astrological View of Our Current World
How Astrology Affects Our Future

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, July 25, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, July 25, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


I received advance peek at one of PAO's long-time members' new song...Enjoy

Through the Magic of the Light

By Howard Richman

Note from Howard: I wrote a new song with my new friend, Edlaina Selman, "Through the Magic of the Light." My wife, Cherie Valaray is singing. Hopefully a positive message for these difficult times. Let's hold the thought that things are soon lifting and becoming better and better.

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There Is Life On Mars – And On The Moon Too…

Source: Michael Feeley


There is life on Mars (And on the Moon too)
In 2021 there are still those, especially in the public eye, that tell us that humans are the only existence in a seemingly endless universe.

A universe that has billions of stars, a multitude of planets and planetary systems that like us are formed by sacred geometry.

How can people entertain such narrow minded thoughts?

There is clearly a higher force communicating and we can see this with the famous monuments and monoliths of the world and we can see it when we look deeper into mathematics.

Did you know that within the longitude and latitude grid vectors of the Face on Mars it contains the grid vector co-ordinates of Stonehenge?

Did you know that the Pyramids of Egypt give you the grid reference of the Cydonian city on Mars in the same way? A kind of cosmic satnav that enables coordinated mathematical travel. And this is true of monument after monument around earth…

Did you know that when you place a map of the Cydonian city on Mars over Avebury in Wiltshire, UK, the location of Stonehenge, it is an exact map overlay?

And did you know that the largest mound in Europe, the ‘Altar of Witness’ in Silbury Hill, matches exactly the mound in the Cydonian city on Mars?

What is also interesting is that the famous monuments of Earth pertain to a planetary system and its planetary orbit. Silbury represents both Mars and Earth, clearly showing that there is a connection between these two places.

Mars also has five sided pyramids, the pentagram, which is referring to ‘Realized man’ and a sixth sense, pure consciousness and takes us into the consciousness level of humanity.

Did you know that on one of the Moons of Mars, Phobos (Mars 1) there is an obelisk and that there are 6 obelisks called the ‘Lunar Abaka’ on the Moon that correspond to the three main pyramids of Giza in Egypt?

This is relevant as the obelisk is the symbol of the Egyptian God Osiris (Mars Mapped Giza In Egypt)…

For those who can see beyond the veil it is obvious that there is either numerous civilizations able to travel between the planets or there is one civilization traveling back and forth.
Either way there is a clear connection between Mars, the Moon and Earth.

I will in a subsequent article write about the likes of Stonehenge and the Pyramids around the world being a portal opening gateway to the stars and planets.

But that is for another time!


The Presence of Mary Magdalene on the Earth and the Story of Sacred Union

Posted by Celia Fenn


Mary Magdalene by Denise Daffara

It was Mary Magdalene who carried the energy and the teachings of the Christ Consciousness into Western Europe through France.

When Mary Magdalene settled in France, she began the work of holding the Christ Light through her presence as part of the Christed “Twin Flame” energy, as well as sharing the energy of the message of the teachings of the Christ Consciousness.
This basic message was Peace, Abundance and Unconditional Love, and the knowledge that a time would come when the Earth would be filled with a species of Humans who would carry the Christ Consciousness and who would manifest the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony. In order to share the energy and the teachings, Mary Magdalene travelled extensively and worked as a Teacher and a Leader. The heritage of Feminine Spiritual Leadership and Divine Beauty that was her energy still lingers in the tradition of “Amour courtoisie” and the heritage of the Troubadours, musicians and poets who celebrated the joys of courtly love and the radiant beauty of the Lady.

Of course, after the Catholic crusades and the inquisition, very little remained of this heritage, and the energies of “courtly love” and the stories of the “Holy Grail” are poorly received and understood by scholars today. In its most simple form, this is the essence of what Mary Magdalene brought to France.

She taught her understanding of the Sacred or Twin Flame Union as a model for Sacred Union. She knew that this form of "Spiritual Marriage", based on the Service of the Light, would become a pattern or Template for relationship and union in the coming Golden Age, or as we would term it, the "New Earth".

She also taught that the human body itself was the “Holy Grail”, the vessel or container of the Soul and Spirit and the Divine Essence of God. When the Consciousness within the Sacred Vessel of Matter was of a sufficiently high vibration, then that Matter would be transmuted into Angelic Light and the Human Being would become a Human Angel. The Human Angel would have an aura or energetic body of Golden Light, they would indeed become the Golden Chalice or "Holy Grail".

In her teachings, every human was capable of raising consciousness to the level where this Angelic transmutation would be possible. But, she knew that it would take time for this vibrational frequency to enter into the Collective Consciousness, and for Humans to evolve sufficiently to be able to hold this Golden Light of Divine Consciousness within the Human Chalice. In fact, it would take two thousand years before there would be enough humans to populate the Planet, and that these humans would have developed sufficiently to be able to create a way of becoming a single Planetary Heart and Mind, so that the entire Planet could be lifted into the Golden Light and that the Planet herself could become a Grail of Golden Light.

Mary Magdalene knew there would be energies and forces that would work against the new evolution of Consciousness, but she knew too that her teachings and her energy would survive in this place, and that they would be carried out into the New World when the time came for humans to migrate across the Oceans from Western Europe and to discover the “family” of Humanity in the Indigenous Peoples of the Planet who still held the Sacred Earth teachings. She knew that when the time was right, these Sacred Earth teachings would be shared with the peoples of the West, and that this would help them to raise their consciousness and to learn how to become caretakers for the Planet in this new Golden Age.

And so, as her legacy for this process of transformation, she left the teachings of the Twin Flame and Sacred Union. She knew that this would be needed at this time of Consciousness shift, for the Masculine energy that was needed to populate the Planet would have come to dominate to such an extent that it would be necessary to bring back the Feminine energy and to create the balance needed to create true "Sacred Union", and to implement the Golden Grid of Twin Flame Union that would hold the Geometrical Pattern or Template for the Golden Energy of Twin Flame Love. But, as a Wise Woman, Mary Magdalene also knew the importance of working with the Elemental energies and respecting the energies of Nature.

The “Christ Consciousness” as taught by Mary Magdalene is seated in the Heart. It is the Heart that carries the Higher Frequencies of Love and Joy and Peace, and it is only by opening the Heart that we can achieve the Consciousness of the Grail within ourselves and then be ready to share that with others.

Celia Fenn/ June 2021

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