
Sunday, July 11, 2021







A. Diaz ♡


The whole Gesara / Nesara plan is already implemented with a lot of caution. this financial plan will be the release plan; the plan that will allow each of you to have food on the table; abundant food, healthy food; that you will all have a roof to protect you; that you all will have a job, walk the path of your soul ..

This financial process is aimed at destroying the immense fortunes of those who took from you for centuries, even millennia.

The system is quantum and maneuvered and maintained by the Light.

Understand the following: it will not be your government, who will determine how much each one will receive, that is already defined.

It will not be your government to make one easier and withdraw from the other. The work of mapping all bank accounts has been done for a long time.

Then we know exactly who everyone is who will receive something from this project.

Many may think there's a judgement on how much each one will receive.

This could never be equal, because if it were, those who stole from you eternally would also receive it.

And sure, these are all off the swap.

The new currency will not represent any of the existing coins today.

Then it's useless that one coin is worth more than the other, because that is not considered, when sharing. Everything is being done in a thoughtful and extremely silent way.

We can't say that every leader in every country would agree with this, because for many, just having power, having a lot of money helps wars and superiority.

This is all over. There will be no more wars on the planet; all weapons were unarmed. So there is nothing, as a result of any attempt by no light to spark a war, nothing will happen; guns are gone.

When it's said here, you just have to trust. I'll repeat it again: don't worry about what's going to happen, because everyone will receive what's convenient for them, according to their journey. We are being very fair.

When will everything happen and come to you

We cannot affirm or place dates; it all depends on system implementation worldwide, worldwide.

Nations will receive their rightful and stolen from them for so long, so they can rise up, so they can take direction in their economies. Not affected by debt to other countries; this will end.

Each country will be able to sustain itself according to its financial flow.

Some things are necessary in this whole process. It's not just about countries making a huge sum of money or debt relief - and that ends there. Of course not; there will be much related to this whole process.

📣 Cleaning will begin. 📣

Many industries that today keep in total control will be eliminated.

Slowly, everything that hurts the planet and what it produces is for slavery, all these companies will be destroyed.

This is just part of what will happen. I can affirm here and now that implementation is underway. When it will end, we do not know; because everything depends, as always, on the attitude of Governors, their leaders.

All countries will be involved, but rest assured that there are many who are not accepting. So this certainly slows down the whole process.

No one will be left out, deployment will be all over the planet. So how are some countries not coming in?

Everyone has to accept.

You can ask: ′′ And if the leader doesn't allow it, will it happen Rest assured that the project will be implemented. No point in saying how, just saying it will be implemented.

You must trust, that we would not do, such a project of financial equalization of the planet, to leave it in the hands of those who have always manipulated you. So right now, you just have to wait and trust.

You will all receive, one more, another less according to each other's walk. ′′ Everyone will receive?" The ′′ All ′′ I am referring to, is in relation to all those who deserve to receive; all those who have always been harmed over time and have been forced to live miserable, hungry and without lives home.

It won't be a given value, because there's simply no exchange. The work continues. Many will be relocated to new industries to emerge. Think: The world will keep turning, the planet will continue to produce. You still need food. So many things will continue.

Rest assured that everything that damages the planet, polluter, or damages your bodies, will be destroyed; it won't exist. Therefore, many things will have to happen differently.

Many industries will emerge; sustainable industries and for the purpose of the good of humanity. Then everyone will have a job; everyone will work on what they know how to do.

Those who have no skills, who do a little bit of everything, will train and work where the process gives them pleasure.

Everyone will enjoy what they do as this is a new world. There is no sense of rebellion; it cannot exist. Then the jobs will be fully accepted, by those who work and everyone will work happy, because they will know they are acting for the whole and they will all do it with love. That's how it has to be and it will be.

Always prepare today; stay ready today. And you'll see long before the event. Caution is the best way to implement anything. Despair for everything to happen leads to chaos. We don't sit still, we act consistently all over the planet.

Y ' all don't know, because your media insist on not spreading. For what? To remove the focus of their power, because you are attentive to everything they say; so this way they maneuver you. So if you start saying that the Light is acting, it's changing everything on the planet, it's categorically admitting that they're losing power and never will.

I will be the driver of the new world. The Violet Light of transmutation, will act intensely transmuting everything; everything that doesn't suit, in Love and Light. And all of you will have the Violet Light in your bodies, to help each of you, to stay balanced, in the new dimension.

We don't sit still. Everything moves. And don't expect to hear from your media. Whoever wants to know something, look.

He has reliable sources, reporting everything that happens.

Stay informed and wait. Liberation is very close.

We can't just uplift you and the world. And where will you live? You'll have to be used to living in a new environment, in a new paradigm. Where in every moment, every day, you can say:

We are all one!

I AM SAINT GERMAIN! And I'm always available, to whoever wants to transmute, everything that bothers you, in Love and Light.

Elizabeth Garcia Garcia Garcia

Points of Light

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