
Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding


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Greetings from Galactic Heart ~ ~

Today was scheduled for our June 2021 webinar featuring Laura Eisenhower. As you know, we cancelled June and rescheduled Laura for July 25, 2021. Hope you all can join us, so much happening on planet Earth.

I am experiencing withdrawal symptoms. I'm missing connecting with all of you today. When you read this message, take a moment to connect and ignite with your Heart's Love the tapestry of Light we create every webinar month around our beloved Gaia. Shine your Lights bright as you send peaceful, loving energy to the Light grid. Truly, Together we are Victorious!

In deep eternal Love,
I AM Colleen


NOTE: June's webinar has been postponed until July 25

Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for JULY

Join Colleen and Miles for a lively question-and-answer discussion.


By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.

PAO had such positive feedback from Laura’s previous visits that we just had to invite her back again!

Great-granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Laura’s heart instincts and life calling have always been to protect and restore this planet and its Ascension timeline. In light of the deepening crises that right now envelop our world, she returns, armed with sound knowledge of the cyber ops that control and threaten to destroy Earth, and mastery of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical arts that can heal both Gaia and humanity.

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, July 25, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, July 25, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding

Source: Earthing

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Your Inner Worth by Archangel Metatron

Source: Natalie Glasson ~ OmNa Sacred School

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