
Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Miracles...Lonliness...Gratitude...Solar Eclipse


PAO Updates Mad Mimi 1

Galactic Webinar with JARED RAND is jam-packed...

He was great as always with great information and certainly answered all my questions. He's one of my favorites. GP

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If you were unable to register for PAO’s LIve Galactic Activation Webinar, hosted by Colleen and Miles, on Sunday, May 23, it is now
available for downloading.

Spring is here and Jared Rand is back, bringing the latest on his
Celestial Chambers, along with his usual laser focus and positivity
to the tangle of issues besetting our present world.

Well-known and trusted for his popular daily Global Guided Meditation, Jared returns with straight and compassionate talk on how we, the silent majority, can rise above these current, dark days to reclaim our personal and spiritual sovereignty. Sunnier tomorrows await us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared's Mission
• The Deep State Global Agenda
The Power of the Silent Majority
• Reclaiming Our Personal Sovereignty
Ways to Consistently Celebrate Our Joy
Activating Abundance and Prosperity
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• Global Awakening
Revisiting and Updating Our Timelines

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-39 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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A Moving Story About Gratitude

Source: Meir Kay

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Donate 11 PAO

This one spoke to me..Miracles


By Matt Kahn

Source: GoldenAgeofGaia


Someone needs to hear this. Just channeled from the Universe:

In your darkest hour, always remember, equal to the climate of uncertainty, where lots of unknown and even scary possibilities may linger, there is an equally fertile environment where unexpected and unexplainable miracles can enter.

You just have to be open to the fate of all possibilities, including the most miraculous options that you don’t have to envision, know about, or even spend time trying to believe.

Even when already open to the realm of miraculous possibility, perhaps the next step is remaining unattached to when or how miracles occur, while knowing this level of surrender is more than enough — no matter how inconsequential of a contribution it seems to be.

Perhaps, one of the greatest miracles of all, is stopping for one moment to realize you are already in the process of surviving the very circumstances you don’t know how you’ll get through — always occurring in whatever way ensures the arrival of the highest version of you.

All For Love,



Allow loneliness to be a friend.

May it be welcomed into your heart, just like each and every feeling.

Each time the pain of loneliness arises, may it be thanked for trusting you with the doubts, fears, and regrets it has been embarrassed to share.

Dare to hold loneliness in your arms.

Aspire to be its’ space of safety, not someone burdened or harmed by it.

Breathe with it.

Ask to know its name and the journey that brought it into being.

Be its faithful listener and companion.

Take your time.

Give it permission to be a valued part of your life, no matter how much you wish different feelings or circumstances were in play.

In doing so, the door of protection once guarding your heart will have permission to open.

May these words help you remember how all parts are to be welcomed, just as they are, with nothing but love remaining — no matter the unexpected visitors who come and go.

This is the heart of emotional freedom.

All For Love,



by Meg Benedicte


In just a few hours we will experience the powerful ‘Ring of Fire’ New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 ° Gemini at 08:12 UTC. We are preparing to leap beyond the known, across the eclipse threshold, into a cycle of new beginnings. The tension is building, like a slingshot, propelling us into higher consciousness.

Mercury in Gemini joins the Eclipse, in retrograde, enhancing greater clarity of mind and sudden insights. During Mercury Rx we can clear the mind of limiting, debilitating mental constructs, core beliefs and phobias. Let’s wipe the slate clean, erase the mental glitches impairing Higher Self communication. A Solar Eclipse in an air sign expands the etheric neural network to higher brain centers of knowledge.

The Solar Eclipse illuminates the path of enlightenment, the journey of deeper Soul connection. As we travel the path of healing, transmuting our deepest held grief and fears, we enter the phase of becoming Light, beaming Light, radiating Light. We are entering the space of superradiance. We are becoming the Enlightened Hu!

The north node Solar Eclipse emphasizes Soul destiny and actualization. This eclipse signifies personal power…how you fuel power, how you use power and how you manage your power. As we disentangle from the enslavement matrix, we are learning how to handle personal power with care and conscious intention. We are learning how to be integrous in every thought, spoken word and action. We are learning how to ‘live as Light’ with integrity!

Join other Light Bearers, Gridworkers, and Star Beings from all around the world for the Solar Eclipse Global Activations on Thursday, June 10 at 12:00pm Pacific Time. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:

Lovingly, Meg

Solar Eclipse Global Activations

Join Meg Benedicte and Manette Mays with Light Bearers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world for the Solar Eclipse Global Activations on Thursday, June 10th at 12:00pm Pacific Daylights Time. All Activations are recorded and available for Replay at the Event URL.

The second eclipse is an annular Solar Eclipse at 19 ° Gemini, on Thursday, June 10th. The Gemini Solar Eclipse emphasizes intellectual inquisition, mental manipulation, and conscious choices. Under the Solar Eclipse influence, we are undoing ancestral prejudices, systemic racism, and rigid biases. Rapid change is shifting our methods of communication (Gemini)) and interest in learning new ways of living.




Copyright (c) 2021 Meg Benedicte All Rights Reserved You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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