
Tuesday, June 15, 2021



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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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A few weeks ago I was enjoying a Friday lunch with two of my Galactic Sisters, Saba and Andrea.

Saba brought some music from her African country, Eritrea, and demonstrated her native dance. We had so much fun, Andrea decided to invite friends over for a night of African dance. It was exhilarating. Lots of bouncing and shoulder action. You want to raise your vibration? DANCE. Dance always lifts my spirits.

My friend, Saba, is amazing. She came to the United States when she was only 16. She came from a war-torn country where she witnessed many people tortured and killed. She had to overcome many obstacles. She persevered. Her desire to heal herself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually into wholeness is her focus.

One of the amazing things about my friend, Saba, is her generous heart. She is on a fixed income and yet she finds money to go to thrift shops and flea markets to buy blankets, socks, hats, sweaters to give to the homeless. One day she opened her trunk and it was filled with sweaters and blankets and little baggies with sample toiletries. Saba, you are an Angel to all you encounter.

While we are waiting for prosperity to flow, Saba thought, "What can I do today to help the poor?" That's when she decided to provide comfort items for the homeless. Her heart expands in Joy every time she gifts the homeless and sees how much her gestures mean to an otherwise down-trodden populace. She is an example of how "service to others" raises your vibration. We call Saba ~~ Saba Daba Doo and this makes her laugh.

So Saba Daba Doo, thank you for shining your Light so Bright! I love YOU!.

Selamat Ja!

Sample of Saba's music and dance:




Join Colleen and Miles for a lively question-and-answer discussion.

By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.

PAO had such positive feedback from Laura’s previous visits that we just had to invite her back again!

Great-granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Laura’s heart instincts and life calling have always been to protect and restore this planet and its Ascension timeline. In light of the deepening crises that right now envelop our world, she returns, armed with sound knowledge of the cyber ops that control and threaten to destroy Earth, and mastery of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical arts that can heal both Gaia and humanity.


If information is power, then it is also healing, for it energizes us to go out and find solutions to our life’s ills. Laura’s words and ideas will ignite our vital spark, inspiring us to link our spirits, rekindling the flame of our frequencies to even greater heights.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Laura's Mission
• All Eyes are On America
Events Leading Up to Disclosure of the False Narrative
• Remembering our Galactic heritage
On the Alert for a Possible Cosmic Hoax
• New Technologies
Timeline for Release of Suppressed Healing, Energy and Environmental Technologies
• Ascension
Preparing for More Frequency Upgrades
• An Astrological View of Our Current World
How Astrology Affects Our Future

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, June 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, June 27, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


The New Divine Feminine

Source: Talyaa ~ Wild Goddess Life


Women Helped Birth Our World

Once, women were honored as strong, beautiful, creative, sensual beings. In those ancient times, we humans were keenly attuned to the heartbeat of the planet. Life was lived on the edge. Our survival as a species depended on our ability to live in harmony with the world.

The feminine aspect of life was necessary for our very survival, and the sacred feminine was honored by ancients around the world as bringer of life, growth, decline, death and rebirth. Woman was life itself. The power of women in those ancient times was undeniable — without women, we humans would not be here now.

The world changed. We grew apart from the primal rhythms native to us and we abandoned our old ways to explore human life through a masculine-centric lens of action and movement. Gifts inherent to women were lost or set aside. Gifts of the masculine — focus, action, physical strength — were revered and made central. The balance shifted.

A New Age Of Woman

Now we have plunged into another great shift — this one even greater. 2012 marked the beginning of a 26,000 year cycle as the sun marches its way back through the signs of the zodiac. This cycle, also called the Great Year or Axial Precession, is a gradual shift in the earth’s rotation on its axis — much like shifts in the rotation of a spinning top.

Why is this significant? Because a new cycle has begun. The Aquarian Age. Old ways are ending.

The planet has been getting ready for this change for a long time now and things will continue to change for a long time to come, but we’ve passed humanity’s tipping point into a new age. New ways to interact. New ways to be. New ways to express. This is the dawn of the next great Divine Feminine.

What Is The New Divine Feminine?

No woman is ordinary. We are each a unique expression of the feminine. Each one of us, male and female, carries within our psyche both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetype energies. From these archetypal energies come all our conscious thoughts, plans, desires, goals and agendas. These energies intertwine and cooperate to produce a uniquely personal expression and experience of life.

The New Divine Feminine is modern woman’s way of connecting to ancient ways of being a woman. When we embrace the energies of the New Divine Feminine, we:

Honor our role as nurturers and collaborators.
Reclaim sensual innocence.
Explore sacred mysteries in a feminine context
Connect with kindred spirits who are awakening their radiant aliveness
Harness our creative energy.
Release shame-based belief systems and their limitations.
* Step into courage by speaking from our hearts.

How Do We Access The New Divine Feminine?

That time is changing, not to create a world of inequality, but to express balance, hope, wisdom, and the unique gifts that both men and women share with one another and with the world.

Women today tap into ancient feminine energy — making it their own — these ways:

Creation. Women are natural creators, the spark of life. By honoring this ability, women tap into the collective power of creation.

Blessing. Women easily bless others. By welcoming their role as sisters and co-creators of the future, women bless themselves and one another, encouraging ever-increasing numbers to welcome feminine energy in themselves.

Collaborate. In coming together as sisters giving blessings, women share their energy and heart.

Intuition. Every woman possesses the gift of inner knowing. When women tap into their deep trusting power, they see clearly and far.

Sensuality. Women are keepers of the sensual world. They are beauty incarnate, and appreciate the beauty in their lives.
Wisdom. Women give wise council when they feel safe to share their views.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

Click here to register for YOUR GALACTIC ACTIVATION for June


Energetic Downloads ~ Also known as dimensional shifts

Source: Maureen St. Germain


There are three kinds of dimensional shifts – all dramatic. I will blog about each of them. Today – I’m going to tell you about energetic downloads the kind that can happen in the middle of the night. These are good transformations, that will help you evolve and shift. They will help you grow into the person you desire to be, and help transform the earth.

Knowing about them, will help you deal with the strangeness and accept it being a good thing. This year (2018), more than ever, you may be experiencing shifts and changes! You may have been awakened in the middle of the night, notice an energetic “download” that feels as if your body is vibrating or pulsating yet there is no movement!

Insomnia What’s Going on?

You are receiving an upgrade from outside sources as you have requested. These new energies help you adjust to the earth around you, and help you shift and be fifth dimensional easier. You might not even know what you have received, but you will feel better and better in the reality.

I have only observed benevolent shift. However, if you have any concern that it isn’t for your good, simply state, “I accept anything from beings of 100% God Light. Everything else must leave. Now."

This is a new transformative opportunity to acclimate to the new energies that are now transforming everyone and the planet. It’s as if the “sun is shining everywhere,” and everyone is benefitting. Yet, it’s not shining so brightly that it is painful, or destructive. Instead the energies are gently pulsating into your consciousness, physical bodies so that you can tolerate and accept the new energies that are already here on the planet!

Surround yourself with love. Surround your family and friends with love. Decide that you are in service, (you probably are,) to anyone and everyone who comes near to you.

If you have been disappointed in the past, or have had difficulty at this time of year, decide that you can be the solution – and from that point forward you have become a true beacon of love and light.

Never believe, that your individual changes cannot make a difference. Your presence in those situation will continue to bless and transform those around you.

I cherish you. I believe in you.

love, Maureen

Donate 11 PAO


Source: Lorie Ladd

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