
Saturday, May 1, 2021

WiNDUP: Award-winning animated short Message


Galactic Heart New Pink Banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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When I viewed this short animated film, "Windup", I knew I wanted to share it with you, our PAO community.

Have you noticed that time is either flying by or taking its sweet time. For the past couple years, time seemed to be flying by ~ never enough time. However, recently it seems to fluctuate between accelerating and slowing down to where I actually wondered what I was going to do with the extra time. I meditated on it and here's the message I received (journal notes):

Time is being unstructured. 3 and 4D experience time. Beyond we do not experience time the way that the lower dimensions do. This time differential can cause you to feel dizzy, confused or a feeling of lightheadedness which is why you have been wanting to eat more ~ to weigh yourself down. This is the time (lol) to get yourself accustomed to higher frequencies and the collapse of time as you currently experience it. As you become more adept at surfing time with your heart, you will easily access higher dimensions. Re-acquiant yourself with the natural flow of life all around you. All of life is evolving beyond the limitations of time.

I hope you found my message of value. Remember, Truly Together we are Victorious!

Selamat Ja!


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WiNDUP: Award-winning animated short film

from Unity

Watch the full-length film, WiNDUP, Unity's newest animated short. WiNDUP highlights the fragile nature of life, love, and what it means to never give up.

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Mail Attachment 2

Hopi -Messages from the Ancients


The Hopi people have inherited the wisdom of the Earth since ancient times. Hopi means "people of peace". From the words of Hopi elder Vernon Masayesva, we will consider the current crisis of the Earth and the future of the Earth.

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