
Monday, March 15, 2021

Yeshi: You are Olympic Lightworkers and Ashian: Melting


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MARK YOUR CALENDAR ~ Next Sunday get your Galactic Activation

Join Colleen and Miles for a lively question-and-answer discussion with Vidya Frazier.


By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.

As welcome as the approaching spring, Vidya Frazier returns as PAO’s guest this month to refresh our pandemic-exhausted minds and spirits.


Author, energy healer, and licensed transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya shares a wealth of holistic wisdom to smooth the spiritual tangle of these perplexing times.

Won’t you join us?

Subjects to be discussed:

• Vidya's Mission
• Our Quantum Leap into the Fifth Dimension has Begun
Handling the Chaos
• Ascension Symptoms: Physical, Mental and Emotional
Mastering the Challenges
• Covid-19 Confusion
Managing Rifts with Loved Ones
• Heightening Your Discernment Abilities
Ways to Raise and Sustain Your Vibration
• Ushering in a New and Better Earth
How We can Contribute to the Shift

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, March 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday March 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited...Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Two Messages ~ Yeshi: You are Olympic Lightworkers and Ashian: Melting the 3D

by Jennifer Crokaert

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My beloved brothers and sisters, so many of you are finding it a struggle to allow the present energies to pass through you. These energies are old, dense energies that were locked and blocked away from humanity’s consciousness, because the pain and trauma within them were too intense for humanity to feel. Now that pain and trauma is being released and ‘purged’ through the lightworkers.

You are all familiar with Olympians, elite athelets who train to surpass what ordinary athletes can do, and to definitely surpass the physical abilities of non-athletic humans!

They undergo gruelling training, endlessly practicing although no one sees them. All the public see is a brief moment, the result of countless years of preparation and training. The discomfort and pain they endure in their day-to-day work, combined with their determination and focus, could not be undertaken by just anyone. They are elite athletes

You are Olympic Lightworkers. You work tirelessly – day and night – shining your light, allowing energies of pain and suffering to flow through you so that they may be transmuted and released, for the highest good of all.

This grueling expansion of self is beyond what most of humanity is able to do at present. You are the elite; you are in service to the Divine and to humanity. What makes you even more remarkable is that you are not seeking any glory for yourself, but to be of service.

Yes, as humanity wakes up, they will help; but they will be in need of coaches and mentors to assist them, to show them how to help humanity with compassion for themselves as well as others. You are in training to pass the baton, to become the wise elders for the next generation of awakeners. You are the Olympic atheletes of today, the star coaches of tomorrow.

So when your life programme seems too much to bear, take a breather – I mean that literally! – stop and breath.

Your breath is your instrument of transcendence, breathing in is ‘inspiration’, meaning ‘taking in Spirit’. Let the load be shared, allow divine energy to move through you consciously with your breath.

You are not alone, you too have coaches – some visible, some transcendent – you are constantly being coached and mentored, for we recognise the enormous efforts you are making, the tremendous pressure your dedication can place on your body, your personal life, you work and your finances.

We are with you in every moment, as you shine like the Olympic stars that you are.

Ashian: Melting the 3D


You may consider the matrix of ‘reality’ to be like a spiral. Many of you are focusing on moving ‘up’ the spiral, from 3D/4D to 5D. Many of you are enduring moments of great intensity, where you feel tired, aching, grumpy, confused or fed up: or all of these at once!

Let me suggest to you, that you are creating the passage between the 3D/4D and the 5D. Let me also suggest that the 5D is here, right now, at the same time as the 3D/4D. They exist together. One is a cave, the other is the vast landscape in which the cave is located.

Imagine you are in a large box; you can stand and move, but you can’t see anything apart from what is inside the box and what is painted on the walls of the box.

Take a deep breath. In. Out.

And another. In. Out……..

And a final…. Innnnn……. Outtttt…….

Now, imagine that the walls of the box are almost shimmering, as if you can see through them. Gradually you see vast horizons, countryside, sky, sunshine… You have melted the box, you have expanded from 3D/4D to 5D.

Then the phone rings, and you are back into the world of doing, not being. The world of focus, not expansion.

5D exists in your now moment. It is around you, because it is inside you. Your mission is to find it, to live from that inner knowing, that expansive vibration: only then will you find the 5D in the world outside you.

Your breath transports you from the outside contraction to the internal expansion. What occurs inside, must be reflected outside.

The more you practice melting the illusion of the 3D/4D box outside you, the stronger your resonance in 5D becomes. Practice stopping and breathing… it immediately refocuses you on the internal, on the 5D. The more you practice, the deeper your experience becomes.

Then, you will begin to walk in both dimensions simultaneously, using the 5D to navigate and expand the 3D/4D. Soon the 5D is obvious to even those who have been sleeping and not noticed the transformation process that has been occurring all around them. They will recognise it as a feeling they experience when they are with you, or out in nature, a sense of deep expansion and possiblity, a familiar sense of home, of freedom, of anything is possible. That is the inner world resonating with the 5D potential that exists already, all around.

As often as you can in your day, take a deep breath.

Experiment with this process: stop, drop from your busy mind in to your deep awareness of this moment, imagine a box dissolving as you breath deeper and deeper. Know that you are anchoring the 5D, regardless of what is happening in the 3D/4D world.

This is Ascension and you are doing it.

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Controlling An Emotion VS Feeling An Emotion

by Lorie Ladd

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