
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Friday, December 4, 2020

The Rose of Awakening by Mother Mary


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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

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So Excited? Couldn't wait to tell you, Jared Rand will be our Webinar guest for December. Miles and I think he's perfect for the last month of 2020 as we welcome in 2021.

Jared tells us he is investigating a new technology. Sheldan and I are eager to learn more about it.

WOW! Monday's full moon and lunar eclipse was a doozy! So many people reported nausium, dizzy and brain fog on steroids, difficult walking. Did you also experience extreme ascension symptoms?

Enjoy your weekend. Here the leaves are so beautiful right now. They speak to my soul. I was driving down a tree-lined parkway and the trees gently waved in the breeze their royal colors of gold, yellow, browns, reds, oranges interspersed with green evergreen trees. So breath-taking. Mother Earth is awesome!

Hope to have you join us for this month's webinar. It will be available Sunday for registering. I couldn't wait to tell you the news that Jared will be joining us so be on the lookout for registration information. This is a month to shine our Lights bright!

Selamat Ja!



A few months ago, Colleen came across Sheldan's Galactic Federation ship DVDs. Having long given up hope of ever finding them, she was thrilled. At his peak when he created them, Sheldan worked particularly hard to record Galactic Federation Ships. Educated on a Sirian mothership and having spent time aboard some of these ships, Sheldan learned about galactic fleets in great detail and saw this DVD as a labor of love. He included so much information that, by the time he finished, the single disk he originally intended had become two!

Earlier this year we released Part 1. Your response was immediate and enthusiastic. Ever since, you have clamored for its sequel.


Now, we are overjoyed to present Galactic Federation Ships Part 2. With detailed descriptions of noble non-human ships and the heroic fleets of the Galactic Federation and the Anchara Alliance, plus a wee taste of relevant galactic history, you won’t be able to resist this second intriguing downloadable DVD!

If you missed Part 1, it is still available HERE.

Ships Part 2 Topics:

• How Federation ships have the power to affect our reality
• Differences between sentient & non-sentient ships
• What is Anchara?
• The Treaty of Anchara: why the Galactic wars ended
• What the Beings from the Anchara Alliance want from us
• Ships of the Anchara Alliance: Mintakan; Zeta Reticuli; Eridani; Altarian
• Message to people abducted by the Greys
• Differences between Sirian Defense ships and Anchara Alliance Defense Ships
• Differences between Galactic Federation and Anchara Alliance ships

Each DVD only $19.95 U.S. Save 30%

To order your downloadable Galactic Federation Ship DVDs:Click Here


The Rose of Awakening by Mother Mary

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Sacred School of OmNa


Greetings beloved children of the light, I am Mother Mary. I hold the vibrations and frequencies of the Divine Mother and the Goddess energies which I distribute throughout the entire world, and the entire Universe of the Creator. I am more than a mother, I am an expression of the divine feminine, I have mastered the many levels of ascension. I understand the Universe of the Creator and can navigate through the Universe of the Creator and its multiple dimensions. I understand what it is like to exist on the Earth, to experience separation and limitations. To experience a disconnection with the Creator and to work through this to access what is truly yours. The energy, vibration, the wisdom, the presence of the Creator within, and then the joy that comes when you are able to live a life on the Earth that is filled with the Creator, as you express the Creator through your being.

Mother Mary’s Gift

The gift I wish to share with you today Is known as the Rose of Awakening. It is a rose, like you might find on the Earth. It is filled with the vibrations of the Universe of the Creator. It is something that I discovered through my journey throughout the Universe of the Creator, a Rose which extends from the cosmic level. It holds the vibration of love, freedom, and exploration, whichever form of exploration whether it is within or outside of yourself, discovering things a new or remembering the truth that is already present.

I invite you to sit with me, Mother Mary, imagine we are sitting together. There is a candle before us, between us, this candle holds the energy of the entire Universe of the Creator, it radiates its energy to create a bubble that surrounds us completely.

I hold within my hands the Rose of Awakening of cosmic vibration representing love, freedom, and exploration. I place the Rose above the flame, gradually it sinks into the very centre of the flame.

When you are ready, I invite you to create an intention through exploring my questions:

▪ What do you wish to awaken within your being?
▪ What do you wish to awaken within your reality?
▪ What do you wish to awaken within the world?

It is important to take time to contemplate my questions as your intention requires to be pure, accurate and precise.

If you can create an intention that is transformational, that touches every part of your being, that touches every part of your reality and touches every part of the world. How amazing that would be? It is possible, it would promote and manifest within your reality love, freedom, and exploration. When you embody love and freedom, you naturally discover all that is the Creator so you may wish to take time to contemplate your intention. Imagine that you have been waiting lifetimes to create this intention of awakening, it is an extremely important intention that encapsulates everything.

When you have created your intention, you can receive the Rose of Awakening from the flame. Place it within your heart chakra and take time to contemplate the Rose and to experience its energy radiating, to be aware of its influence, presence and the healing that begins to take place.

You can use the Rose of Awakening whenever you wish, you can use it multiple times. It is important to remember how sacred and powerful the Rose is with the cosmic vibrations of love, freedom, and discovery.
There is a need for you to allow time and space for the energy of awakening to truly integrate into your being and reality. You may begin to notice the presence of love emanating from your being, the presence of freedom integrating into your reality. You may experience that you are discovering so much more than you could possibly imagine. Take time to allow this process to fully integrate into your being. A part of the process is that you recognise the presence of love, freedom and discovery.

I am present, Mother Mary, to assist, to support, to encourage, to embrace you at all times. This is my simple gift to you in this time of ascension. In the presence of love and freedom allow yourself to awaken. Discover what is necessary for the next stages of your ascension, to be of service to yourself and to be of service to the world.
I love you unconditionally, and I thank you,

I am Mother Mary


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by Lee Harris

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