
Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Old System is Crumbling as We Speak!


The Old System is Crumbling as We Speak!
The LIGHT is Winning... and the Dark is BE-ing Seen!
We are currently undergoing a rapid Rebirth… a complete Metamorphic SHIFT within our Physical… Energetic… and Emotional bodies. All Birth is intense and there are No exceptions within this process.
At this Divine Juncture on our Earth… an Energetic Diversity is building more than ever before between the playing out of illusion and TRUTH.
The third-dimensional illusional drama is Explosive… and simultaneously the essence of the LIGHT is Expanding… growing daily as it continues to Anchor on our planet.
This Heralds in the time we have been waiting for as “The Big Shift” comes closer.
As we approach the frequency of the New Year… there will BE an Acceleration into this Shift. Waves of LIGHT will BE set in motion throughout the Earth plane.
And within these Vast emerging Waves of LIGHT Vibration… NEW Energetic forms will BE made Manifest on our planet.
These HIGHER Vibrational forms are BE-ing established to support and stabilize the Higher Order of Multidimensional Grids.
These Grids will Hold the Sacred Design for this time…
Radiating out and Anchoring the Activation of a Higher Electrical Frequency of LIGHT across our Earth plane to form an Active Network for Change.
We are All Evolving into HIGHER State of Consciousness right NOW!
So… We Stay in Integrity… We Stay in Love… We Stay in Trust… We Stay in Knowingness... and We Stay in Compassion!
With Sacred LOVE of ONE
Pars Kutay
~ 💜 ~
Photo: Doorway / Portal captured by Tammy Edmonds

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